Beet varieties: best for storage

Beet varieties: best for storage

Beets are one of the most popular crops among gardeners. She is loved for its unpretentiousness to growing conditions and easy care, as well as for its taste and useful properties. In order for bright and juicy fruits to please all winter, you need to know which varieties of beets are suitable for long-term storage.

The best varieties of beets for storage

Novice gardeners very often make the mistake of choosing early-maturing beet varieties. They want to get the harvest as soon as possible, but do not think about the fact that such beets are very poorly stored. For long-term preservation of fruits, varieties of medium and late ripening are suitable.

The duration of storage depends on the variety of beets.

Among the varieties of beets for long-term storage, they have proven themselves well:

  • Detroit is a mid-season beet that ripens in 100-110 days. It is planted in April and is resistant to cold and frost. The fruit grows round in shape, has a deep dark red color and does not form rings. Average yield – from 3 to 6 kg per 1 sq. m.
  • “Mulatto” also refers to a medium-ripening variety. This period lasts from 120 to 130 days. Seeds are sown in open ground in late April – early May. The mulatto is not afraid of high humidity. Root crops of this species are smooth and smooth maroon color. Productivity – 2,5-4,5 kg per 1 sq. m.
  • “Cylinder” is another popular mid-season species that matures in 4–4,5 months. Planting time is the second half of May. The variety has good resistance to major crop diseases. The fruits are elongated in the form of a cylinder, their length can reach up to 16 cm. The color is burgundy, the skin is thin. The fruit tastes sweet and juicy. Up to 10 kg can be collected from a square meter.
  • “Egyptian flat” – beets that ripen from 110 to 130 days. The culture is planted in early May. The fruits are quite large, round in shape and slightly flattened. The color of the variety is dark red, the pulp with a purple tint. The beets are tender and juicy to taste. Productivity – from 6 to 8 kg.
  • “Bordeaux” is a widespread species, it ripens in an average of 3 months. Seeds are sown in the second half of April. Root crops grow round, maroon in color. The pulp is dense and sugary. The average yield is up to 8 kg.

When buying seeds, it is important to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology, which are indicated on the back of the package. It is better to buy them in a trusted place.

How to store beets properly?

Choosing the right beet variety is not enough. You also need to know how to store it properly. The best place for the preservation of root crops is the cellar. Dry culture is placed on the bottom of the box, sprinkled with sand. There must be holes in the box.

If there is no cellar, you can store the culture on the balcony. With a strong drop in temperature, the fruits must be carefully covered.

With the right choice of variety, as well as following all storage recommendations, beets can lie until the next summer season. When choosing seeds, you should carefully study all the information about the variety provided by the manufacturer.

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