Beet tops

Today, beets are a plant that is distributed almost throughout our planet. The first mention of it is found in sources that date back to the XNUMXth century BC. The ancient Greeks endowed this plant with magical properties and used it to propitiate the god Apollo. Beetroot was also cultivated by the inhabitants of Kievan Rus, who valued it very highly.

However, oddly enough, our ancestors did not grow beets at all to obtain a root crop. They were interested in the leaves and shoots of this plant. They were considered its main edible part.

Leaves with petioles are known as tops. Their external variety is impressive – they are smooth and wavy, the shape can be either trihedral or resemble a heart. Petioles of beet leaves are quite long, very fleshy and juicy. The color range of beet tops is impressive – its shades range from all varieties of green with thin streaks of raspberry to maroon and purple.

Calorie and chemical composition

The chemical composition of the aerial part of the plant combines a complex of vitamins, as well as an impressive list of micro and macro elements.

So, beet tops can be considered an excellent source of vitamin C (6 mg per 100 g of product). This powerful antioxidant has the ability to increase the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria, making it more resistant to various diseases. In addition, vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which helps maintain healthy skin and hair, and is also responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels.

Also beet tops include vitamin K (400 mcg). It is responsible for blood clotting, and also “collaborates” with calcium and increases bone strength, helping to prevent the development of such a serious disease as osteoporosis. In addition, vitamin K prevents the onset and development of Alzheimer’s disease, since it does not allow brain neurons to collapse. At the same time, in 100 g of the aerial part of the beet, the content of this vitamin is more than three times higher than the recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin A present in the chemical composition of the product (21 mcg) effectively fights free radicals, is used to prevent heart disease, and is necessary to maintain the normal state of the oral mucosa.

In addition, beet leaves include the entire complex of vitamins B (B6 – 0,2 mg; B1 – 0,05 mg; B3 – 0,7 mg; B2 – 0,04 mg; B9 -18,6 mg), which affect the metabolic process in the cells of the body, contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, help to endure emotional and intellectual stress, maintain the skin and muscles in a healthy state.

In addition, the most valuable macro- and microelements are present in the chemical composition of beet tops.

Potassium (239 mg) is an essential nutrient that helps regulate fluid balance in the body, which is important for controlling heart rate and blood pressure. It also helps reduce swelling and improves the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Chlorine (45 mg) is a substance that stimulates the process of digestion, normalizes the blood count by regulating the rate of red blood cells, and helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Sodium (20 mg) is involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, is involved in the production of gastric juice, has a vasodilating effect and helps to activate the enzymes of several endocrine glands.

Sulfur (15 mg) is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the condition of our skin and hair, slows down the aging process, and also has antihistamine properties. Also, without it, the synthesis of hemoglobin, the main component of the blood formula, is impossible.

Phosphorus (34 mg) is a component that takes an active part in energy metabolism, helps strengthen bone and dental tissue, and improves cognitive abilities.

In addition, the chemical composition of beet leaves contains: 814 µg of aluminum, 134 µg of copper, 100 µg of boron, 2 µg of iodine, 15 µg of fluorine, 15 mg of calcium, 10 mg of magnesium, 0,5 mg of iron, 0,3 mg of zinc, 0,22 .XNUMX mg of manganese.

Finally, the fiber found in beet greens works as a natural gut scrub. Dietary fiber binds and naturally removes toxins and toxic substances from the body.

As for the calorie content of beet leaves, in 100 g of this product there are only 21,1 kcal. The composition of nutrients is as follows: no proteins, carbohydrates – 4,2 g, and fats – 2,1 g.

Useful Properties

The healing properties of beet tops were known in antiquity. Healers recommended adding it to their menu in order to maintain health for many years. The reasons for this are obvious – given the unique chemical composition, the aerial part of the most popular root crop has a wide range of useful properties.

Beet greens are a natural source of carotenoids. These substances, first of all, are very useful for vision. One of the most important carotenoids is the substance Zea-xanthine, which is involved in the mechanism of light filtering, and also helps prevent degenerative changes in the retina. In addition, carotenoids reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Beet green salads help prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system due to the content of a substance called betaine in the tops. It lowers the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots. As a result, the risk of heart attacks, strokes and pathological changes in the vessels is reduced.

Fiber and pectins contained in beet leaves have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract. So, they prevent the development of pathogenic flora, which can provoke the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestine. In addition, the leaves are often included in weight loss diets due to the fact that they help to naturally remove toxins from the body.

The content of antihistamines in beet leaves is an excellent reason to include salads from it in the diet in the spring, when many trees and herbs begin to bloom, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

The choline contained in the aerial part of the beet helps prevent fatty degeneration of the liver and has a beneficial effect on its functions.

The high content of folic acid gives reason to include dishes from beet tops in the diet of expectant mothers – this substance helps pregnant women avoid problems during fetal development.

Dishes from beet tops are recommended for people with diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, those who have been diagnosed with thyroid problems and diabetes. Due to its chemical composition, beet greens help to “disperse” the metabolism and normalize blood sugar levels.

The iron content in root greens is higher than in spinach. That is why tops should be included in the menu for people suffering from anemia, as well as for those who often feel dizzy, who suffer from physical and intellectual overload.

The high content of iodine and cobalt improves memory and concentration, as well as increases cognitive performance and the ability to concentrate.

How to choose and store beet tops

In order for a dish made from beet greens to turn out to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to learn how to choose this product correctly. When buying beet greens, there are several factors to consider.

First of all, it is the freshness of the leaves. They should be elastic, and the petioles should be dense and juicy. As for the color, then, as we have already indicated above, the color range of beet tops varies depending on the variety. However, in any case, the color of fresh leaves should be bright, attractive. The paler the green, the higher the likelihood that it is not the first freshness.

Beet tops in the markets can be sold both in the “original” form, together with the root crop, and separately. As a rule, many sellers try to cut the leaves from the root crop so that they do not draw juices from it. Nevertheless, it is precisely if you purchase the tops in the “original” form, that is, along with the root crop itself, that you are more likely to buy a truly fresh product.

If you bought beets with herbs, at home carefully cut the leaves along with the cuttings at a distance of about one and a half centimeters from the tuber. Carefully inspect them, remove any withered, yellow or damaged. In the event that you notice the remains of sand or earth on the cuttings, remove them with a damp cloth or brush.

Store beetroot leaves in a bag or container with a lid, in the vegetable compartment or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Alas, the product is perishable, so it will “live” from only three to four days.

However, the tops can be frozen. To do this, dry it thoroughly beforehand using paper towels, cut the leaves along with the petioles, then put them in a bag, close it to avoid contact with air, and place it in the freezer. So beet greens will retain their beneficial properties for several months.

Use in cooking

There are a lot of ways to use beet tops in cooking.

First of all, young beet leaves have proven themselves as an ingredient for salads or sandwiches. Before using the tops for food, it must be thoroughly washed. In addition, to remove a rather noticeable bitter taste and make the leaves softer, they should be doused with boiling water.

Vegetable oil, lemon or pomegranate juice, apple cider vinegar, sour cream or mayonnaise are suitable as dressings for salads from beet tops.

You can also make smoothies or vegetable rolls from fresh beet leaves.

Beet tops are also used for cooking first courses. It can be added to borscht and soups, as well as to prepare the traditional Russian dish botvinya on its basis.

As for the second courses, beet tops can be added to vegetable stew, cutlets. It also adds a tangy flavor to omelets and vegetable casseroles. One of the most famous dishes prepared on the basis of beet tops is the so-called Ossetian pie. The filling for it is made from beet leaves, fried onions and suluguni cheese.

In addition, the petioles of beet leaves in Georgia are marinated according to a special recipe and served as a separate snack.

There are general rules for the preparation of beet tops. So, they usually stew it in butter in a pan for five minutes, and in order for the leaves to retain their bright color, lemon juice is added. The tops are steamed for six to seven minutes, and blanched for a minute.

What is the product compatible with?

Beet tops in salads go well with other herbs and vegetables. It can be spinach, fresh cucumbers, celery, cabbage, radishes or onions. To emphasize the piquant taste of young tops, walnuts and lemon juice can be added to the salad.

In second courses, beet tops go well with pumpkin and bell pepper. It can also be served with a side dish of potatoes, pasta or rice dishes. The combination of the aerial part of the beet with cilantro or spicy cheese is very piquant.

If beet leaves are used to make sandwiches, then their taste can be emphasized with hot chili sauce or garlic.

Recipes of traditional medicine

The unique chemical composition of beet tops makes it possible to use it as a medicine for various diseases. Traditional medicine knows many recipes, the main ingredient of which are beet leaves and petioles.

So, with a sluggish intestine and a tendency to constipation, 20 g of crushed beet leaves should be poured with boiling water (one glass). After the infusion has cooled, it must be drunk during the day in approximately four doses.

With a severe headache, boil the leaves of the tops for three minutes, then grind them into a pulp and apply it as a compress to the forehead.

When mastitis, fresh leaves of the tops should be intensively kneaded so that they release the juice. The resulting mass must be applied to the seals. Keep such a compress for at least thirty minutes.

From calluses and ugly cracks on the heels, compresses from the juice of beet tops should be applied at night. The leaves are kneaded with a spoon, the resulting slurry is smeared with the affected areas, and then wrapped with a bandage and put on cotton socks.

A mask of carefully mashed beet leaves will help get rid of acne. It should be applied avoiding areas around the eyes.

The tops also proved to be excellent in the fight against freckles and age spots. On problem areas, gruel is applied from mashed beet leaves or smeared with juice from the tops.

Before this, the skin should be treated with a soda solution, which is prepared as follows: one and a half teaspoons of soda are dissolved in a glass of water.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of beet tops, its use should be approached with caution. The thing is that, since the leaves of the root crop are highly biologically active, they can harm the body.

Contraindications to the use of beet greens are:

  1. Kidney diseases. The product contains oxalic acid (0,67 mg per 100 g). After interacting with minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, this acid forms crystals that are not well excreted from the body. This is fraught with the formation of stones.
  2. Diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder. If you get too carried away with beet tops salad, then oxalic acid can provoke inflammation and the formation of stones. An enhanced drinking regimen (one and a half to two liters of clean water per day) will help to avoid this.
  3. Taking anticoagulants – substances that slow down blood clotting. The thing is that the tops contain a lot of vitamin K, which has the same anticoagulant properties. An increased concentration of a blood-thinning substance will not bring much benefit to the body.
  4. Tendency to diarrhea. Pectins, which are part of beet greens, have a laxative effect, moreover, quite pronounced.
  5. Pancreatitis. In this disease, the use of products that include oxalic acid is contraindicated.
  6. Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, any inflammatory processes in this organ; The leaves of the root crop speed up the metabolism, as a result of which the load on the liver increases.
  7. Hypotension. Thanks to the substances included in its composition, beet tops are able to reduce blood pressure.

Cooking pkhali with beet tops

Pkhali, sometimes also called mkhali, is a special kind of Georgian dish. This cold Georgian dish is made from dressing and herbs. At the same time, the main component of the dressing is walnuts, and the rest of the ingredients vary.

As for greens, most often Georgians use beet tops to make pkhali.

So, to prepare pkhali you will need: 1 kg of fresh herbs (you can take beet tops and young cabbage in any proportions), 100 g of cilantro, the same amount of walnuts, two white onions, four cloves of garlic, white wine vinegar for dressing, half a teaspoon of ground coriander and suneli hops, one ripe pomegranate, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Rinse the greens as thoroughly as possible, then place it in a saucepan with very low boiling water. After five minutes, put it in a colander and let it drain properly. After that, wring out excess moisture from the greens, using both hands. Squeeze the greens in portions, as if forming lumps out of it.

Prepare the dressing by grinding nuts, cilantro, garlic and onions through a meat grinder. Add all the spices to the dressing, as well as salt and pepper. Stir not with a spoon, but with your hand so that the mass is completely homogeneous.

Scroll the squeezed greens through a meat grinder, then mix with nut dressing. Add a few drops of wine vinegar.

Roll up small balls from the resulting mass, make a recess in each of them and place pomegranate seeds there.

Cooking Ossetian pie with beet tops and cheese

To prepare a traditional Ossetian pie with beet tops and cheese, you will need the following ingredients: 400 g of wheat flour, 75 ml of water, 11 g of dry yeast, 10 ml of sunflower oil, salt and sugar to taste, 200 g of suluguni cheese, the same amount of beet tops and 10 g butter.

Add dry yeast to flour. In a separate container, mix water and sunflower oil, add salt and sugar there. Pour the mixture into the flour with yeast and knead the dough. Leave the dough for half an hour to rise.

During this time, prepare the filling. Finely chop the beet tops, mix it with butter. Grate the cheese and add to the greens. Salt to taste.

Form a ball from the dough, then flatten it with your hands or roll it into a cake. Form the filling into a ball and place it in the center of the cake. Flatten a little, then bend the edges of the cake to the center so that the filling is closed. At the same time, very gently smooth the cake with your palms so that it takes the form of a cake. Please note that you do not need to completely close the edges of the dough in the center.

Put the pie on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Cooking pickled beetroot tops

In order to pickle beet tops, you will need the following ingredients: a liter of water, 100 ml of fruit vinegar, 25 g of salt, 700 g of beet tops, 8 black peppercorns, 100 g of sugar and bay leaf, dill umbrellas, garlic, cherry leaves and black currant to taste.

Rinse the beetroot thoroughly. Cut the stems and leaves into pieces that are equal in height to the jar prepared for conservation. Wash the jar, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry with a clean towel. Put the tops in a jar.

Mix the remaining ingredients, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, strain the marinade and fill it with tops. Place the jar in a pot of boiling water for a quarter of an hour. There should be enough water in the pan so that it closes the jar “up to the shoulders.”

Boil, loosely covering the jar with a lid. After sterilization, close the lid tightly, let cool and store.

Store the finished pickled tops in a cool dark place.

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