Beer Zhatetsky goose: history, types and short reviews

The popular Russian lager “Zatecky Gus” in the short history of its existence managed to generate a lot of rumors and cause several scandals. The fact is that the original name of the brand contains a reference to Czech brewing, with which the domestic brand has nothing in common.

The small town of Zatec, located 60 km from Prague, is famous for its thousand-year tradition of making barley spirits, while the drink produced by Baltika and other plants of the Carlsberg Group is produced using local technologies and raw materials.

Nevertheless, the Russian company is actively exploiting the pseudo-Czech origin of the lager, misleading consumers and causing justified indignation of foreign brewers.

History of beer Žatec goose

The first bottle of light Zhatetsky was produced in 2009 at one of the factories owned by the Carlsberg Group. Soon the line was replenished with dark and unfiltered beer.

A little later, the production of similar drinks was launched in Ukraine and Belarus, and the production of a non-alcoholic version of the product was organized.

The advertising campaign launched to promote the new brand was based on the legend of an unusual goose that helps brewers select first-class hops for making alcohol. At the same time, the connection of the drink with the “best Czech traditions” was emphasized in every possible way.

It is important to know:

  1. In the CZ zone, a site dedicated to “Žatec” beer was registered. It is noteworthy that the resource is completely Russian-speaking.

  2. The name of the product uses the letters “ž” and “ý” characteristic of the Czech language, and the inscription “Tradiční světlé pivo” is on the bottle. However, the word “Gus”, which is part of the name, is completely fictitious. In Czech, the name of poultry is translated as “husa” or “huser”.

  3. Commercials often feature views of the ancient city of Žatec, famous not only for its ancient brewing traditions, but also for one of the best hop varieties in the world. This ingredient is the only type of Czech raw material in the drink recipe.

The main hero of the famous brand’s commercials was the cheerful brewer Pan Gus, who usually appeared in the frame in an embrace with the “Zatec” goose. The image of pre-war Koenigsberg was placed on the label of the light lager.

The producers of the drink have repeatedly filed an application with Rospatent in order to register a trademark, but all requests were refused. The department’s specialists justified their decision by the absence of a connection between the brand name and the Czech city of Zatec, the use of which in the name can mislead consumers.

It is curious that the appearance of “Goose” in the shops of the Czech Republic caused a storm of indignation on the part of local residents. Representatives of the brewers’ association accused the manufacturer of stealing the “Czech identity” and using “dirty marketing moves.”

Types of beer Žatec goose

The composition of beer made according to the original recipe of Baltika, in addition to the famous Zatec hop, includes purified water, barley, malt and malt extract. The line includes the following drinks:

Žatecký Gus Světlý light beer

A classic golden yellow filtered lager with aromas of grain, malt, caramel and hops.

It goes well with Asian dishes, meat and spicy snacks, poultry, cheeses.

  1. Taste: fresh, light, sweetish, with hints of herbs, pastries, fruits, flowers, corn, spices, subtle bitterness.

  2. Strength: 4,6%.

Dark beer Žatecký Gus Černý

Dark brown filtered beer, for the manufacture of which 3 types of malt are used: pale, caramel and burnt.

It is recommended to serve with dishes of German and Latin American cuisine, smoked and fried meat.

  1. Aroma: rich, with tones of roasted grains, dried fruits and bread.

  2. Taste: smooth, balanced, slightly sweet, with notes of caramel, prunes, chocolate, mild bitterness.

  3. Strength: 3,5-4,6%.

The Belarusian “Alivaria” also produces low-alcohol “Žatecký Gus Radler” with the inclusion of lemon and pomegranate juices. Fortress 2,4%. Before tasting, it is recommended to cool drinks to 4-8 °C.

Relevance: 19.03.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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