Beer Stella Artois: history, types and taste + how to drink

The number of Belgian brands of “foamy” is in the hundreds of options, but Stella Artois occupies a special place among them.

Pale lager, produced for many centuries, is one of the most famous varieties of local beer: you can buy it in almost any country.

History of the brand Stella Artois

Today, the Stella Artois brand is included in the product portfolio of the Anheuser-Busch InBev concern. However, the drink became famous long before the emergence of an international company.

The origins of his birth should be sought in the XIV century on the streets of the most “educated” Belgian city of Leuven, located in Flemish Brabant.

In 1366, the Den Hoorn brewery was founded here, which developed the first recipe for Stella Artois.

The Belgian lager received a memorable name only a few centuries later. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the master brewer Sebastian Artois became the owner of the old factory, and renamed it “Brasserie Artois”.

Using his own surname as a name, the creator of the brand hardly imagined that he would thereby perpetuate it.

The “star” prefix (stella – translated from Latin “star”) in the name appeared much later. By Christmas 1926, the factory produced a special batch of beer as a gift for the people of Leuven. In honor of the holiday, the bottles were decorated with an asterisk.

The new name took root and began to be used constantly. Soon, Stella Artois beer began to be sold in Canada, where it quickly gained popularity. By the middle of the 100th century, the volume of annual production reached 21 million liters, at the beginning of XNUMX there were already a billion bottles.

Today, the drink is brewed not only in Belgium and Great Britain, but also in other regions: Canada, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia, Australia.

Views of Stella Artois

The drink is produced in two main versions:

  1. Classic light lager “Stella Artois”. Filtered, pasteurized. Fortress: 4.8%.

  2. Limited Christmas edition with special bottle design. The taste is similar to the classic version. The unique product is poured into dark green opaque bottles of 0,75 liters and sealed with a cork stopper. Fortress: 5%.

  3. Non-alcoholic beer “Stella Artois Non Alcohol”. Fortress: no more than 0,5%.

Combines all drinks of the brand full, fresh and light taste with a pleasant bitterness, malty core and crispy finish. Main notes: citrus fruits, nuts, corn, freshly cut grass.

How to drink Stella Artois

The manufacturer recommends cooling the beer to 3–5 °C before tasting and pouring it into special Chalice glasses after rinsing them with cold water.

As snacks, dishes of any cuisine of the world are suitable, especially German and Japanese. Cheeses, white meat, fish will be a good addition.

Relevance: 09.04.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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