Beer Polar Bear: history, types, how to drink + interesting facts

The intoxicating drink of the Polar Bear trademark can be called the most popular beer of the XNUMXst century. It is the leader in sales in the beer market among consumers in Russia.

Brand history in brief

For the first time, beer was brewed under the Polar Bear brand at the Amstar plant. The plant was built in 1999 in the city of Ufa. This company produces premium beers and is equipped with high-tech equipment.

Later, the Efes concern liked the taste of the amber drink so much that the owners offered a price for the plant several times higher than the market price, and already in 2003 the Amstar plant became the property of a large concern.

Thanks to new investments and marketing promotions, the brand has become widely recognizable, and the manufactured products have reached the federal level. Production volumes increased 5 times.

Types of beer White Bear

  1. Live

    Unfiltered hoppy drink of golden color, which has a wonderful hoppy aroma and wonderful taste with a slight spicy bitterness. The fortress is 4,5%.

    The shelf life is short, due to the fact that during the manufacture of beer it is not subjected to filtration processes and retains in its composition yeast cultures that are beneficial to the human body.

    Pairs well with a variety of beer snacks.

  2. Bright

    A light straw-colored drink with a rich and incredibly velvety taste with hints of hops. The fortress is 5%.

    The unique taste of draft beer is obtained using a special production technology, which consists in double filtration and enrichment of the drink with oxygen.

    Beer contains many useful substances and vitamins that contribute to the normalization of metabolism and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system with moderate use.

    An excellent gastronomic combination is the use with meat, fish and various snack products.

  3. strong

    A drink of light golden color with hop aroma and yeasty notes. The fortress is 7,2%, and the main target audience for its consumption are men.

    The taste is quite rich with pronounced bitterness. Fried potatoes and meat dishes are perfect as an appetizer for intoxicating.

  4. Non-alcoholic

    A drink of a light golden hue with a minimum proportion of alcohol. The fortress is 0,5%.

    Beer has a hop aroma and malt bitterness.

How and with what to serve White Bear beer

To fully enjoy the intoxicating drink, it is served chilled to a temperature of 5–7 °C. Poured into special beer glasses at an angle of 45 degrees to minimize foam. For tasting, try to choose a sufficient gastronomic accompaniment.

Excellent snacks for beer will be various meat and cheese cuts, chips, croutons, snacks, as well as smoked and dried fish. And it is also possible not only to drink the drink in its pure form, including as part of cocktails.

Interesting facts about beer White Bear

  1. On the label of the beer there is an inscription “Cooked to last.”

  2. Beer “Polar Bear” in 2009-2010 at the International Tasting Competition won the Monte Selection gold medals.

  3. In 2018, Svetloe beer won a gold medal at the Monte Selection competition, precisely for its unique taste and high quality.

Relevance: 12.02.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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