Beer Paulaner (Paulaner): history, how they are made, types, interesting facts

Most beer fans will agree that the best beer is brewed in Germany. Even cooler if it is released in Munich – the beer capital of Bavaria. It was here that the first instance of “Paulaner” was welded almost XNUMXth century ago.

Since then, the drink has become famous far beyond the borders of its homeland: today it is supplied to more than 70 countries, and the annual output exceeds 2 million hectoliters.

History of Paulaner beer

The first mention of Paulaner Salvator ale dates back to 1634. The inhabitants of Bavaria owe the appearance of the legendary drink to the Munich monks from the Neudeck ob der Au monastery, who in the XNUMXth century began to brew strong beer for their own needs. They distributed the remaining product to the poor or sold it to local taverns.

The quality of the drink was not just good, but excellent, since the monks adhered to the Beer Purity Law of 1516 during its production (by the way, it is still observed today).

According to this document, only natural ingredients could be included in the composition of the foam: water, malt, hops (yeast appeared later). Yes, and the servants of the order themselves, of course, were interested in the worthy taste of the finished product.

In 1751, the Bavarian monks received official permission to trade in draft beer.

The chief brewer of the Paulaner order was the monk Valentin Stefan Still, known among the brothers in faith as Barnabas. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the creation of the innovative Paulaner Salvator recipe, which is still used in Munich.

In 1806, the brewery was taken over by Franz Xaver Sacherl, who renovated and expanded it. The name “ZacherlBräu” (Zacherl’s Brewery) stuck to the people.

Just a dozen years later – in 1818 – the beginning of mass Bavarian beer festivals was laid, the first of which was organized in the Wizn meadow.

In the XNUMXth century, the plant actively mastered new technologies, constantly modernizing and keeping pace with the times.

The brewery was badly damaged during the bombings of 1944, but by 1950 it was completely restored.

In 1979, the company became the property of the Schörghuber family of Munich entrepreneurs, who own it to this day.

How Paulaner beer is made

The secret to the success of the icon of Bavarian brewing is the use of exceptional quality ingredients:

  1. The purest soft water with a minimum salt content is extracted from our own well, which goes to a depth of 190 m.

  2. Dark and light malt for different types of beer is purchased only from local producers, and there is no doubt about the quality of Bavarian raw materials.

  3. Paulaner brewers go every autumn to the Hallertau plantations, famous for the best harvest of fragrant cones, for selected hops. Depending on the variety of inflorescences, the finished drink acquires a characteristic bitterness or a special aroma (citrus, passion fruit, coconut, etc.).

  4. Different types of yeast are used for different types of beer: bottom-type strains are ideal for making classic Munich lagers, top-type strains are ideal for wheat ales. To ensure consistent beverage quality during fermentation, “freshly bred” pure yeast cultures are regularly added to the wort.

Types of beer Paulaner

  1. Natural yeast wheat beer

    The reference light unfiltered wheat beer, the #1 brand in Germany, the most popular drink in the Paulaner line.

    For its playful character, lush head of foam and luxurious taste, it became famous in its homeland as “Bavarian champagne”.

    It has a velvety golden hue with natural haze, a delicate yeast aroma with light tones of banana, mango, pineapple.

    Mild taste is perfectly balanced between sweetness and bitterness.

    In production, hops of the Herkules variety, 4 types of barley and wheat malt are used. Fortress: 5,5%.

  2. Dark yeast wheat beer

    A dark, unfiltered wheat beer with a rich chestnut hue and a masculine character.

    In a noble taste, softness is combined with vigor, notes of chocolate, cocoa, and roasted malt are noticeable.

    The composition includes Herkules hops and 4 varieties of malt. Fortress: 5,3%.

  3. Münchner Hell

    A classic Bavarian lager, a symbol of Munich brewing.

    It has a transparent light golden color, pleasant, soft, slightly sweet taste with an elegant malt note and a light hop bitterness.

    Luxuriously froths in the glass, includes one variety of hops (Hallertauer Tradition) and Pilsner light barley malt. Fortress: 4,9%.

  4. Oktoberfest beer

    Festive, surprisingly harmonious drink dedicated to the main Bavarian beer festival – Oktoberfest.

    Brewed since 1818.

    It has a perfectly balanced taste with a light hop note and a pronounced malt accent.

    The composition includes 3 types of hops (Herkules, Taurus, Hallertauer Tradition) and 2 varieties of malt (dark Munich and light Pilsner). Fortress: 6%.

  5. Salvator

    The ancestor of the entire line of the brand, a strong dark beer with a beautiful chestnut color, lush caramel foam, seductive chocolate aroma and rich taste.

    In the bouquet, delicate Munich malt harmonizes with a subtle hop note.

    Includes 2 types of hops (Herkules and Hallertauer Tradition) and malt (dark Munich and light Pilsner). Fortress: 7,9%.

  6. Yeast-White Beer Non-Alcoholic

    A non-alcoholic version of unfiltered wheat beer, a light, refreshing drink to quench your thirst.

    In the manufacture of Herkules hops and 4 varieties of malt.

    Produced since 1986. Fortress: up to 0,5%.

Interesting Facts About Paulaner Beer

  1. In addition to the famous brewery, Paulaner Brauerei Gruppe GmbH owns a network of branded beer houses located not only in Germany, but also in Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, St. Petersburg.

  2. Paulaner brewers were the first to release Münchner Hell in draft form. Traditionally, it is drunk outdoors, under chestnut trees. The company also holds the championship in the creation of light non-alcoholic beer.

  3. In 2010, for the 200th anniversary of Oktoberfest, the company equipped its Winzerer Fähndl pavilion with an unusual tent with a beer pipeline emerging from the ground, which other manufacturers later began to copy.

  4. In 2016, the board of directors of the company moved to the old Sacherl house, thus returning to the historic building in Neudeck ob der Au.

  5. The slogan of the famous Bavarian brand speaks for itself: “Gut, besser, Paulaner” (Good, better, Paulaner).

  6. The company is actively involved in charity, supports FC Bayern and takes care of the environment, being an environmentally friendly production.

Relevance: 01.08.2019

Tags: beer, cider, ale

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