Lager is a line of bottom-fermented beers, which compares favorably with ale with a mild taste, rich aroma, transparency and, at the same time, the possibility of long storage, which only improves the taste of the drink.
History of beer camp
It was first brewed in Bavaria in the XNUMXth century. It is interesting that the monks were engaged in the manufacture of such beer only in the winter months and insisted until March, storing it in deep cellars or near the monastery in high mountain storages.
The emergence of bottom-fermentation technology is associated with the fact that the drink began to age in cold monastery cellars, achieving a deep and rich flavor bouquet, whereas before it was consumed immediately after preparation.
And so the lager appeared, which differs from the popular ale in that it is produced not by top, but by bottom fermentation of yeast.
For example: top fermentation occurs at temperatures from 17–20 °C, and bottom fermentation occurs at 7–10 °C.
By the way, the name “lager” is translated from German as “storage” or “warehouse”.
Features of the production of lager beer
Real lager beer is obtained only with a long fermentation process, when sugar breaks down and yeast settles. Thus, the drink acquires a rich shade and amazing transparency. Moreover, after-fermentation for the best types of lager occurs in two stages: the main and “quiet”.
The main stage takes 2 weeks, and the beer is aged at a temperature of 5-10 °C.
With “silent” fermentation, the drink is aged in barrels or special containers for another 3 weeks at a temperature of 0–2,5 °C.
It is believed that a high-quality lager, produced according to the technology verified since the XNUMXth century, must be aged at two stages for a total of at least a month.
Types of lager beer
Depending on the aging and nuances of production, lager beer can be of the following types:
dark lager
An old beer made only from classic ingredients (water, malt and hops).
The dark color of the drink is given by roasted malt. The shade of lager can vary from dark brown to deep ruby.
The aroma is most often bready, with notes of chocolate and caramel.
The flavor may contain nutty and sweet malt notes, diluted with hop bitterness.
The fortress is 4,5–6 degrees. The best-selling dark lager brands are Altbayerisch Dunkles and Spaten Premium Lager.
Pale lager
It first appeared only in 1895 in Munich. Light lager differs from dark lager not only in the golden hue of the drink, but also in a sweeter taste, piquantly diluted with a more intense bitterness of hops.
When tasting, you can clearly feel the aroma of hops and malt with light spicy and floral notes.
The fortress is 4,5–6 degrees. The best-selling pale lager brands are Spaten Premium and Paulaner Munchner Helles.
Amber lager
First brewed in Austria in the XNUMXth century at the Dräger brewery. The drink has a rich amber hue and malt flavor.
This camp has a grainy aroma with notes of caramel and malt.
The fortress is 4,5–5,7. The best-selling brand of amber lager is the so-called “March beer”, which is brewed under the Marzen brand for Oktoberfest.
It was first made in 1842 at the Groll brewery in Bavaria.
The drink has a rich golden color and a well-palpable hop taste that prevails over the malt flavor.
The aroma contains bready-malty notes with floral, spicy and herbaceous undertones.
The fortress is 4-5 degrees. The best-selling brand of pilsner is called “Pilsener”.
Traditionally dark, but can also be light, strong bottom-fermented beer.
Brewed after the end of Oktoberfest. The fortress is 7,5–13,2.
The best-selling brands are Spaten Premium Bock and Pschorr Marzenbock.
ice cold beer
A modern type of lager, produced by cooling to the formation of crystals at sub-zero temperatures.
The result is a beer with an unusually smooth taste and at the same time a high alcohol content.
The best-selling brands are Ice Beer and Eisbock.
How and with what to drink lager beer
Lager is recommended to drink only chilled in order to reveal the fullness of the taste of the drink.
Dark lager is ideal for tasting meat dishes.
Grilled sausages are served with amber lager.
Bock can be drunk with hot and spicy dishes from Mexican, Thai and Indian cuisine.
Pale lager goes well with a variety of seafood, such as assorted mussels, octopus, shrimp, and baked trout.
Five facts about lager beer
Lager is the most popular beer in the world. Approximately 90% of the market for the consumption of all beer is occupied by this type of drink.
In the notes of travelers of the XNUMXth century, one can find references to lager beer, as having not only excellent taste, but also healing properties. Thanks to this, lager beer even began to be served at the table of Russian emperors at that time.
For the first time in Russia, lager beer was produced in 1839 at the Cazaleta brewery.
The taste of the pilsner variety changes with the change in the place of production of the drink. For example, in Bavaria it is very sweet, and if you drive further north inland, you can taste a bitter pilsner.
There is a special kind of beer lager for diabetics – this is a low-strength dietary Pilsner beer with a significantly reduced carbohydrate content. Such beer can be safely drunk by both athletes and people who prefer soft drinks.
Relevance: 15.11.2019
Tags: beer, cider, ale