Beer Klinskoye: history, overview of types and taste + interesting facts

The Klinskoye beer brand is one of the first unique beers that appeared in Russia and is owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev.

The history of the company

In 1975, in the city of Klin, geologists discovered sources of artesian water, which was an ideal base for making beer.

In the 80s, the brewers with their entire delegation went to Czechoslovakia to the city of Beshenov to exchange experience. The brewers were delighted that the plant produced a wide range of different types of beer every year and without interruption.

Thus, the technologists of the Klin Brewery came to the decision to create their own brand of beer. After a series of experiments, they created their own recipe and developed a technology to produce a wonderful drink. The basis of this technology is that during the brewing of beer, rice is added to it, which helps to destroy the bitter taste.

In June 1981, the beer plant produced and registered the first batch of Klinskoye beer.

From the very beginning of its creation, the trademark has become widely known and loved among consumers in the beer market and was included in the “Golden Book of Honor” of the Ministry of Food Industry of the RSFSR.

In 1992, the enterprise became a joint-stock company and acquired the name of CJSC Klinsk Beer Plant. After that, it underwent reconstruction and modernization of the entire production.

In 1999, the beer factory became part of the SUN InBev holding (a division of the Anheuser-Busch InBev brewing concern), which, with the help of its investments and new ideas, has significantly established a sales market for products around the world.

The corporation was created as a result of the merger of the American company Anheuser-Busch and the Belgian-Brazilian InBev. Thanks to these global changes, the corporation has become a leader in the beer market and entered the top five global producers of consumer goods.

InBev created the Den Horren brewery in the vicinity of Leuven in Belgium in the mid-XNUMXth century.

In 1717, the plant was purchased by Sebastian Artois and renamed. In turn, he buys local brands of beer in order to expand and strengthen the markets for products not only in the Belgian market, but also outside the country.

Anheuser-Busch began its history in 1852 with the emergence of a small brewery in the city of St. Louis.

In 1860, Eberard Anheuser bought the company. In 1861, Anheuser’s daughter marries a German emigrant, Adolphus Busch, who made a great contribution to the development of the company and contributed to the creation of the Budweiser beer trademark for the US beer market since 1786.

Three years later, the company received a new name – Anheuser-Busch.

In 2008, there was a grandiose change in the two companies – a merger. This company began to develop widely and intensively, and already at the end of 2009 it owned more than 135 breweries and 13 factories for the production of soft drinks.

The company has more than 100 thousand employees, whose representative offices are located in more than 22 countries of the world.

Types of beer Klinskoye

  1. Grapefruit Non-alcoholic

    Light beer with a clean taste and slight bitterness. It has a multifaceted aroma with a taste of grapefruit and bitterness.

  1. Bright

    A light golden yellow beer with a hoppy aroma and a fresh taste with an inconspicuous bitterness. Alcohol content 4,5%.

  1. FREEZ

    Light light beer, with notes of light coolness on the palate. Alcohol content 4,3%.

  1. Chinatown

    It has a golden color with hints of fruits and spices. A wonderful intoxicating drink with a unique aroma of Chinese white tea extract. Alcohol content 4,5%.

  1. Ультра

    It belongs to the lightest type of beer from the entire Klinskoye line. It has a sweet taste and aroma of banana and toffee with a slight sour taste. Alcohol content 4,3%.

  1. Arriva

    Light, almost transparent unfiltered premium beer. The aroma of the drink celebrates the presence of notes of grass and lime. The drink is positioned as a light drink indispensable for parties. Alcohol content 4,5%.

  1. Mix, Lemon and Lime

    Light unfiltered beer with a golden yellow color. It has a hoppy base with a combination of lemon and lime aromas. Alcohol content 4,8%.

  1. Rare

    Beer with an unusual aroma and slightly tart taste, has a reddish tint. Alcohol content 5,8%.

  1. Samurai

    The drink has a bright and at the same time refreshing taste. Alcohol content 4,9%.

  1. Dark

    Dark chestnut drink with a viscous structure. The aroma has notes of dark raisins and Mocha coffee. It has a malt-caramel taste with a slight bitterness. Alcohol content 5,3%.

How and with what to serve beer

To fully reveal the bright colors of hoppy beer, you need to adhere to the generally accepted tasting classic consumption norms. The drink is poured into tall beer glasses, which help to retain the increased foaming of the chilled drink to a temperature of 7 ° C. The drink goes well with a variety of snacks, such as snacks, fish, salads.

Storage conditions for Klinskoe beer

For the best preservation of the foamy drink, it is best to store it in well-ventilated and ventilated rooms with a relative humidity of 85%, excluding direct sunlight.

Interesting Facts

  1. Klinskoye is widely known not only among consumers, but also among viewers thanks to television advertising that broadcast the company’s slogan “Who is following Klinskoye?”.

  2. Beer “Klinskoye” has useful properties when consumed in moderation. It contains vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of the human body and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Relevance: 13.02.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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