Beer for kidney stones and gallbladder

Foreign scientists periodically delight beer lovers with news about the extraordinary benefits of this drink. One of the sensations is that beer allegedly prevents the formation of stones (calculi) in the gallbladder, and at the same time promotes their removal from the kidneys. True, for some reason, all the results of such studies are published on little-known sites, and scientists mainly come from England or Germany – countries where the level of consumption of the foamy drink is traditionally high.

The legend of the healing power of beer

Rumors about the healing properties of beer did not arise from scratch. The fact is that hops have long been used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the gallbladder and bladder, urinary tract and kidneys. Water infusion on the cones of the plant normalizes the mineral metabolism in the body, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

The beer that was brewed in the old days had the same qualities as the water infusion of hops. It was low-alcohol, the fortress rarely exceeded 1-2%.

But modern beer is vastly different from that all-natural drink. Nowadays, dyes, preservatives, flavors, flavorings are added to it, artificially aerated. As a result of pasteurization, the amount of vitamins in the drink is significantly reduced. Even the composition of live beer, which is sold in small breweries, cannot be vouched for. But it is much stronger than the products of medieval brewers.

The effect of beer on the kidneys

In the body, the ethanol contained in beer decomposes, forming a nephrotoxic (that is, poisonous to kidney cells) substance – acetaldehyde. The duty of the kidneys is to excrete decay products with urine.

During the day, the kidneys many times pass through themselves all the blood that is in the body. The glomeruli of nephrons act as filters. They filter out proteins and blood cells, passing only liquid with substances dissolved in it into the tubular system: both useful and toxic.

When the kidneys are healthy, and the amount of toxins does not exceed the norm, most of the nutrients and fluids return to the blood (the process of absorption is called reabsorption), and toxins are excreted along with the urine. But ethanol has a strong diuretic effect, due to which reabsorption slows down, and too much liquid and trace elements are excreted from the body. Losses of potassium and magnesium are especially high.

As a result, the body is dehydrated, the process is enhanced by the action of carbon dioxide. If this is a one-time problem, it doesn’t matter: it’s easy to replenish fluid loss by drinking water, and compensate for the lack of potassium by eating a baked potato, a dish with spinach or salad, taking an Asparkama tablet. But when alcohol enters the system, the body begins to store, which explains the swelling in those who drink beer every day.

Due to dehydration, sand and kidney stones scrape the walls of the kidney tubules, causing pain. If a person did not know about the presence of stones, pain after drinking is a reason to see a doctor.

Beer for kidney stones and gallbladder
Beer does not cure kidneys

Beer with kidney stones for therapeutic purposes is not only pointless, but also dangerous: under the influence of ethanol, stones are not crushed. Some sand is excreted in the urine, but stones can become lodged in the ureters.

Stones interfere with the normal outflow of urine, loosen the mucous membrane of the ureters, and contribute to the atrophy of the muscle fibers of the walls. Scars form on the injured mucosa, narrowing the ureter. Alcohol causes even more narrowing. If there is a calculus in the ureter, there is a high probability of renal colic. Bloody discharge appears in the urine.

Even if kidney stones are removed, regular consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages provokes their re-formation.

Beer for gallstone disease

Bile serves to process (disinfect) food that enters the duodenum. When a person is sober, the amount of bile secreted is directly proportional to the amount eaten.

However, beer causes appetite, a person bites intensely, eats a lot of spicy and salty foods, and under the influence of ethanol, the bile ducts narrow. Bile stagnates in the gallbladder, and food is poorly processed, which leads to the death of beneficial microflora and constant disorders of the digestive system. Regular stagnation of bile is a direct path to the formation of stones.

Beer for kidney stones and gallbladder
Beer with gallstone disease is contraindicated

In a patient with cholelithiasis, when taking beer, gases begin to accumulate in the abdominal cavity. They cause displacement of stones, which is accompanied by pain. Possible biliary colic.

It is even more dangerous to drink beer for people with a removed gallbladder. Due to spasms of the bile ducts caused by alcohol, too little bile enters the duodenum, and food is not processed properly. Often in such patients, vomiting begins after taking beer. Doctors prohibit drinking beer for at least 3 years after the operation.


It is impossible to remove stones with beer either from the kidneys, or from the ureters, or from the gallbladder. Doctors forbid drinking a drink for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis: the ethanol and toxic additives contained in it can provoke serious complications. Alcohol accelerates the formation of stones.

For therapeutic purposes, it is allowed to take an aqueous infusion of hops, but you should first consult a doctor.

1 Comment

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