As a rule, the desire to urgently build up visits us shortly before any holidays, important events, or just the beginning of the beach season. The prospect of complete or partial starvation causes melancholy and despondency. How do you not want to forget about all the joys of life even for a while! We hasten to console beer lovers: there is an opportunity to lose 3–5 kg in a week without giving up a foamy drink.
A person who first heard about this is shocked: after all, before his eyes is a negative example of many acquaintances with more or less voluminous “beer” bellies. Yes, almost from all irons they tell us that they only get better from beer! It turns out that not everything is so simple.
The mechanism of action of the beer diet
Life in the bosom of civilization dulls the natural instincts. Scientists prove: the feeling of hunger does not mean at all that the body needs food, and even more so – any food. Most often, we mistake thirst for hunger, and a glass of ordinary water in this case is preferable to a chocolate bar. But even with real hungry urges, the body does not need ballast like pasta or white bread, but vitamins and fiber.
From this point of view, beer is just a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The drink contains B vitamins (the so-called beauty vitamins), which are responsible for the condition of the walls of blood vessels and the elasticity of the skin. It is thanks to their presence that the skin does not sag with a sharp weight loss, but is gently tightened. Beer also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and other useful minerals. Bitter hop additives prevent bile stasis and even lower blood cholesterol levels. The drink has a diuretic effect.
A liter of beer contains about 400 kcal, that is, 100–150 kcal less than in the corresponding amount of milk. “Beer” bellies are explained not by the consumption of beer itself, but by excesses in the snack: salted nuts, crackers, fish, of course, are tasty, but very high in calories, retain water in the body and negatively affect metabolism. In addition, alcohol itself stimulates the appetite.
Thus, the only problem with a beer diet is the ethanol contained in the drink (depending on the strength, there are 30-50 grams of alcohol in a liter of beer). It all depends on the characteristics of the organism. For those who are too susceptible to alcohol, it is better to drink non-alcoholic beer during the diet.

Beer Diet Options
There are several options for beer diets. In each of them, you need to drink a liter of live beer at room temperature per day. Sometimes on websites you come across advice to drink it cold: it is believed that the body spends more energy on heating. Of course, in the summer, chilled beer is a great pleasure, but the diet itself is a serious test for all organs, and you should not create an additional load for them.
During the diet, it is forbidden to eat sugar and salt. In addition to the products indicated in the scheme, during the day you need to drink at least two liters of herbal decoctions or water without gas. During the course, it is allowed to drink a small cup of coffee once or twice, and also eat a piece of chocolate 2-3 times (no more than 30 g per day). If you are unbearably hungry, portions of food can be increased one and a half to two times. Be sure to do exercises daily and walk in the fresh air for at least two hours.
In order not to harm the body, you should strictly adhere to the chosen scheme. The results of the beer diet largely depend on the speed of metabolic processes, so men can lose 5 kg, women – about 3-4. But even with the best results, the diet should not last longer than 7 days. You can repeat the course no earlier than in a month.
Scheme 1. Course – 7 days:
- 1st day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of buckwheat for lunch and dinner;
- 2nd day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled chicken fillet for lunch and dinner;
- 3rd day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled or baked fish for lunch and dinner;
- 4th day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled beef for lunch and dinner;
- 5th day – 1 liter of beer and any fruits or vegetables;
- 6th day – a liter of beer;
- 7th day – non-carbonated water.
Scheme 2. Every day for breakfast, eat one hard-boiled chicken or two quail eggs. Quail eggs can be drunk raw. About 2 hours after dinner, before going to bed, eat the protein of one chicken egg.
Course – 7 days:
- 1nd day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled chicken fillet for lunch and dinner;
- 2rd day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled or baked fish for lunch and dinner;
- 3rd day – 1 liter of beer, for lunch and dinner – 50 g of salad from grated boiled beets, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and crushed garlic clove;
- 4th day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled seafood for lunch and dinner;
- 5th day – 1 liter of beer, for lunch and dinner – 50 g of cottage cheese salad with a lot of chopped greens (parsley or basil);
- 6th day – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled beef for lunch and dinner;
- Day 7 – 1 liter of beer, 50 g of boiled chicken fillet for lunch and dinner.
What to do after the end of the diet
After the stress transferred by the body, it is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually. Do not immediately pounce on smoked meats or cakes. The first 2-3 days it is better to eat oatmeal, include muesli in the diet. Buckwheat porridge is also suitable. To keep all the vitamins in it, the cereal is poured with hot water and salted to taste. After 2-3 hours, buckwheat swells and can be eaten. Millet porridge is also useful for digestion, especially if you fill the dish with leek stewed in olive oil. If you really want something sweet, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of honey and a little cinnamon to the cereal.
The main danger of a beer diet is the likelihood of addiction to alcohol. Therefore, at the end of the seven-day course for 2-3 weeks, it is better to give up beer.
Contraindications to beer diet
For health reasons, a beer diet is contraindicated:
- pregnant and lactating mothers;
- in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
- with metabolic disorders;
- with diseases of the endocrine system;
- with oncological diseases;
- in the event that a person takes medications that cannot be combined with alcohol.
Also, drivers and young people under 21 cannot lose weight with the help of a beer diet.
Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous. Consult your doctor.