Beef stew in red wine

Properly stewed beef in wine is tender, but elastic enough and does not fall apart into individual fibers. Wine enriches the aroma and taste of meat, and during the heat treatment, all alcohol will evaporate and the dish will become alcohol-free.

How to choose meat

Suitable beef tenderloin, brisket or shoulder blade, optimally – veal. The meat should be free of blood clots, smudges and bruises (indicating improper slaughter or disease) with a slight milky flavor. If the beef smells like a barn or has a thick layer of yellow fat, then it is the meat of an old animal.

Fresh beef meat feels firm to the touch, and a soft or watery texture indicates multiple freezing cycles. The fibers of spoiled beef are stratified and smell of rot. It is impossible to say something by the color of the meat, since the breed and fattening strongly influence here.

What wine to stew beef in

In the classic version, table dry red wine is used. It makes no sense to overpay for expensive varieties, because in the process of extinguishing their unique notes will disappear without a trace. If you want to make the meat a little sweet, you can take semi-dry or semi-sweet wine, but not sweet or fortified, otherwise the dish will turn out cloying.

In white wine, beef is usually not stewed. These wines are suitable for marinating poultry and even fatty pork, but due to the high acidity, beef in white wine becomes too soft.

red wine beef recipe


  • beef – 500 grams;
  • red wine – 200 ml;
  • wheat flour (premium grade) – 150 grams;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – for frying meat;
  • boiled water – half a mug;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings and spices – to taste.

Technology of preparation

1. Cut the meat into strips or cubes 4-5 cm long. Roll each piece in flour.

Breading in flour keeps the pieces juicy and contributes to the appearance of a thick gravy (sauce).

2. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Shake off the excess flour from the meat and put it in the pan. Fry the beef on both sides over high heat until golden brown.

If juice is released during the frying process, it is advisable to collect it in a separate container (it will be needed when stewing).

3. Remove the half-cooked meat to a plate. Cut the onion into thin half rings, then fry until golden brown in the same pan as the beef.

4. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into a cauldron or pot for stewing (required with a thick bottom), add meat and onions. Salt and pepper.

5. Pour the wine into the beef. Mix. Put the pan (cauldron) on medium heat. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the liquid is completely evaporated. You should have a thick meat sauce. If a film forms on the surface (oil accumulates), it must be removed with a spoon.

6. Add half a cup of hot boiled water or meat liquid, which stood out during the frying stage. Simmer for another 8-10 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

7. Serve hot beef stewed in red wine with vegetable salad, potato or rice garnish.

Beef stew in red wine

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