bee sting
Who will argue that bees are one of the most useful insects on the planet? For example, 70% of all food consumed by humans comes from bees. Meanwhile, there are other statistics: 50-100 people die from bee stings every year. Why can their bites be dangerous?

Bees can be found wherever something blooms: in meadows, fields, forests, squares and parks. And summer residents are trying to attract bees to their site, because they pollinate vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes. Bees are certainly useful, bee products are healing, and even bee venom is used in medicine.

However, bee stings are a problem. At the very least, it’s painful and uncomfortable. But for some people, they can be deadly.

Signs of a bee sting

As a rule, out of only three:

  • sharp burning pain;
  • redness of the skin with a white dot in the center is the bite site;
  • quick swelling.

For the vast majority of people, this is limited. However, some victims may experience an allergic reaction. And then others will be added to the main symptoms:

  • severe, rapidly progressive swelling in the bite area;
  • severe itching and rash all over the body;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty breathing, similar to an asthma attack.

First aid for a bee sting

The sting of a bee has notches, if an insect inserts it into the skin, it can no longer get it back – it comes off. After that, the bee dies, and in most cases the sting remains at the site of the bite, and along with the sac in which the poison is located. And he continues to enter the body. Therefore, the first step is to pull out the sting.

The next steps are:

  • wash the bite site with soap and running water – this will remove the remnants of the poison from the skin;
  • apply ice to the bite site – it will reduce pain and partially relieve swelling;
  • lubricate the bite site with any soothing ointment, if it is at hand, for example, hydrocortisone – this will relieve swelling and itching;
  • drink more water – so the poison will be removed from the body faster;
  • if there are signs of an allergic reaction, take an antihistamine – Kraritin, Diphenhydramine;
  • if an allergic reaction develops rapidly and there is a threat to life, immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor.

Consequences of a bee sting

For most people, swelling after a bee sting subsides after 2-3 hours – the main thing here is not to comb the bite site. However, in some people (about 1% of those affected), bee stings lead to serious consequences.

“Bee stings are very allergenic, often causing anaphylactic reactions,” says allergist-immunologist Elena Timoshina.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that threatens the patient’s life. Her symptoms are:

  • severe swelling of the neck and larynx;
  • breathing is disturbed – it becomes more frequent, it becomes difficult to breathe, wheezing appears;
  • the pressure drops sharply, the pulse becomes thready;
  • dizziness appears;
  • the person loses consciousness.
Bee stings in the face area are especially dangerous – even in a person who calmly tolerates bee venom, his eyes swim, and the swelling does not subside for a long time. Even worse is a bite in the tongue – it can swell up and block breathing. In such cases, you need to call doctors.
Elena TimoshinaAllergist-immunologist

Multiple bee stings can also be dangerous, for example, if you are in an apiary or stumble upon a swarm.

Prevention of a bee sting

The bees do not react at all to the red color – they do not see it, therefore, when going out of town, wear just such clothes. But try to avoid yellow and blue – the bees distinguish them well and can decide that you are a flower. Pay attention – in the fields, most of the flowers are just yellow and blue – this is how they attract pollinators.

If you are having a picnic in nature, carefully inspect food and drinks before putting them in your mouth. A bee looking for water can easily end up in your glass. And if there are sweets on the table, and especially honey, be sure that the bees will also gather for the meal.

If a bee flies next to you or it sits on you, do not make sudden movements, do not wave your arms – it may perceive your movements as a threat and it will have to defend itself. It’s just that bees don’t sting.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to die from a bee sting
This rarely happens, but it does happen. You can die if the poison provokes a severe allergy – anaphylaxis.

“It can develop from a few seconds to several hours,” clarifies allergist-immunologist Elena Timoshina.

In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

How to get the sting out of a bee sting
It is most convenient to pull out the sting with tweezers, tweezers, a drawing pen or something similar. Moreover, you need to grab onto the sting itself, and not at the pouch of poison – otherwise even more toxin will enter the body.

If you don’t have these tools handy, try removing the stinger with a credit card or driver’s license – scrape along the edge of the stinger away from the bite.

Try not to pull the sting sharply, take it out slowly and carefully – if it breaks, it will be much more difficult to get it out from under the skin, and the fragment can provoke inflammation.

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