Bee pollen supports muscle growth

This pollen is really male flower seednecessary for pollination. When bees collect nectar from flowers, this pollen sticks to their paws, thus creating “bee pollen”. Bee pollen is a substance that only nature can create – man-made pollen does not have the same unique properties, even if it is chemically identical. When laboratories try to administer synthetic pollen to bees, the insects die, even if all the known nutrients are present. Even the latest technologies cannot identify these unique ingredients that are in bee pollen. And it is these ingredients that are responsible for the super power of pollen. An earlier study, published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that bee pollen protected mice against cancer development. Bee pollen is also used by many Olympic bodybuilders and athletes because it is supposed to increase strength and endurance. The British Sports Council found that people who eat bee pollen every day experience increase in strength by up to 40 – 50%. Francis Huber, a German scientist, once stated that bee pollen is “the best bodybuilder in the world”. The reason why this substance is so effective in building muscle mass is because it contains all 22 amino acids, half of which are in free form.


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