Bedsore prevention

Bedsores are soft tissue necrosis. Constant pressure on certain parts of the body in bedridden patients leads to disruption of blood circulation and the normal action of nerve impulses that provide vital processes in cells. As a result, soft tissue necrosis is possible. Such a phenomenon in medicine is called bedsores.

The most common places for their appearance are bony protrusions. At first, the skin turns pale, after which it becomes covered with edema, exfoliates. Often bedsores capture the top layer of soft tissue and bone. In this case, an open wound can cause blood poisoning, which is fatal. Therefore, it is important to prevent the formation of bedsores. The highest risk of their appearance on the sacrum, elbows, shoulder blades, buttocks. Pressure sores are of two types: exogenous and endogenous. The first type is tissue necrosis as a result of mechanical action. In the case of an endogenous species, disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems of the body play a leading role.

Causes of bedsores

Bedsore prevention

A large number of factors contribute to the formation of bedsores. Among them, the following have the greatest effect on soft tissue necrosis:

  • lack of movement, a rare change in the position of the patient – doctors recommend regularly turning the bedridden patient over. After all, constant squeezing does not allow blood to circulate through the capillaries. Metabolism is disturbed, soft tissues do not receive the elements necessary for the cells, as a result of which their necrosis occurs.

  • friction and sliding – the patient’s skin is very sensitive to the effects on it. As a result of friction of the patient’s body, soft tissues and capillaries can be damaged.  

  • malnutrition – the elasticity of the skin decreases with a lack of protein, ascorbic acid and fluid in the body, therefore, under pressure, it is easily injured.

  • folds on linen that create additional friction;

  • too dry or damp skin;

  • overweight and increased sweating.

Stages of bedsores

  1. In the first stage, bedsores can be seen by pale skin in areas that are particularly susceptible to this disease. Over time, edema appears. A person experiences pain when touching these places on the skin;

  2. The second stage is characterized by changes in the dermis and epidermis. The edema becomes even more noticeable, resembling a blister filled with liquid;

  3. Pressure sores of the third degree are very common. Ulcers gradually appear all over the body. Moreover, not only all layers of the skin are affected, but also muscle tissue;

  4. The last stage of bedsores is the most dangerous. In this case, the bone tissue is affected. The wounds are deep and very painful. In diseased areas on the surface, a crust of dead soft tissues is noticeable.

How to prevent bedsores?

Bedsore prevention

It is possible to protect against the occurrence of ulcers on the patient’s skin by carrying out prevention and providing proper care. It is necessary to monitor not only the external condition of the skin, sanitary conditions, but also nutrition. Special care is required for patients with diabetes, obesity, incontinence.

Bedsore Mattress

 Today, there are special models on sale that provide a change in pressure points on the body by moving air. Due to this property, there is no violation of blood circulation. Modern bedsore mattresses work almost silently. In addition, unlike the first models, they do not consume much electricity. The bed sore mattress allows you to turn the patient less often and makes it easier to care for him.

It is important to monitor the nutrition of the patient. The diet should include foods that contain zinc, iron and other beneficial trace elements. Bedsores often form from iron deficiency. They are rich in dairy products, fish, poultry, chicken eggs. The patient should eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits. For those patients whose digestive system does not cope well with meat, broths are suitable as an alternative.

Skin care

  • Prevention of bedsores involves frequent change of linen. This helps keep the skin clean. Lay fresh linen carefully so that wrinkles do not form on the bed. They create additional friction and contribute to skin damage. Nails should be short for both the patient and caregiver. Otherwise, you can easily scratch the skin.  

  • Clothing for the patient should be free. If it presses or is too tight, this will lead to impaired blood circulation. You need to choose models without buttons, hard seams, pockets. Synthetic fabrics have a negative effect on the skin, so underwear and clothing should be made from natural materials. Do not allow the patient to overheat. Excessive sweating increases the risk of pressure sores.

  • The skin must always be clean. To do this, it should be treated with a wet sponge. In this case, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the upper layers of the skin. Too dry skin should be moisturized, and oily skin should be dried. The use of antibacterial agents is not recommended. Soap, for example, cleansing the skin, destroys beneficial bacteria on its surface. After water procedures, moisture is removed with a towel. Rubbing the skin in such cases should not be.

  • Incontinence often becomes one of the reasons for the formation of bedsores. Patients who have difficulty with this should change underwear as often as possible and use diapers. With increased sweating, treat the skin with a sponge dipped in a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.

Treatment of bedsores is a long and painful process. If the patient is properly cared for, ulcers can be avoided. The main thing is to keep the body and bed of the patient clean, provide him with plenty of drink and a varied diet, regularly change the position of the body.

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