They look like they are more like instruments of torture than a place for a serene rest.
The bed is so much in this word. After a hard day, the only dream is to crawl to her, and on the weekend – to lie around in plenty. However, not everyone has a similar view of the main thing in the bedroom. After wandering about the vastness of ad sites, we found that sometimes the bed is a hymn to human greed. Why not put up for sale! Shabby, broken, with humpbacked spotted mattresses – advertisements for the sale of such beds are more like a veiled request to take bulky garbage to the trash, and even pay for it to the owner.
Do you see a bed in this heap? And she is. It costs 500 rubles.
Sometimes the ads get really sad. It can be seen that people are selling property left over from elderly relatives. And judging by the miserable life, no one visited these very relatives, no one cared about them.
However, there are many more outright ridiculous attempts to sell the bed. For example, here is this photo – see the nails sticking out of the mattress? Apparently this is especially for homebrew yogis.
A separate art form is the sale of headboards. Okay, if this is a more or less universal element. And what if a stuffed stuffed stuff with polka dots? Or is it a diamond? It is absolutely incomprehensible.
There are also antique polished old sofa headboards for sale. Or beds. It is proud to call all this a “kit” – and what, there are legs, four bolts too.
There are a lot of polished furniture from the USSR. Sometimes it is honestly called “the old Soviet” – it is really old, with a swollen polish, cracked and flaky. And sometimes they proudly call it “retro”. Here’s a hint: if you call an ancient bed vintage, you can sell it not for 500 rubles, but ten times more.
Photo for the ad for the sale of a teenage bed. Where is she?
Armor nets, like a memory of a long forgotten past in a pioneer camp, an eerie-looking metal crib, a “mattress in excellent condition” – spotted, hunched over, knotted – it feels like the 70s still reign on the vastness of ad sites. And what about the “exclusive handmade crib” made from old boxes? We have collected the most awkward pictures – see the photo gallery.