Bedridden at home. Where to go for help

When a loved one becomes ill and suddenly becomes dependent, the family often feels overwhelmed by the responsibilities that fall on them. He does not know how to properly take care of his loved ones, or how to organize the necessary formalities. Instead of panicking, it is worth reaching for the help of specialized institutions.

Information about the illness of a loved one is usually a big shock, especially when the sick person loses their fitness and becomes dependent. In a short time, caregivers need to learn what to do with the patient, how to properly care for them and how to organize all legal issues.

Patient care information

Taking care of a sick person who is not fit is a big challenge. Especially at the beginning. Find out how to administer a meal, which is especially problematic for people with dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing. In addition, there are activities such as the daily toilet: from brushing your teeth, through washing your head, body, to the toilet of intimate areas.

If our client has problems with urinary incontinence, we also need to know how to provide him with maximum comfort. It is also very important to prevent pressure ulcers, or to protect the skin surface with arginine cream, which has a regenerating effect, but also creates a protective barrier, allowing the skin to breathe.

A lot of helpful information can be found in special guides. Some of them are available on-line. An example of such a guide is the material prepared by the TZMO SA Foundation “Together we change the world”. You will find there, among other things, detailed descriptions of all care activities and information on what products to use. This is extremely important for people with disabilities, as long-term lying makes the skin vulnerable to pressure ulcers. In the guides, you will learn, among other things, how to prevent such conditions from developing.

If the information contained in the guides is unclear or you have problems visualizing a specific activity, video tutorials will help. Thanks to them, you will see exactly how to perform individual steps step by step. Tutorials are carried out by specialists who deal with the care of dependent people on a daily basis, thanks to which we can be sure that we receive the most reliable information.

An excellent form of obtaining information on the care of patients are also free workshops organized in larger cities by the Together We Change the World Foundation. They cover all the most important issues in the field of home care for a dependent person. The specialists who conduct them pay special attention to which aspects of care are underestimated by caregivers, which may have serious consequences.

What’s more, the workshops are a great opportunity to meet other people who look after the bedridden patients. This makes it possible to exchange experiences and tips between course participants. The awareness that other people are struggling with similar problems is also a great psychological support for the caregiver.

Workshops organized by the TZMO SA Foundation “Together We Change the World” are free of charge and can be used by anyone, provided that there are still vacancies on the course.

Legal information

The list of things to be concerned about is quite long. First of all, it is worth applying for an allowance or a nursing supplement. These are two different benefits. The nursing allowance is granted by the commune, while the nursing allowance – by the Social Insurance Institution. The rules for granting these benefits are also different. The nursing supplement is slightly higher than the nursing allowance, so if you meet the conditions (reaching the age of 75 or being unable to work and live independently), it is worth applying for this benefit. Please note that you cannot apply for Benefit once the Supplement has been awarded.

In addition, if you are caring for your parent, you are entitled to an additional 14 days off work, during which you will receive 80%. salary. It is a care allowance. To obtain it, you must provide your employer with a medical certificate confirming your parent’s health condition.

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