Becoming a mother: how to prepare well for childbirth?

Becoming a mother: how to prepare well for childbirth?

Becoming a mother is a highlight in a woman’s life. This will bear and then give life. Preparing to become a mother is really essential to welcome your baby in the best possible conditions. This is done with the spouse but also solo.

Preparing to become a mother: an essential step

Becoming a mother does not happen when you find out you are pregnant or when a baby is born. Becoming a mother is an evolutionary process that takes time. Some women prepare for it before they even get pregnant, when they start to think about becoming mothers. If they are in a relationship, this is usually when they decide to conceive a child with their better half.

The maternal instinct is of course natural but it cannot be programmed. Preparing to welcome a child is essential for expectant mothers. She must analyze her desires, needs and fears. For this, she can be helped by the dad or those around her.

Once pregnant, the future mom has an advantage over the future dad. Carrying the baby helps prepare for becoming a mother. It is no longer an idea, the child is there and he is making himself felt.

Becoming a mother before the baby is born

Women become mothers before the birth of their child. During pregnancy, they already have to take care of their baby. They must stop smoking, they must banish alcohol and sometimes, in the event of non-immunization to toxoplasmosis or diabetes, they must adopt a suitable diet. At the same time, women must take care of their bodies. They must keep in shape to strengthen the body but also rest to ensure the proper development of the baby.

During pregnancy, the future mother can already communicate with her baby. She can talk to him and touch him. It is a real asset of size which privileges it vis-a-vis the dad. All these steps prepare women to become a mother and to prepare psychologically for the arrival of their baby.

Preparing to become a mother: the dates of pregnancy

To help future mothers, they take advantage of a multitude of medical appointments. Every month, an appointment with the gynecologist is scheduled. The woman does a little check-up to check that her blood pressure is good, that she is gaining enough weight or that, on the contrary, she is not gaining too much. These meetings reassure the mother who benefits from a personalized follow-up. During these meetings, she will also be advised on her diet, her sleep and the management of pregnancy. Some doctors choose to have an ultrasound at each visit.

Moms-to-be will have at least three ultrasounds during pregnancy; these correspond to the first, second and third trimesters of fat. These appointments are exceptional because they allow you to see the baby and therefore give meaning to the pregnancy. It is also during these dates that they will know if they are expecting a girl, a boy or several children!

Finally, to better prepare for the baby’s arrival, women can take childbirth preparation classes. These aim to prepare women for a unique event that they may never have experienced (if this is their first child). During the lessons, we discuss baby’s daily life, his toilet, meals, sleep, etc. Future mothers learn to recognize certain signs such as contractions or the progress of childbirth. Breathing and the positions to adopt to relieve pain are also discussed during the sessions. These courses allow you to project yourself into the future with less apprehension. It is highly recommended to go there with the dad. It’s a great time to ask questions and reassure yourself before D-Day.

Becoming a mother, such an individual story

When a woman is pregnant, all the other mothers come to talk to her. They share their experiences and ask a lot of questions. This attitude can be anxious for the mother-to-be. Indeed, becoming a mother is a very personal moment. Not all women feel the same at the same time. While some finished their shopping and the bedroom at the end of the 6th month, others did not buy a single item of clothing a month before the birth.

Keep in mind that the birth of a child is an intimate stage and that we can not communicate about his feelings. Some women become mothers in the first days of pregnancy, others will wait for the birth. There are no rules.

Becoming a mother, of course, needs to be prepared! With the father and autonomously, the maternal instinct will settle down over the days and months to multiply tenfold on the day of birth. Each woman is unique and will live this experience in her own way.

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