Bechterew’s disease

General description of the disease


Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes an inflammatory process in the joints (mainly the spine is affected). As a result, the bones that form the joint are completely fused – ankylosis occurs.

Read also our special article Joint Nutrition and Spine Nutrition.

Causes of the disease

There are still no reliably definite causes of ankylosing spondylitis. Scientists are inclined that the genetic factor is strongly influenced. According to statistics, men (from 25 to 45 years old) fall into the risk zone, the Caucasian race is especially at risk. Also, an important role is played by the presence or previous infections of the reproductive, intestinal systems, the impact of constant stress and damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis:

  1. 1 from time to time there are pains in the region of the sacrum and lower back;
  2. 2 in the morning, the patient has stiffness and pain when moving, which disappear after physical exertion;
  3. 3 with a deep breath, not a sharp, distant, pain in the sternum and spine is felt;
  4. 4 there is rapid fatigue;
  5. 5 limited movement due to pain in the hip, shoulder, ankle joints, lower back;
  6. 6 a spur in the heel (when the foot touches the floor, there is a sharp pain, as if someone is driving a nail);
  7. 7 symptoms accompanying the disease: poor appetite, constantly elevated temperature (up to 37,5), sore eyes, a sharp weight loss, inflammation of the heart tissue.

Useful products for ankylosing spondylitis

With this disease, the diet should be balanced, contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But at the same time, the number of calories should not exceed the expended energy, otherwise excess weight will be gained, which is extremely contraindicated in spondyloarthritis (there is a strong load on the joints with excess weight).


In nutrition, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • table salt should be replaced with sea salt (many nutritionists recommend adding a little seaweed powder to food instead of salt);
  • it is better to stick to the Mediterranean diet;
  • use only low-fat dairy products;
  • eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • season salads only with unrefined oils from corn, sunflower, olives, flax seeds;
  • add dried fruits, seeds and any nuts to the diet every day;
  • there are more greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, basil;
  • eat only homemade food (give preference to whole grain cereals and soups);
  • all food should be fresh, boiled or stewed (depending on the dish);
  • you need to eat jelly (helps to strengthen the joints);
  • it is required to limit the consumption of fatty meat (scientists have proven that vegetarians and raw foodists suffer from this disease much less often, and people who switched to such a diet felt much better).

Traditional medicine for ankylosing spondylitis

Alternative medicine consists of:

  1. 1 phytotherapies;
  2. 2 medical gymnastics;
  3. 3 massage and baths.


For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to take decoctions from the fruits of horse chestnut, lilac, knotweed, lingonberry leaves, strawberries, currants, birch buds, celandine, oregano, hop cones, succession, calendula flowers, rose hips, elecampane root, St. John’s wort, juniper, horsetail. All of these ingredients can be combined in a healing collection. The duration of herbal treatment is 1,5-2 months. The broth should be drunk three times a day.

A well-known remedy for ankylosing spondylitis is nettle. The patient is lashed with young nettles on the back and sore spots for an hour. The procedure is repeated every other day.

Also, there is a known method of treatment with bee venom (through bee stings) – it is used only in the presence of a doctor!

Therapeutic exercise includes such a set of exercises:

  • in a sitting position on a chair: turn your head to the right and left, tilt your head to the right-left shoulder (be sure to reach with your ear to the shoulder); straighten your back, put your hands on your belt, bring your shoulder blades, straighten up; stretch your straight arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, reach your neck with your chin, bring your shoulder blades together;
  • in a supine position on the back perform: raising the head, pelvis from the floor, legs (together and alternately); “Bike” (put your hands along the body, raise your legs, bend at the knees and begin to make circular movements, as if pedaling from a bicycle); bend your legs at the knees, keep your hands behind your head, raise your pelvis and smoothly return to its original position;
  • lying on your side: bring your knees to your chest, try to reach your forehead with them, straighten your legs, bend back; do swinging and raising your legs up (change legs one at a time); bend your knee, do circular rotations (do on each leg) – this exercise kneads the hip joint well.

Physical Education should be performed daily and regularly. Do each exercise 5-15 times (depending on the age and well-being of the patient).

Massage is contraindicated in exacerbations of inflammatory processes, should be soft, calm and relaxing (without harsh and harsh techniques – without “cutting” and “tapping”). You can use various essential oils or pain relieving ointments, joint ointments. Here are some homemade ointment recipes:

  • Mix 45 grams of soap (crushed, simple household soap), 20 grams of camphor, half a liter of vodka, 55 grams of alcohol (ammonia), rub into sore joints up to 5 times a day (depending on the strength and frequency of pain).
  • Take 100 grams of alcohol, dissolve 50 grams of camphor and mustard powder in it. Take a few eggs, separate the yolk from the white and beat the white. Add enough protein to the mixture to make a gruel (not very thick). This ointment is best used at night.
  • Smear sore joints with celandine juice (it relieves pain).
  • Grind the rhizomes of aconite (you need to take 10 teaspoons), add 10 tablespoons of lard. Massage into the spine and joints that hurt.
  • Mix turpentine, sunflower oil, wine alcohol and a small piece of camphor. Leave to infuse for 3 days. Make compresses at night.

With ankylosing spondylitis, baths with turpentine are very useful (use Zalmanov’s recipe). Also, it is useful to take baths with decoctions of herbs from: wild rosemary, leaves and catkins of birch, loboda, pine, currant, dandelion, sweet clover, cinquefoil, elm. Herbs can be combined. To prepare a bath, you will need 250-300 grams of herbs (collection), which must be placed in a linen bag and boiled in 5 liters of water for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 15 minutes and pour into the bath. Such baths should be done twice a week for 2 months. Then you need to take a break for half a year. After, repeat the course.

Dangerous and harmful products for ankylosing spondylitis

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • refined products;
  • semi-finished products, canned food, fast food;
  • salty, fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods;
  • products containing various additives “E” coding.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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