Bebilon Profutura 2 – the most advanced formula * when exclusive breastfeeding is not possible
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Mother’s milk is the most valuable food for a baby, it is an indisputable fact. However, there are situations when exclusive breastfeeding is not possible and the inclusion of modified milk in the child’s diet is necessary. Research results show that in the early months of an infant’s life, 40% of mothers, for various reasons, feed or feed their baby with formula milk, and later this number increases to as much as 70% **. In such situations, every woman needs support and reassurance that she is a good mother. Bebilon Profutura 2, the most advanced formula ***, was created for them and for babies who cannot be breastfed only. Because every woman, no matter how she feeds her baby, is the best mom in the world!

Mother’s milk contains everything that is best

Mum has a special influence on the proper development of the child from the early moments of his life, and even from the moment of conception. To support this process, in addition to tenderness and care, it should especially take care of the proper way of feeding the baby. Mother’s milk is the best food a woman can give her babybecause it fully meets the needs of a maturing organism. It also contains key nutrients in the right amounts and proportions to support it harmonious development.

The uniqueness of female food makes experts – incl. from the World Health Organization (WHO) – recommend that an infant be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of his life, and that he should continue breastfeeding until he reaches 2 years of age and beyond, while introducing complementary foods. Breastfeeding, although it seems obvious and natural, may prove to be a challenge for a young mother. It often takes many attempts or the support of lactation specialists to successfully latch an infant to the breast. Sometimes, however, it turns out that breastfeeding is not possible – then negative emotions appear in the woman: remorse or sadness. For this reason, mums are often ashamed to admit that they do not breastfeed their babies. Is it right?

When exclusive breastfeeding is not possible

Almost all expectant mothers (over 90%) declare that they want to breastfeed and want to do it for as long as possible[1]. It happens that – despite efforts and many attempts – the plans to feed an infant only with its own food are impossible to implement. Breastfeeding can be associated with all sorts of obstacles, and many women admit to having encountered problems with it. This includes difficulties in starting and maintaining effective breast suckling by the infant or insufficient amount of milk in the breast. In these difficult times, with young mothers there is disappointment, guilt and unfulfilling. Suddenly, it turns out that the things that were meant to be simple and obvious aren’t exactly that.

Lactation complications or health problems make it 40% of women in the early stage of a child’s life feed or feed their child with formula milk, and later this number increases to as much as 70%[2]. One of the main reasons for the introduction of mixed feeding is, inter alia, low weight gain of the infant. In such a situation, it is worth fighting to maintain lactation, because most breastfeeding problems can be resolved. You can ask for help, for example, from a community midwife, lactation consultant or pediatrician. Sometimes, however, when the support of experts does not help, feeding with modified milk, after consulting a pediatrician, becomes a necessity to further support the proper development of the infant. It’s another way for mom to still care for her baby. Because every mother wants the best for her child, which is why she is the best mother in the world for him.

A solution tailored to the child’s needs

For many young mothers, the clash with reality can be brutal, painful and very far from imagination, so the awareness that there is someone who will help, support and advise is very helpful at all times. Regardless of the reason why the mother cannot breastfeed exclusively, in order to further support the harmonious maturation of the young organism, she should (in consultation with the pediatrician) choose the appropriate formula. The results of the latest research by Nutricia have allowed for the development of a formula of modified milk, the recipe of which is inspired by the properties of human breast milk, and thus provides infants (not exclusively breastfed) with key nutrients important for a young body. Babylon Profits 2 is the most advanced formula[3]when exclusive breastfeeding is not possible. It combines unique a GOS / FOS oligosaccharide compositionwhich imitates the composition of short and long-chain oligosaccharides in breast milk, with the highest level of HMO on the market[4], ie the naturally occurring oligosaccharides in breast milk: 2’FL, as well as 3’GL, which is formed as a result of our unique process [5]. Also includes essential vitamins and minerals in the right quantities and also has it unique fatty acid profile.

“Bebilon Profutura 2 was developed by a team of 500 scientists and Nutricia experts on the basis of the latest scientific discoveries in early life nutrition and over 40 years of research into the composition of breast milk. We realize how beautiful and difficult the period of breastfeeding is and we know that every woman wants to take care of her baby with all her heart. That is why we use the latest solutions to support and help mothers who, for various reasons, cannot only breastfeed. We show that there are various possibilities, and no matter how women feed their children, they are always the best mothers for them ”- says Agnieszka Dobosz-Pszkit, Senior Manager of the Bebilon 2 brand.

Important information: Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and cheapest way of feeding infants and is recommended for young children along with a varied diet. Mother’s milk contains the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby and protects it against diseases and infections. Breastfeeding gives the best results when the mother is properly nourished during pregnancy and lactation, and when there is no unjustified feeding of the baby. Before deciding to change the feeding method, the mother should consult her doctor.

* Among the milk of the next Nutricia.

**U&A 2018, Kantar TNS.

*** Among the next Nutricia milk.

[1] “Breastfeeding in Poland Report 2015”, a study conducted for the Nutricia Foundation by the Lactation Science Center. N = 736 women expecting a child and women who are already mothers.

[2] U&A 2018, Kantar TNS.

[3] Among the milks next is Nutricia.

[4] Compared to other milks next on the market, based on data collected in February 2020.

[5] Developed by Nutricia scientists

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