Beaver stream tincture: healing properties, how to drink + recipe at home

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are both public and very specific drugs. Beaver stream tincture should definitely be attributed to the latter.

It is rather problematic to obtain an odorous extract on your own: it is easier to purchase a ready-made powder in a pharmacy or an online store. On sale you can often find a beaver stream under alternative names: castoreum, castocrine, musk.

A specific substance is secreted by special glands located in the undertail region of river beavers. With its help, animals “mark” the territory. The secret is a dense mass of brown color with a pronounced musky-tar smell.

Previously, animals had to be killed to obtain a beaver stream. Today, commercial production from live animals has been established. In addition to medicine, the substance is used in the perfume industry.

Healing properties of the beaver stream

Popular rumor ascribes to the miracle remedy the ability to cure almost all diseases: from oncology and cardiovascular pathologies to prostatitis, cystitis, pneumonia and impotence. However, only a few beneficial effects have been scientifically confirmed: anti-spasmodic, soothing, immunomodulatory.

Everyone can drink medicine in the form of capsules, with the exception of children under 12 years of age, people with individual intolerance and pregnant women.

The use of ointments and suppositories based on the beaver stream is not limited. As for the alcohol tincture, it can only be taken by adults who are not contraindicated in drinking alcohol.

When treating children, it is better to limit yourself to water infusion or powder.

Before starting any procedure, you should consult with your doctor.

How to drink beaver stream tincture

Musk extract, infused with alcohol, is taken orally 30 minutes before meals: for preventive purposes – ½ tsp. two to three times a day, in medical – 1-2 tsp. three times a day.

The last dose should be no later than a couple of hours before bedtime, otherwise there may be problems with falling asleep.

Course duration: from 2 weeks to 1 month.

You can also use the infusion to impregnate compresses for joint problems, skin diseases.

It is believed that the remedy accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, cuts, resolves scars and hematomas.

For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, the drug is not taken orally, but inhaled, sniffing an open bottle with an alcohol preparation.

Beaver stream recipe at home

The most popular option for preparing a healing elixir is a recipe for vodka / alcohol. The strength of alcohol should be about 40 degrees. If a whole gland is available, it must be dried and grated before cooking.

You can also use a powder purchased at a pharmacy. Before working with an odorous secret, it is recommended to wear gloves, as the smell is quite strong and it will be difficult to get rid of the musky “darling”.

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator, the sediment does not need to be decanted. Before oral use, the product is recommended to be diluted with water.


  1. Alcohol / vodka – ½ l

  2. Beaver stream – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the crushed beaver gland into a glass container, pour alcohol.

  2. Transfer the jar to a dark place at room temperature.

  3. Let the extract brew for 1 month, shaking 2-3 times daily.

Relevance: 07.03.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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