Beauty trends 2017 from Instagram: photos

The beauty industry gives room for the wildest fantasies. To stand out among the fashionable, you need to come up with something completely out of the ordinary! And so day after day, and so every year. Woman’s Day explored 10 of the most unusual beauty trends of 2017.

You can’t imagine what amazing things girls do to themselves to gain popularity on their Instagram profile. Much of what you will see now has even become a trend.

Chic, shine, beauty! Go smile, but be careful not to swallow all the sparkles – oh, by the way, it’s a good way to control yourself at the festive table.

Photo Shoot:

Want to express yourself, so do it! Polka dots, flowers, stripes! Even if you paint your lips with skulls, no one will say a word to you. Maybe, of course, he will think about something, so be it!

Is it warm for you, girl? In the cold, the metal freezes – everyone who in childhood dared to lick a metal thing in winter remembered this forever – a vivid impression! The owners of metallic lips are counting on an equally vivid impression. Effective, what can I say. Girls worth a try? It’s hot.

Really, really, it looks like a lollipop. So glossy, sleek, sweet. With this technique, the lips look larger than they really are. True, there is an opinion that you are becoming a little bit like a ghoul. And most importantly, you don’t have to worry about being neat.

Always shine, shine everywhere! With this eyeliner – pluck out your eye! – you will catch the eye of anyone. And you definitely need a steady hand. Precision of the lines is encouraged. And yes, you can draw with neon not only eyes, but also lips.

Over the past few years, eyebrows have become an almost central place on the face. Well-defined, well-groomed, wide, well-groomed. Eh, what is there, go ahead – we make hairstyles for the eyebrows! Until we got tired of them and we didn’t shave them off at all, as in the 16th century, for example.

Well, someone removes freckles with all his might, someone, okay, is used to them and does not notice – but here the opposite is true! However, as usual: what we don’t have, then give it to us! We turn straight hair into curly ones, and we draw freckles, we make a temporary tattoo.

Oh, this is the height of shocking invention! On the other hand, why should teeth stay away from fashion trends? Not everyone dares to insert a rhinestone into a tooth, but a pretty piece of iron with pebbles that you can put on and take off.

How did the hero of the famous comedy sing there? I met Marusya – waist in a corset? Last century! The hero of our time has other words: “I met Snezhana – hair in a corset.” You can decorate your long hair with threads of any color. We warn you: the occupation is laborious.

What color have not been tried to dye hair roots in this century! It was the turn of a radical approach – glitter, stars, tinsel. Holiday visit us!

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