Beauty tips: what to do if your eyebrows are thin?

Beauty tips: what to do if your eyebrows are thin?

Perfectly shaped thin eyebrows look very elegant. But what if their shape is far from perfect? How to correct the shape of thin eyebrows?

Together with PMP Organic Beauty specialist, make-up artist Inessa Khizhun, we figure out what to do if your eyebrows are far from “Brezhnev’s”.

Makeup artist for PMP Organic Beauty studio

The modern trend of natural beauty dictates the presence of wide eyebrows not touched by wax and tweezers. How can this be achieved? 

First, comb the brow hairs up and to the side, carefully examining your natural shape. There are many products on the cosmetic market that will help you create the perfect eyebrow shape for your face. This is:

  • Eyebrow markers, they are distinguished by their durability and fine drawing of hairs. You can easily add volume to your eyebrows by drawing hairs where needed. 

  • Flat Lead Pencils will also be able to help with this. They can be used to fill empty spaces. The pencil is convenient to use, with a slight movement, it gives a natural line, imitating a hair. Requires sharpening with a special knife. 

  • If you want to create a softer effect, you can use powder eyebrow pencils… Remember to comb through your brows to stretch the color over the entire brow and prevent color inconsistencies. 

  • There is also gelwhich contains artificial hairs. They can completely create an eyebrow if the hairs are completely absent due to injuries, diseases. It will take a long time, and the eyebrows will last until the evening shower. 

You can fix the shape of the eyebrow with colored mascara and transparent gel.

Owners of too thin eyebrows come to the aid of various cosmetic techniques.

  1. Permanent make-up. This method allows not only to make the eyebrows wider, but also to give them the desired shape. The painfulness of the procedure depends on the way the tattoo is performed, and its cost and the final result depend on the skill of the performer.

  2. With the help of regular shadows, you can visually make your eyebrows wider if you go slightly beyond their borders. The color of the eyeshadow should be one tone darker than the hair.

  3. With a cosmetic pencil, you can neatly finish drawing the hairs of the eyebrows, but this requires a certain skill and artistic talent, otherwise it will look unnatural.

  4. Coloring the eyebrows makes them wider by dyeing in fine hairs that are usually invisible.

With the help of these means, it is quite possible to correct the situation if the eyebrows are naturally thin or have suffered as a result of improper handling.

Choose colors 2-3 shades lighter than hair to create a harmonious look.

How to grow thick eyebrows from thin ones?

By resorting to folk remedies, you can make your eyebrows thicker. The result will be noticeable within a month.

All hair growth products are based on nourishing oils and vitamins. Let’s look at a few recipes.

  • Mix in equal parts: castor oil, almond oil, avocado and jojoba oil. Add vitamins A and E in liquid form (from capsules). Apply this mixture with a clean eyelash brush to clean brows. Keep for an hour and a half, then wipe with a napkin. This mixture is also suitable for enhancing eyelash growth. Apply every other day, store the mixture in the refrigerator. According to the same recipe, a mixture of camphor and linseed oil is used.
  • Before going to bed, massage your eyebrows with olive oil. Dip the pads of your fingers in extra virgin oil and massage in a circular motion, moving from the bridge of the nose to the edges of the eyebrows. Massage with oil increases blood circulation and stimulates the activity of hair follicles.
  • Prepare freshly squeezed carrot juice (a teaspoon), add vitamins A and E each ampoule. Moisten cotton pads in liquid and apply to eyebrows for half an hour.
  • You can purchase special pharmacy eyebrow growth accelerators based on natural oils.

For the period of recovery procedures, you need to forget about tweezers for plucking hairs. We’ll have to be patient and arrange a “vacation” for your eyebrows with wellness treatments. Even thin eyebrows by nature will surely reward you with more active growth and a healthy look.

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