Beauty tips for every day

You don’t have to spend a lot of time and a lot of money to look your best. There is a small set of rules, adhering to which you can prolong youth and beauty. Everything is very, very simple, the main thing is consistency and regularity!

Rule 1. Drink a glass of water every morning

Leave a glass of water on your bedside table or cabinet. We woke up and went straight to the glass. And only then you can start water procedures (don’t forget about ice) and breakfast. One glass of water on an empty stomach works magic! You start the body, restore fluid balance, speed up metabolism, and cleanse yourself of toxins. And, by the way, you will go to work, so to speak, light – because of the slight laxative effect of drinking water in the morning. Water should not be boiled, but mineral water without gas, at room temperature.

Rule 2. Don’t forget to wash off your makeup at night

Probably every girl was in such a situation: after a hard day, she lay down to doze for five minutes, and woke up in the morning with smeared shadows, oily skin and broken eyelashes. Yes, an unpleasant picture and a more unpleasant effect on the skin. The skin practically does not breathe under the layer of foundation, the pores are clogged, the sebum does not get out, so they go deep into the pores. Disgusting pimples and blackheads are just a few of the troubles. More serious skin inflammations are also possible. In addition, it provokes the appearance of wrinkles, especially under the eyes. The skin around the eyelids is very delicate and the shadows have a drying effect. Looking to turn delicate skin into parchment? Then wash off the makeup thoroughly. After all, this is a five-minute affair!

Rule 3. Wipe your face with an ice cube every morning

A very simple rule for which your skin will thank you. Brew chamomile tea (it is inexpensive and sold in any pharmacy), pour it into ice molds – and into the freezer. And in the morning you can start the procedure. Immediately before washing your face, wipe your face with an ice cube, and you will immediately feel the skin wake up and glow. Do not be fanatic: one cube is more than enough, and do not hold the ice on the skin for a long time. The ice procedure strengthens blood vessels, improves skin elasticity and firmness. Remember, the ice should not stay in the freezer for more than five days. Making a new one is not so difficult.

Rule 4. Take a contrast shower

Do you dream of firm skin and want to forget about cellulite forever? A couple of minutes of water shock therapy every morning and you are halfway to your dream. It is not necessary to torment yourself with ice water, start with a gentle temperature. Try to lower the temperature every day. A contrast shower, firstly, will definitely make you wake up. Secondly, the alternation of hot and cold water will strengthen your blood vessels, the walls of which will become more elastic, which affects the elasticity of the skin. So prepare loved ones for every morning two-minute girlish squeal – and into the shower!

Rule 5. Apply before bedtime cream on the skin of the hands and feet

It is not for nothing that they say that the skin of the hands always betrays the real age of a woman. It is a pity that some girls sometimes forget about caring for their hands and neglect creams. Creams are essential for such delicate skin, and especially in winter. Your heels, of course, will not betray your age. But it will be much more pleasant for your beloved man to feel velvety heels next to him than an emery surface. Do not be lazy – apply the cream on the handles, put on gloves and socks to heighten the effect.

Rule 6. Make face masks

To prolong youth, cosmetologists advise not to forget about face masks. There are products on the beauty market for cleansing, moisturizing, restoring the skin of the face – choose those that your dermis really needs. Masks should be done no more than twice a week, so as not to oversaturate the skin. Don’t forget about night masks (choose ones that contain vitamins, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants) – they work while you sleep.

Rule 7. Do a light anti-cellulite massage every day

Down with all the excuses about the lack of time and the high cost of anti-cellulite products. You probably find time to watch the next episode of your favorite TV series? And what prevents you from watching TV, armed with a massage brush-mitten ?! Inexpensive anti-cellulite cream, three drops of orange or grapefruit oil and a massage glove. Watching the series and three problem areas. The main thing is not to get carried away and not rub to irritation. The same can be done with wrapping. Black or blue clay (absolutely inexpensive and sold in any pharmacy), half a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger, a few drops of citrus oil, a little water. Mix until the consistency of sour cream, spread on the body and wrap in cling film. 5 minutes before the end of the series (35-40 minutes we keep the mask on the body), we run to the bathroom to wash it off.

Rule 8. Comb your hair at night

If you are fond of varnishes, foams and styling mousses, ideally it would be better to wash your hair at all. But if you are used to washing your hair in the morning in order to immediately style your hair, then you should comb them thoroughly. Do not pull your hair into a tight bun, do not wear heavy or stiff hairpins. Doing so interferes with blood circulation in the scalp, and this can lead to hair loss. It is better to collect the hair in a light ponytail and pull it with a ribbon. And don’t go to bed with a wet head! Wet hair is highly traumatic and breaks easily. And the morning styling will obviously not work out …

Rule 9. Learn to wash your hair properly

Do you often wash your hair because the roots of your hair quickly get greasy and dirty, and the ends, on the contrary, look dry and lifeless? Pay attention, maybe you just wash your hair incorrectly. We will not argue that washing hair is a complicated science, but there are also rules that you need to know. More precisely, one rule: apply shampoo to the hair roots, and balm or conditioner – only to the ends. If you pour balm all over your head, you oversoak the roots, which then look greasy and greasy. Before the “head wash” you should comb your hair, lather a little shampoo in the palm of your hand and apply to the roots. Rinse off the shampoo and then apply a second portion. For the first time, we wash off dust and other impurities, and only at the second stage, the beneficial substances of the shampoo will be able to well saturate the hair roots. Do not wash your hair with too hot water – this has a bad effect on blood circulation. It is better to rinse your head with cool water at the end. Firstly, your hair will shine, and secondly, it will become more manageable, and styling will be easier for you.

Rule 10. Make a light honey lip scrub

In winter, the delicate skin of the lips often dries up, unpleasant lumps appear, and the lipstick lays down extremely unaesthetic. To avoid this, use a simple yet powerful method. By the way, many Hollywood stars adhere to this method. For example, Megan Fox, a fan of bright lipsticks, uses this recipe every day. An old toothbrush, warm honey and a couple of minutes. With gentle movements, brush over the lips, rinse with water and apply balm. The lipstick will fit perfectly on the even velvet skin of the lips!

Rule 11. Don’t forget about charging

Light morning exercises can be done without getting out of bed. Set your alarm 10 minutes early and spend some nice early sips. Lying in bed, stretch, shake your abs (as if you are trying to get out of bed, but it doesn’t work the first time. And it is advisable to get up from the twentieth time), do not forget about swinging your leg. All trainers unanimously say that lunges are the perfect exercise for the buttocks and hips. What prevents you from moving from bed to bathroom, and from bathroom to kitchen with lunges? Just ignore the surprised looks of the household. They will get used to it!

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