Has your relationship entered the stage of mutual trust? Don’t relax! The chosen one should not guess about some secrets of your appearance. The secrets were kept by Yulia Voronova and Nadezhda Shamaeva.
Secrets of the beauty of women
Hair to hair
Several years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow made perhaps the most daring act in her life, admitting that Brazilian depilation is the key to her family happiness. And so it began … The miracle procedure gained fantastic popularity. Including in conversations. And often with representatives of the opposite sex … Fortunately, the current morals cannot be called puritanical, but there is a limit to everything. Dedicating the chosen one to the spicy intricacies of hair removal in the most intimate places, you can either make him laugh (at best) or scare him. Or – what is worse – to scare away. It is better to let him be blissfully unaware and, enjoying the smoothness of your skin, firmly believes that you are perfect from any angle. Some things should be kept secret (like your hair removal technician’s phone number).
What an overlay!
Luxurious breasts of a convincing fourth size, a long mane of silky curls, fluffy doll-like eyelashes, strong nails of an ideal shape … The main thing is to convince yourself that you have always been such a beauty. Then the rest will not suspect that your bust is “sculpted” by a surgeon, your hair is renewed with new false strands every six months, your eyelashes are ennobled with mink fur, and your nails … And nails are regularly extended in the best salons. Your pursuit of excellence is commendable. Truth! But just in case, hide your old photos from your beau. Show it when he asks who his child looks like after all.
On the needle
“I am not afraid of injections, if necessary, I will injections,” you hum cheerfully as you head for your next Botox session. Moreover, the world’s syringe masters are frequent guests in our area. And domestic experts are not lagging behind in the ability to smooth out wrinkles. It’s worth injecting. You will be convinced of this once again by studying glossy photos of world celebrities. From year to year they do not change at all, as if time had no power over them. So you, hooked on a needle, amaze your beloved and friends with a desperately blooming appearance. But based on the behavior of VIP stars, follow their code to the end. Do not let anyone into the secrets of your beauty, do not share the contacts of doctors, but the main thing is to observe moderation. Answer questions about the secrets of youth with a smile of Mona Lisa. There must be some mystery in a woman!
Art school
What pushes a woman to experiment with hair color? Fashion, gray hair, the desire to feel like a blonde, haunting from school days … There can be many reasons. And there are even more coloring options! At the same time, the newly acquired shade (if it is successful) just wants to be appropriated to itself. Especially if the beloved admitted that all his life he dreamed of a girl with honey hair! And your natural color is far from “sweet”. Take an example from the nee brown-haired woman Paris Hilton. Her blond never fades, and dark roots don’t seem to grow back. Secret? Secret colorist visits every 12 days.
At the composting point
Discussing your diet with a partner (especially a newly acquired one) is not sexy! And unreasonable. What if he begins to fantasize about “what would happen to her figure, give her the freedom to eat whatever she wants” ?! If a gentleman, going for a cup of coffee, carefully brings a box of killer (for the waist) Fauchon cakes, refuse! But delicately and imaginatively. Flirtatiously admit that you are already a sweet woman. If the dates are in a restaurant, feel free to order dishes with lettuce leaves. They look appetizing and voluminous and do not harm the figure.
I don’t recognize you in makeup
How long have you stopped jumping away from the mirror in horror, trying to look at yourself in a cosmetic mask? Are you already used to it? We are glad for you! However, the demonstration of this beauty product was, is and will be appropriate except for Halloween. But not in the bedroom! Especially if you are not alone there. Gurus are advised to arrange a beauty masquerade in the bathroom. The warm, humid atmosphere promotes deep penetration of the mask components into the skin. Not in the mood to retire for a long time? Choose five-minute express masks and guess the time of their removal before the arrival of your loved one.
Water procedures
East is a delicate matter. And popular! Passion for yoga is becoming a total trend. Hence all these assanas, breathing exercises, chakra cleansing and, of course, regular enemas. Without them, the above tricks become meaningless. By the way, people who are far from oriental practices are not indifferent to this type of water procedures. With the help of simple manipulations, you can effectively cleanse the intestines and achieve a flat stomach. And if one day dares to undergo colonotherapy … Gisele Bündchen is delighted with her. I wonder if Leo DiCaprio knew about this? And isn’t that why the relationship of the ex-couple has reached an impasse? It is definitely not worth bringing such “sacred actions” to the public’s judgment. Too delicate topic, with which you run the risk of associating from now and forever.
Under the microscope
Sometimes they come back … Hateful pimples ruin your life, despite the fact that your youth is behind you. No wonder: the growing pollution of the environment and hormonal storms have made acne a sad sign not only of adolescence, but also of maturity. Unfortunately, pimples destroy even the sexiest image. And falling into childhood and pretending to be Lolita, being three times her age, is simply stupid. But don’t panic: many brands have products designed for adult problem skin. And do not be lazy to carefully camouflage all the rashes. The blessing of disinfecting and drying correctors is a lot.
Someone invests in real estate, and someone – in mutual funds. So you are carried away by business and are investing in … your own appearance. When you buy the best (read: expensive) creams, you are counting on excellent dividends in the form of complete zero wrinkles, coupled with an amazing complexion. You have the right! “Cosmic” cream Creatage Excellent, Pola, promises radiance of the skin for four hundred dollars, and La Mer concentrate for a couple of thousand dollars. – and completely eternal youth. However, the chosen one will not understand you even as a businessman of a businessman. Therefore, remember the main commandment of the business world and do not spread about your business projects. Otherwise, you will be known as a spender – albeit not aging.
Your relationship has already entered the stage of deep mutual trust. Congratulations! But couples who have lived happily together for decades also have taboo rituals. For example, nail treatment in the presence of “half”. The procedure looks creepy: trimmed nails, like free birds, fly around the room. In the air – acetone vapors and dust from sawn marigolds. Wouldn’t it be better to do all this in the salon? Or in the bathroom (in case of special need)?
Fighting cellulite
One or two, got it! Three or four, rub it in! Two flops, three flops! The expulsion of cellulite and accompanying fat folds resembles an African dance with elements of Kalinka-malinka. The sight is not for the faint of heart. But this does not mean that massage is not worth doing. You just don’t need to focus on it. Or ask the gentleman to rub in an expensive product. And even more so to pester him with requests to assess the “scale of the disaster.” Maybe your man can’t tell the first stage from the fourth. However, he knows perfectly well what cellulite is. And it is still not necessary to devote him to the subtleties of the struggle against the misfortune. Moreover, both you and your … mmm sirloin part do not look the best with these manipulations. Tip: massage in splendid isolation or in a beauty salon.
Twisted plot
Tweezers for curling eyelashes are an ingenious beauty invention, without which real professionals do not start makeup. Are you worse? Moreover, using this device is not at all difficult. But … If your relationship with the man of dreams is not built according to the canons of BDSM and you don’t hear the clanking of handcuffs or the whistle of a whip in the house, be sure: he will be afraid of one type of this piece of iron. For all its safety, this device looks intimidating. And when you bring it to your eye to perform a sacred ritual … You can, of course, clearly explain to him that there is nothing to be afraid of. But all the same, the sight of a twisted century in a metal vice will forever be imprinted in his mind. Therefore, we will leave this tool to the visage guru, and we ourselves would rather choose an excellent mascara with a twisting effect. We recommend Virtuôuse, Lancôme, or Masterpiece Max, Max Factor. The effect is the same.
Stacking of the century
The prospect of a love date pushes many women to recklessness. If we have makeup, then war paint, if styling, then hair to hair. No money is spared for this! Mousse, gel, hairspray – everything is used. However, in close contact, elaborate hairstyles scare the bravest of knights. The statistics are merciless: the representatives of the stronger sex are annoyed by the styling products on the hair of their loved ones. Rigid straw instead of silky curls injures not only the fragile psyche of men, but also their skin!
Slippery track
Oh, these heroines of erotic films and magazines! How many complexes can the vestals inspire, whose bodies gleam impudently in the spotlight! Your man will not admit that he is able to admire them day and night. But you already know everything. And diligently rub oils or special fluids into the skin, giving the silhouette a silicone smoothness and dazzling shine. In vain! A greasy body with a specific aroma and a bitter taste will only lead a pervert. ELLE warns: do not step on the slippery path of dubious pleasures! Give preference to aromatic powder from the bath line of your favorite scent. It will give the skin a silky feel without leaving an unpleasant aftertaste.
Head in the clouds
The languid divas in curlers and sweatshirts are the classic heroines of the “park of the Soviet period”. In terms of intimidation, they surpass the famous inhabitants of the Jurassic Park. Both those and others, fortunately, remained in the distant past. So why get carried away with the affairs of bygone days? Especially in your cozy family nest, furnished with the latest architectural fashion! In addition to the notorious curlers from the past, curling irons are also striving to penetrate into the current one. Many people think they are irreplaceable. We disagree! Burning hair shamelessly, tongs require athletic dexterity to handle. Isn’t it easier to get a super-fashionable hairdryer with a set of attachments? And it looks stylish and works great. Your husband will appreciate your love for modern techniques and an amazing hairdo, completed in 5 minutes.
Beautiful gymnast
Who told you that in this bizarre pose you are irresistible ?! Bad joke. Even an innocent exercise “birch” can scare off a Russophile esthete. Skin flushed from exertion, beads of sweat and an expression of anguish on his face did not add beauty to anyone. The trouble is that most physical exercise looks so comical from the outside that it is time to perform it in pitch darkness. Better yet, at the gym. If you really look ridiculous, then in the company of ruddy like-minded people! In the presence of a dear friend, give preference to uplifting meditation and yoga: some assanas are very sexy …
No face
He and she are returning from a pretentious reception. He is in a tuxedo, and the lady of the heart is in an evening dress. Playfully asking her beloved to wait a little, she retires to the bathroom. He’s intrigued! Soon the enchantress returns – without a dress. But … with red eyes, black mascara streaks and leopard-print tones. Moral: do make-up removal either thoroughly or when your loved one is sleeping. And certainly not in his presence!
Useless fossils
Crumbled powder, a dilapidated box of eyeshadows with torn applicators, pencil stubs … In addition, do not forget about the lipstick, which looks like it was inherited from my grandmother. And you claim that you are doing a great job with this awesome beauty arsenal ?! We do not believe! And we kindly ask you not to show the “horror shop” to the chosen one. Your image of a sophisticated esthete will collapse overnight. And I would not want to.
Price issue
He knows that you are perfection itself. However, at what price is this perfection given to you, information not the most necessary for him. Why? Because, having learned how much daily styling, regular manicure and facial massage cost, he will become an adherent of natural beauty, which is not burdensome for the family budget, but so unaesthetic!
Smile in a million
You conquered the chosen one with a radiant smile (still: recently, this is your weapon of mass destruction). He admires the whiteness of your teeth, endlessly comparing them to selected pearls. Which is not far from the truth. The funds spent on the Hollywood “smile” would be enough for a good Mikimoto necklace … Moreover, the beauty of a smile has to be regularly maintained. Including at home. But this should not be admitted under torture. As in the fact that back in school you wore braces, as well as the affectionate nickname Jaws.