Beauty secrets of Cleopatra, subject to any woman

Today is World Beauty Day, and we decided to collect all the secrets of the legendary Egyptian queen, whose image is considered the standard of female attractiveness and sexuality.

Her legendary image has not melted in the haze of centuries, and she still remains the standard of female beauty. Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, whose name is shrouded in mystery and riddles, was a unique woman who spoke several languages, amazes her interlocutors with her knowledge of philosophy, mathematics and literature. Together with her last lover, the Roman general Anthony, she even organized her own club “Inimitable Liver” in Egypt, where intellectual competitions were held, the forerunner, for example, of the famous modern game show like “What? Where? When?”. But we can also say with complete confidence that Cleopatra opened the first page in the history of cosmetology.

She left behind a great many recipes, female tricks, with the help of which the Egyptian queen charmed great men who were ready for any sacrifice for her love. Julius Caesar himself, one of Cleopatra’s lovers, when he became bald, turned to her for help. And the queen underwent a cosmetic treatment using a mixture of red sulfur, arsenic and oak resin. Cleopatra’s lessons on how to look always charming and bright have not lost their relevance today. Indeed, what woman does not want to look like a real Egyptian queen in front of her beloved man!

Cleopatra was very fond of masks, oils and creams, she had a whole staff of assistants who prepared scrubs and body masks for her. For example, one of the favorite remedies of the Egyptian queen was a creamy scrub, which made the skin incredibly soft and tender. First you need to prepare a scrub. We take a deep cup in which we mix 200 g of sea salt with heavy and heavy cream (about 100 g). With the resulting mass, carefully rub the skin of the body. Then dissolve 2 g of honey in 100 liters of hot milk and add 2 tablespoons of almond oil. In a bath filled with water (with a temperature not higher than 38 degrees) we pour out the “elixir of youth from Cleopatra.” And for 20 minutes we enjoy swimming, after which you will immediately feel refreshed and charming.

They say that the main beauty secret of Cleopatra was in the famous milk bath. It was a whole art, a sacred ceremony, furnished with unprecedented luxury. A huge golden bath was filled with donkey milk (at a temperature not higher than 37 degrees), and here, excuse the historical accuracy, they added male sperm and a little almond oil. And within 15-20 minutes, Cleopatra’s naked body was gaining strength and beauty. Of course, some of the barbaric elements of this procedure are not needed by our women. But cosmetologists, using the experience of the Egyptian queen, offer their own version of a milk bath.

Note that Cleopatra, while taking a bath, ignored the soap. It turns out that the resourceful queen has found a useful replacement for him. This recipe, for the attention of women, was adopted by many stellar fashionistas. It turns out that the oatmeal bath cleanses the skin much better than any expensive soap. First, three or four handfuls of oatmeal are soaked in 2 liters of water, brought to a boil, filtered. And they pour the broth into the prepared bath, in which you will learn the charm and benefits of the next cosmetic lesson from the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.

The skin of Cleopatra’s hands, as evidenced by one of the famous Roman philosophers, who had a scholarly conversation with her, was very delicate and well-groomed. And this is not surprising: once a week the queen made baths for her hands from raw milk. In addition, she prepared a wonderful cream that gave the skin a permanent healthy look. Some women still use this recipe today. And it is prepared as follows: first, a mixture of three herbs is brewed – nettle, plantain and calendula at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water. Then, in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons of the resulting infusion, 50 g of interior lard are mixed, a tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of castor oil are added.

Cleopatra’s face always breathed freshness, and a blush played on her charming cheeks. Perhaps she achieved a similar effect using masks made of white clay, which has excellent whitening properties. The recipe for their preparation, by the way, has been preserved to this day. And we, if we wish to embody the next cosmetic advice of the famous Egyptian queen in practice, will need very little effort. Take 2 tablespoons of white clay and milk, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly in a deep bowl. The mask is ready, and you can “try on” it in order to later see yourself in the mirror as a real queen.

Cleopatra seemed to have the gift of foresight, inventing recipes for female beauty that will become fashionable in the millennia. The Egyptian queen, even in times of turmoil, waging a war for the throne with her underage husband, her brother Ptolemy XII, came up with a wonderful remedy for combating dandruff and hair loss. The recipe is simple and within the power of every woman. Take 2 ginger roots, 3 tablespoons of sesame oil, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the grated ginger, 2 teaspoons of the juice obtained from it, lemon juice and sesame oil in a cup. Apply the mixture to the scalp with light and massaging movements and pause for half an hour. Then wash my head, remembering to use this recipe three times a week.

Cleopatra is considered the pioneer of the hot haircut. The maids almost every morning trimmed the ends of her hair with red-hot scissors. As a result, Cleopatra’s lush hair was the envy of many Egyptian women.

Probably, Cleopatra, despite her royal origin, can be safely called the first founder and the only owner of a beauty salon at that time, in which she personally, through her own experience, demonstrated the secrets of cosmetology. And her beautiful image, when a woman is wonderfully transformed and arouses the admiration of all men, will serve as an eternal role model.

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