Beauty salon for men

According to an employee of one of the popular salons in Pakistan, men are increasingly asking her which anti-wrinkle cream is the best and which remedy should be used to narrow the pores on the face. Recently, such questions have become common among male clients.

In general, Pakistanis are distinguished by their masculinity and are a society with conservative Muslim morals, but the sale of men’s cosmetics is rapidly gaining momentum here.

Local men are increasingly beginning to imitate the appearance of men in European countries, who take very careful care of themselves and do not consider it shameful to go to a beauty salon. They wax, highlight, pluck eyebrows and carefully monitor the choice of clothing.

Pakistani banker Nauman Zafr is believed to have pioneered this trend and became one of the first male clients in a beauty salon. Despite difficult economic times, he never denied himself a manicure and pedicure. Previously, he was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, but in 1997 he was expelled from the country. He was bald at the time and underwent a hair transplant while abroad. When Zafr returned to the country for parliamentary elections last year, he made a lasting impression on those around him with his stunning hair.

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