Beauty rituals that will make quarantine a little more pleasant

Beauty rituals that will make quarantine a little more pleasant

We tell you about useful procedures for maintaining beauty on self-isolation and after it.

Beauty is akin to art: it must be appreciated, transformed and maintained. The list of beauty procedures includes not only the application of a face cream, but a whole range of self-care actions. We have compiled a guide of beauty rituals that can and should be performed daily in quarantine.

1. Magic of the morning

As you start your day, it will continue. And it doesn’t matter if you work remotely or in the office. It is in the morning, in the first minutes of waking up, that we program ourselves for the whole day. So if you thought, “Well, this is Groundhog Day again!” or “I don’t have the strength to get up, I will lie in bed all day” or “I think I’m sick…”, then the whole day will pass under this motto. If you consciously choose a positive attitude: “Today is a day of pleasant surprises for me”, “Today I will spend the day with benefits for my body and soul”, then with a high degree of probability it will be so.

2. Regime of the day

Since man is a child of nature, natural biorhythms are very important for us. And even if the most brilliant thoughts come to you at night, and in the morning you don’t think well, maybe this is good for your creativity or your work schedule, but bad for the state of your skin, youth and beauty. The ideal solution is to go to bed at 22:00 and get up at 6:00, and break all the rules a couple of times a week. Then the beauty will not suffer, and the ability to sometimes disregard the rules will support your rebellious spirit.

3. Diet

According to a study by scientists, our mood and well-being directly depends on what we eat. Research by scientific laboratories has shown that when forming a diet, it is important to take into account the needs of the intestinal microbiota: bacteria, microscopic fungi and protozoa. The microbiota is called the “second brain”, as its state is associated with the behavior, appearance and well-being of a person. The gut microorganisms and the brain constantly interact with each other.

Foods that keep your microbiota in optimal conditionare rich in prebiotics: bran, beans, pears, apples, plums, cabbage, corn, beans, onions, artichokes, broccoli, garlic, milk, soybeans and cereals, kombucha and whole grains.

Foods that are bad for the microbiota, and therefore, on our appearance and well-being – fast food and refined sugar.

4. Vitamins

We all know that they need to be accepted, but for some reason we don’t. Meanwhile, your hair and nails will only be happy if you start to regularly drink vitamins of group B. And the nervous system will function much more calmly after consuming magnesium.

“During the quarantine period, it is important to limit the consumption of food containing sugar,” says the expert, cosmetologist Irina Gnedina. – Then the body will accumulate less glycation products, which contribute to aging and the development of many diseases. You need to include antioxidants in your diet, omega-3 (in Russians it is almost always in short supply), vitamin E, which is best absorbed together with vitamin C (rose hips, kiwi, black currant), vitamin D.

It is also very important to get 7-8 hours of sleep a day. If you are not sleeping well, start taking melatonin (circadian rhythm hormone is more important than ever in regulating the whole body). It is especially important now to have a balanced psyche, so it is useful to add meditation at least once a day – in the morning or before bed. And it is best to start and end your day with a smile – to your beloved and to the whole world. “

5. Movement is life

Yes, it might sound like a cruel joke now. But even during quarantine, no one canceled morning exercises, yoga, stretching, push-ups, squats and dumbbells. No, it is not difficult and not for long. The main thing is to start. You will not notice how you get involved in the process and start having fun. Yoga will calm the psyche, and strength exercises with improvised means will help keep fit and energize. Our body is very simple: when we move, not only calories are burned in it, but also vitality appears.

6. Beauty treatments at home

It is not at all necessary to buy all kinds of gadgets during quarantine and arrange a hardware cosmetology center in your apartment. All the same, you yourself will not do what a professional cosmetologist can do. However, you will definitely not regret buying. natural stone roller, which you can use for facial massage and after the end of quarantine. Such a ritual will enhance the effect of the cream and create a pleasant sensation.

Can buy peeling roll (if you don’t have one) and exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week. It is definitely worth watching a video on face gymnastics on YouTube and form your own personal set of exercises. Writhing your muzzles in the mirror in the morning can be fun. You will love it so much that you can continue to do it as usual.

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