Beauty recipes: black caviar body wrap, avocado mask

Having tried all kinds of creams and procedures, celebrities have taken a great interest in “edible” beauty recipes. And now they eat food not only internally, but also externally. Yulia Voronova studied star tastes

It is fashionable to use your favorite food not only for its intended purpose, but also instead of cosmetics. The stars squeeze all the juices out of food. Sour cream on the face, oil on the hair, caviar on the body … With the help of celebrities, food rich in vitamins and microelements will become our best friends. VIP tricks are very effective!

Angelina Jolie

Product black caviar

prehistory Angelina Jolie can wear a $ 30 dress for the ceremony, or wear one pair of ballet flats for a year. But caviar body wrap is a sacred thing! A seafood delicacy rich in phospholipids and anti-aging omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it childishly tender.

Top secret The main thing is to get rid of the fishy smell that literally eats into the skin. After washing off the caviar in the shower, take a bath with lemon juice or a few drops of lemongrass oil. But in the light of the current persecution of black caviar, not many can afford such a recipe.


Product avocado

prehistory With the light hand of London chef Martin Yenko, the singer became addicted to a salad of goat cheese, olives and avocado. The last ingredient is a storehouse of nourishing oils, vitamin E and potassium, which are responsible for hydration. The miracle fruit perfectly regenerates the skin.

Top secret Avocados are used in two ways: they apply the softened pulp as a mask, or – which is very economical and practical – rubbing the face with a peel that is not used for food.

Katherine Heigl

Product olive oil

prehistory The actress trusts her luxurious golden curls only to top stylist Nathan Hawkins. He also actively uses olive oil in his work, which perfectly nourishes the hair. The guru recommends using a healing substance on the eve of important events, when you need to look like a million.

Top secret To save time, Hawkins invented a quick method of “buttering up” the hair. He rubs the product into dry strands, then moistens the hair with warm water so that the oil is better absorbed, and after ten minutes it thoroughly rinses off with shampoo.

Cindy Crawford

Product freshly ground coffee

prehistory The legend of the modeling world favors only natural beauty recipes. Favorite home ritual – anti-cellulite massage with freshly ground coffee. By the way, caffeine is the leading component of anti-cellulite creams that effectively breaks down subcutaneous fat.

Top secret Cindy mixes ground seeds with olive oil for better absorption. And he never does the procedure before going to bed: otherwise, you can stay awake, invigorating the body with coffee.

Felicity Huffman

Product chamomile tea

prehistory The idea for an alternative use of chamomile tea comes from Kate Somerville, Felicity’s beautician. The goal is to calm the skin. Thanks to the special enzymes contained in chamomile, the irritation from the cinematic and spotlights disappears.

Top secret Hot tea is excluded! Desperate Housewife uses only cool liquid. The actress moistens a cotton rag with it and puts it on her face for 10 minutes. Then moisturizes the skin with a cream.

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