Beauty products from the pharmacy: cheap and cheerful

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! In the article “Beauty products from the pharmacy: cheap and cheerful” you will learn a lot of useful things and save money in your budget!

Dear ladies, not always expensive beauty products are useful. Sometimes, trusting advertising and a well-promoted brand, women buy another cosmetic miracle, but then they are disappointed. A beautiful jar goes to the trash, and money becomes insanely sorry.

But there is a wonderful way out – a pharmacy! Many beauty products from the pharmacy are simple and affordable and have a much more noticeable effect than expensive creams from the store. And this is not surprising, because many of the components that make up creams, balms, serums are taken from the pharmacy, but in negligible quantities.

Isn’t it easier to buy a miraculous ingredient in its pure form and use it in home remedies? There will be more benefit from this and the wallet will be fuller.

Beauty products from the pharmacy: cheap and cheerful

Pharmacy beauty products

For hands

  • do not throw away the coffee grounds, but mix with some cream. Apply to hands, massage, rinse with water after 5-7 minutes. The skin will become soft, soft and velvety;
  • mix glycerin, ammonia, ordinary alcohol 1: 1. Apply the product after homework on hands, put on gloves for 30 minutes, then wash your hands.

For strong nails

Baths with sea salt will strengthen your nails. Pour sea salt into a bowl, pour warm water, lower your hands for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the excess cuticle can be pushed back with a wooden stick. Here are more ways to strengthen your nails.

 For face

  • apricot and almond oil – perfectly removes cosmetics from the face and even from the eyes, without damaging the skin, nourishes it and eliminates wrinkles;
  • medicinal herbs can be used in decoctions for washing, or you can make magic ice and wipe your face with it in the morning. A very useful procedure;
  • Solcoseryl ointment will help in the fight against nasolabial folds. Apply at night no more than 2 times a week. For example, Monday and Thursday. You can apply the ointment to the entire face;
  • liquid vitamin E – a few drops in face masks or in a nourishing night cream;
  • zinc ointment whitens age spots and helps after depilation in the bikini area.

For lush and strong eyelashes

Plain penny castor oil is applied to the eyelashes, eyebrows, and also to the skin around the eyes. The effect is amazing! Burdock oil will cope with the task no worse than castor oil.

For a white smile

  • once a week add crushed activated carbon to the toothpaste (on the brush), brush your teeth as usual;
  • you can add baking soda or a couple of drops of lemon oil to the toothpaste;
  • tea tree oil for teeth whitening. It is advisable to apply to teeth and gums at night.

 For healthy hair

  • Vitamin A capsules in oil can be added to shampoo or balm before each use. Hair will become shiny, strong, will stop falling out;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil is great against hair loss – rub into the roots, twice a week and leave for 40 minutes;
  • decoction of nettle strengthens hair, makes it shiny and healthy. Now they produce convenient filter bags that you can simply brew and not filter. A decoction or infusion of nettle is rubbed into the roots of the hair, rinsed with it after washing. The result will be noticeable after a couple of weeks of regular use.

For body

A simple tip is to buy a bottle of essential oil (lavender, lemon, orange, tangerine, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, bergamot, mint …) at the pharmacy of your choice and add a few drops to liquid soap or shower gel. Natural ingredient and your favorite scent – beauty!

In fact, there are many more recipes. The availability of ingredients and their absolute naturalness allow you to experiment with the preparation of products. Each woman can choose for herself what suits her best.

Dear ladies, reveal your secrets on the topic “Beauty products from the pharmacy”. Share this information on social media. 😉 Let everyone be beautiful! Bye Bye!

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