Beauty makeup tips for cancer: for women and men

The face of every woman is beautiful, makeup only helps to reveal the natural beauty. It is a valuable means of achieving the perfect balance between accepting yourself and improving your appearance. Makeup boosts self-esteem and self-esteem.

The face of every woman is beautiful, makeup only helps to reveal the natural beauty. It is a valuable means of achieving the perfect balance between accepting yourself and improving your appearance. Makeup boosts self-esteem and self-esteem.

Carine Larchet

professional make-up artist, La Roche-Posay expert in cosmetics and corrective make-up, leader of the Aqualibre seminar on corrective make-up at La Roche-Posay thermal center

Refreshing makeup

Apply blush with a large brush along the cheekbones and lightly blend towards the temples.


  • If you have fair skin, opt for a soft apricot blush or a more intense cool pink.
  • For natural skin tone, warm pink blush is suitable, and for dark skin, dark pink.
  • Remember that warm pink blush can accentuate imperfections if your skin is prone to redness.

Be careful with bronze-colored blush – they can create the effect of sunken cheeks and give a tired look.

Masking signs of fatigue

Use a corrector or concealer slightly lighter than your skin tone to hide uneven skin tone, dark circles under the eyes and signs of fatigue. Small imperfections should be masked with a corrector that matches the complexion, as a lighter shade can make them even more noticeable.

To effectively define the contour of the eyes and make the look more open, use a concealer that is slightly lighter than the skin tone. It is applied to the eyelids and under the eyes and visually brightens them.

Use your fingers or a small brush to spread the concealer over the crease of the upper eyelid and under the eyes. Gently blend the product towards the outer corners of the eyes and along the eyelid to delicately complete the makeup.


Yellow-orange circles

Pink Beige Concealer

Yellowish-brown, brown, dark circles

Pink-beige, apricot or orange concealer depending on the phototype

Violet blue circles

Yellow concealer


Green concealer

Aqualibre — Aqualibre.

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