Beauty injections: are they really needed?
Is it possible to smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, relieve inflammation, get rid of redness, strengthen the skin, increase its tone and at the same time maintain the effect, say, for a year? Hyaluronic acid injections are capable of this. The rubric editor Natalia Udonova found out all about the benefits of “beauty injections”.
Beauty injections can be compared to an urgent repair: the very next day you will notice pleasant changes (the skin will tighten, it will become more elastic and smooth). Especially effective is biorevitalization – a technique in which the face, neck and décolleté are injected with preparations based on hyaluronic acid.
In the center of aesthetic surgery “Estet Clinic” they said that such a procedure helps to restore the hydrobalance of the skin, block inflammatory processes, and fill the skin with useful substances. After biorevitalization, small
Injection contouring will help get rid of deep wrinkles.
Injection contour plastic
Injection contouring has become an alternative to plastic surgery.
You can also get rid of deep wrinkles with the help of injection contour plastics. Nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes become more noticeable with age, ptosis appears – sagging of the skin. Fillers will help to correct the situation.
In the center of aesthetic surgery “Estet Clinic” various procedures are performed: smoothing of wrinkles, including in the decollete area, correction of nasolabial folds and the so-called frown area (between the eyebrows).
Most fillers are created on the basis of the same hyaluronic acid, they help not only smooth the skin, but also replenish the volume in the area of wrinkle formation. There are several types of hyaluronic cocktails.
Composition of hyaluronic cocktails
A few injections and you can forget about wrinkles for a year.
Depending on the skin problem, the cosmetologist will suggest a suitable hyaluronic cocktail. The most popular ones are:
Restylane (Restylane) – acts as a natural filler, giving the skin the necessary volume, allowing it to smooth out wrinkles. It removes shallow lines on the forehead, wrinkles in the eye area. The effect after a course of injections lasts about a year. All this time, the skin retains its beautiful natural color, elasticity and tone.
Perlaine (Perline) – Designed to combat deep facial wrinkles. The drug has a dense consistency and dissolves much more slowly, so the effect of its use lasts up to two years.
Juvederm (Juvederm) – has a viscous homogeneous consistency and the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid. The drug is able to increase the volume of the lips, fill in wrinkles, nasolabial folds and forehead folds, correct the oval of the face. The effect lasts 6-10 months.
Surgederm Plus (Surzhiderm Plus) – is a solution of hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin, which has not undergone the process of intermolecular binding. This drug is specially designed for mesolifting. The drug allows you to prevent the active development of wilting processes and significantly improve skin tone.