Mercury retrograde, go away! Spring forecasts should only be the most joyful. We will tell you what the stars dictated for the first month of spring and how to use all this valuable knowledge in skin care.
21.03 – 20.04
In March, you will find reasons for stress even where there are none. And all because it will seem to you that the world does not reciprocate you. At work, you will give it your all, counting on an adequate return, and she will keep you waiting – not for long, but enough to make you nervous. In personal life, too, everything is not easy. You can fall in love and think at the same time that your feeling is stronger than the response, which also does not contribute to spiritual comfort. However, by the end of the month you will achieve the desired balance, but for now do not forget to take care of your skin. The stronger the stress, the more undesirable consequences for her – oily sheen, imperfections, black spots can become a real problem. Do not forget to properly cleanse the skin, taking into account its type and characteristics. Black masks with charcoal or clay will come in very handy – the main thing is not to forget to find time for beauty rituals. Loss of strength is not expected. Your ruling planet Mars will spend most of March in Capricorn (practical and disciplined), so you will have plenty of energy. Sport will help to give it a constructive way out. But here it is important not to overdo it. Until March 22, Saturn is also in Capricorn (and even in a difficult aspect to your Sun), and Saturn in Capricorn always threatens with injuries. It is better to wait with extreme sports until the moment when Saturn leaves for the sign of Aquarius – then you can at least jump with a parachute, at least twist somersaults on a trampoline.
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The cleansing effect of black charcoal in a convenient sheet mask format that will reduce shine and provide a good supply of moisture (contains hyaluronic acid). 15 minutes – and the feeling of freshness, moisture, cleanliness will be with you.
21.04 – 21.05
When there is so much work in life, all the main events are connected with it. This is not only about professional ups (falls are not expected in March) – personal life can also improve in the office. So, you have to go to work, like a holiday. All you need is to look great. The stars will take care of the rest. A spark between you and one of your colleagues may slip after March 5, when the planet of love and beauty Venus will enter your sign, it is also your ruling planet. The inevitable excess of feelings often provokes appetite. It is better to control it not with a diet, but with moderate physical activity. Supplement them with a massage course and try to ensure yourself a good night’s sleep. A sleepy woman is a beautiful woman. It is not only about sufficient time of night rest, but also its quality. Look for an orthopedic pillow that will provide complete relaxation of the neck muscles. To forget about morning creases on your face, give preference to silk pillowcases. Remember that it is at night that the skin is actively restored, and your task is to choose the necessary supportive care, taking into account individual characteristics.
Try new ampoules “Revitalift laser x 3. Peeling serum”, L’Oréal Paris
Excellent support for skin renewal processes. The ampoules contain 10% glycolic acid, which exfoliates the skin, restoring its radiance, making it smooth. A great addition is moisturizing aloe, hyaluronic acid. Also included in the evening care is a derivative of vitamin C and citric acid – and all this for the beauty and smoothness of the skin.
22.05 – 21.06
After March 10, when your ruling planet Mercury stops backing away and takes the true path, that is, the direct one, expect a rush at work. The situation will escalate by the 20th, because the corrosive Saturn will move into Aquarius on March 22, a sign with which you have a lot in common. At first, it may seem to you that everyone is putting a spoke in your wheel, but upon reflection, you will realize that you are simply expected to work out the issues in more detail. Don’t scatter. If you can delve deeply into the subject that you are engaged in, Saturn will open new doors for you, and the work will (suddenly!) Be very interesting. In the emotional sphere, the stars also promise changes – you can fall in love, and it will be a very romantic relationship with going to the movies and long walks. Holding hands is especially pleasant if you are confident in the velvety of your skin. Choose the right cream and don’t forget to use it (ideally after every hand wash), and at home, supplement your care with masks that can be combined with a massage.
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Let the care be intensive so that the skin becomes soft and tender as soon as possible. The cream contains glycerin, a well-established ingredient in hand moisturizers, and skin-softening allantoin. This is important when in any touch there is tenderness.
22.06 – 22.07
In March, you will be quite busy with work and at the same time involved in a strange affair with a person who is clearly not your type – impatient, even eccentric. How you will deal with it is hard to say. Your ruler, the Moon, flutters around the horoscope like a butterfly: two or three days in one sign, then in another, and your mood changes accordingly. But the voice of the heart is sometimes more important than the voice of reason. The stars advise not to say “no” right away, as you like, but to give the person time to prove himself. The whirlwind of events (the abundance of work and the unpredictable development of events on the personal front) will be a little tiring, although there are positive aspects in this – a feeling of fullness of life. So that this feeling does not disappear, but at the same time there is enough energy for everything, support the body with vitamins. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. With the help of specialists, you can choose useful bioadditives and include products with vitamins and antioxidants in your daily skin care. For example, masks with B vitamins – soothing mineral from Vichy or moisturizing regenerating from SkinCeuticals.
Mineral soothing face mask with vitamin B3, Vichy
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It is known that B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. How do they affect the skin? In any case, the calming effect on the skin is relevant for niacinamide, vitamin B3. The mask with the texture of a transparent bluish jelly and as if with air bubbles already sets you up for relaxation. The skin after it is fresh, soft, moisturized and protected from external factors.
23.07 – 23.08
While the Sun, your ruler, is moving through Pisces (until March 20), it’s definitely not worth rushing forward. During this period, it is better to rest, gain strength for new achievements. Willpower in the ranking of your personal priorities should give way to intuition, soul movements, compassion. In general, one should be kinder to people, pity those who are nearby. And in order for this to happen naturally, at the behest of the heart, you need to relax yourself. Spa treatments and relaxation massage will help to relieve the accumulated stress. Go to the pool, the water is always soothing. With this approach, by March 20 you will feel refreshed and will be able to “press the gas” again. As for personal life, there are no contraindications for the development of relationships or the beginning of a new romance – Venus is on the fiery, and therefore close to you, sign of Aries. Your attractiveness depends only on the inner mood. Emphasize the beauty of your hair, because the mane for Leo is an important element! The quality of hair largely depends on the condition of the scalp, which is why it is so important to take care of it. About how to do it correctly, we wrote here.
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98% natural ingredients are one of the advantages of the mask, which also perfectly copes with the role of a leave-in care and even a conditioner. It is designed for hair that needs moisture and softness, which means it will be useful for almost everyone.
24.08 – 22.09
Your ruling planet Mercury moves backwards in early March, so it’s best not to do anything at this time. Moreover, March is the month of Pisces, read relaxation. If you go to a spa or go to a quiet place where you allow yourself to turn off your phone (and with it an endless stream of unnecessary information), you will do exactly the right thing. Digital detox hasn’t hurt anyone yet, but cleansing can be done literally. Why not try out new scrubs and face and body peeling products. The feeling of lightness and freshness after such exfoliation remains for a long time. And most importantly, the effectiveness of subsequent skin care increases. All this will help you restore peace of mind and not lose it, no matter what happens in your life. After all, from March 10, when Mercury goes forward again, events will begin to develop incrementally. It looks like you are in for an affair with a person of a different blood (it is possible that it will begin on the network). Therefore, it is worth taking the art of selfie to a new level. To make your face look flawless, make sure you choose the right foundation and know all about how to apply it.
Exfoliates, refreshes, and at the same time moisturizes and softens the skin. It contains coconut and almond oils, as well as glycerin. The coffee aroma makes the morning cheerful. Sugar granules melt on the skin, managing to remove dead cells and leaving it literally renewed.
23.09 – 22.10
In order not to hold back your own development, try to sort out the blockages of accumulated cases in March and improve relations with those with whom you unintentionally quarreled. Having fulfilled these conditions, you can take care of yourself with a clear conscience, change or revise a lot. On March 5, your ruling planet Venus, which is responsible for beauty and harmony, will move from Aries to the sign of Taurus (which she also rules). In this situation, you can discover your design abilities. You will want to do something with your own hands – sew a dress, make a bracelet, re-paste the wallpaper, or simply rearrange the furniture in the apartment. Any of your creative endeavors will be supported by the Sun, which until March 20 will be in a very creative sign of Pisces. In addition to inspiration and the desire to make life around you beautiful and harmonious, Venus can bring you a new love (if the old one is already over), just do not rush to rush into it with your head. No sudden movements – and everything will work out as well as possible. Sleep more, laugh heartily, do not overeat with sweets and go in for sports, and we will help you pack a cosmetic bag for the fitness room.
Take with you micellar water (100 ml), Garnier
The road format is also convenient for going to the fitness room. Micellar water may be needed both before and after training. The product is suitable for cleansing the face, lips, and eyes, and is also suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.
23.10 – 22.11
Scorpions now have an abundance of vitality – well, in March they will come in handy. After Venus crosses into the sign of Taurus on the 5th day (and it is located directly opposite yours on the zodiac chart), you can be captured by a great feeling. It is possible that relations with the current partner will reach a new level, but options are possible. A turbulent personal life does not interfere with success in work. Your ruling planet Mars is in the sign of Capricorn. This sets you up for big business with serious income. On March 17-18, Mars will approach Jupiter (the planet of good luck) and Pluto (your second ruler and part-time planet of big money), which also follow Capricorn. This convergence promises higher profits. Maybe they will make you a good offer, or you will win a tender, or you will find a treasure – there are many options. Just do not be lazy and do not relax! While the Sun is in Pisces (until March 20), it will distract you with empty fantasies and baseless dreams – do not give in. After the 20th, the Sun will move into Aries, and you will feel a surge of active forces. To prevent high tide from turning into low tide, try not to catch a cold. Boost your immunity. In skin care, pay attention to products based on thermal water, rich in minerals and trace elements.
Express-mask on a fabric basis from microalgae Mineral 89, Vichy
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The novelty will be very useful: a charge of moisturizing in 10 minutes. You yourself impregnate the woven base with serum, which includes Vichy mineralizing water and hyaluronic acid. The mask strengthens the skin barrier, enhancing the protective functions of the skin, intensively moisturizes and smoothes.
23.11 – 21.12
Sagittarius, with his expressive independence and chronic unwillingness to reckon with the feelings of others, can go too far this month. If everything is fine in your life now, you should not show off in front of those who are doing worse. And everything is really not bad with you: your ruling planet Jupiter is moving along Capricorn, and this is leading to profitable projects and money; Neptune, your second ruling planet, is in Pisces and is romantic, which, coupled with your natural charm, promises pleasant surprises on the personal front. Try to make sure that your holiday of life does not irritate others too much, do not brag about new clothes and do not offend loved ones with thoughtless remarks. A little self-discipline won’t hurt. Sagittarians rarely think about health (and really get sick less often than representatives of other signs), but even less often they think about caring for their appearance – everyone loves them anyway. But in March, since we are talking about self-discipline, try to establish a systematic facial skin care that includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing / nourishing. Many neglect the second stage, but in vain. Why you need a tonic and how to choose the right one, we wrote in this article.
Tonic with rose and lotus extracts is recommended for normal and combination skin. This is the final step of cleansing, but at the same time, the tonic also softens the skin, pleasantly refreshing it.
22.12 – 20.01
The load on Capricorns will decrease this month. Your ruling planet, meticulous and pedantic Saturn, will finally exit your sign and move into the sign of Aquarius. On the one hand, it will become a little easier for you to live, but on the other hand, it will become less lucky, because Saturn opens up opportunities through difficulties. While he was following your sign (since the end of 2017), the prospects in work and finance have been systematically expanding. But do not worry, with his departure, luck will not turn away from you, because Pluto (the planet of big money), Jupiter (the planet of success) and Mars (the planet associated with energy, action) remained in Capricorn. On March 5, Venus will enter the earth sign of Taurus close to you, which will actively wink at you from there. This does not mean that you need to do something specific. It is enough just to look good, and, as you know, the beast runs to the catcher. It is possible to achieve a healthy complexion even not in the most favorable conditions of the metropolis. Bet on competent cleansing and moisturizing of the skin.
Try face scrub “Apricot”, Garnier
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Radiance is one of the effects that this scrub gives. It gently cleanses the skin and exfoliates dead skin cells, and does this with the help of natural exfoliants – ground apricot kernels and perlite. At the same time, apricot oil softens and nourishes the skin.
21.01 – 19.02
Try a new one hair milk mask “Restoring Honey”, Garnier
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It’s time to try the unusual format of the milk mask. It is easy to apply, easy to wash off, and most importantly, the wonderful regenerating effect of honey and other nourishing components of the mask is obvious, which will help even damaged and split ends.
20.02 – 20.03
March will be interesting for Pisces! Firstly, your main problem today will finally be solved – lack of cash. Money should appear in the second half of the month, when Venus (the planet of small happiness) enters the House in the horoscope of Pisces, which is responsible for personal finances. A cornucopia, of course, is not expected, but a little happiness is not bad either. Secondly, for almost the entire month, while the Sun is moving over Pisces (until March 20), you will be disposed towards tenderness, affection, and love. And it really can happen, especially after March 5, when Venus will move into the not alien beautiful sign of Taurus. It is strictly forbidden to stay at home during this time. Go to the theater, cinema, lectures and exhibitions – the more people around, the more likely you are to meet someone who can become the only one. It will be impossible not to pay attention to you, especially if your radiant smile is supported by the natural radiance of the skin. To refresh the skin after hibernation, facial concentrates from the Aqua Biotherm line will help.
Concentrate for the face “Moisturizing and radiance” Aqua Glow, Biotherm
The product, which contains: traditional for Biotherm products, thermal plankton extract, vitamin complex, glycerin – will give freshness and hydration. Day after day, skin is visibly smoother and radiates a natural glow.