Beauty formula: functional nutrition, fitness and diets

Beauty formula: functional nutrition, fitness and diets

The habit of eating right and exercising will help you to have a beautiful figure. The slender body obtained, even in a short time, cannot be preserved throughout its life. You need to regularly take care of your figure.

Proper nutrition is the main component

The debate about proper nutrition is eternal. Here are some tips to help you stay lean. If you follow them regularly, you won’t have to starve yourself.

  • Drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Grapefruit speeds up the excretion of bile and the burning of fat.
  • If you have a healthy stomach, add hot peppers to your meals. It stimulates the metabolism.

It’s no coincidence that Thai food is so spicy. Hot pepper, which is added to meals, speeds up metabolism and speeds up the burning of calories. This prevents fat from being deposited in unnecessary places.

  • Eat raw vegetables, vegetable soups, and vegetable juice. The fiber in vegetables gives you a feeling of fullness without adding extra calories.
  • Do not use brightly colored dishes. It creates an appetite. Therefore, choose dishes of dark colors: blue, green. Outside of prohibitions, white dishes.
  • Avoid unhealthy drinks. Soda does not quench your thirst, but only adds extra calories.
  • Instead of mayonnaise and ketchup, use mustard, soy sauce, and apple cider vinegar as a sauce. And it is better to refuse additives altogether.
  • Drink green tea. It normalizes blood pressure and speeds up metabolism.
  • Remove from sight all vases with sweets, cookies, nuts. By eating them throughout the day, you will not notice how you put on those extra pounds.
  • Do not fill the refrigerator for future use. When there will be a lot of different food, you will involuntarily absorb it even when you do not feel like eating.
  • And with the fact that eating at night is harmful, probably, no one will argue. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

However, do not torture yourself with diets and hunger strikes. Eat small and frequent meals (5-6 times a day). But not sandwiches or seeds, but cooked food. In the morning – be sure to porridge, for lunch – soup, after a while you can eat a piece of boiled lean meat.

Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage) and fruits (apples, oranges) can be eaten in any quantity. Watch your diet, the body will be grateful to you for this.

Exercise and no extra calories

You don’t need to visit a fitness center to keep fit. It takes a lot of time and money. Any exercise will provide functional benefits. The main thing is to do them efficiently and regularly. It can be anything: running, brisk walking, cycling. You can combine business with pleasure. When cleaning the apartment, turn on your favorite music and dance, dance, dance.

Cleaning your home for an hour will burn 200 calories. A fiery dance will cheer you up and increase your energy expenditure. Just be careful, dancing on a wet slippery floor can end badly

For those who want to remember their childhood, you can purchase a trampoline. Jumping on it for your own pleasure, you will burn 300-400 calories.

Remember to clearly understand the instructions before starting physical exercise. Otherwise, at best, the desired muscles will not receive the load, at worst, you can damage yourself. Increase the load gradually. There will be no benefit from the fact that you spend all day running, jumping and pumping the abs, and then you will not be able to get out of bed for three days.

See also: walnut oil.

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