Beauty contest “Mrs. Russia-2014”: photos of the most beautiful girls of Rostov Lyudmila Matua

On October 16, the most beautiful wives and mothers of the country gathered in the southern capital – the fight for the title “Mrs. Russia International – 2014” will be hot!

The competition is attended by 12 participants – from Novosibirsk, Surgut, Krasnodar, Vladivostok, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Vladimir, Cheboksary and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Girls will show their talents in competitions of national costumes, dishes, creative performances and fashion shows. The youngest contestant is 27 years old, and the most “adult” is 44 years old.

The winner will travel to Chicago next July to fight for the title of the most beautiful wife in the world.

Rostov will be represented at the competition by the 28-year-old Lyudmila Matua, employee of the Department of Information Technology and Communications, mother of five-year-old Richard. The beauty has ideal parameters: height – 175 cm, weight – 55 kg, 92–62–92 cm. Lyudmila is fond of acrobatics and dancing. “My dream is to travel around the world with my son and husband! Work is work, but the main happiness is in the family, ”says her compatriot.

Maria Padiarova from Cheboksary – mother of seven children! Five sons: 14-year-old Yan, 13-year-old Svetozar, 6-year-old Yakov, 2,5-year-old Zakhar and 7-month-old Ignat, and two daughters: 7-year-old Yaroslava and 4-year-old Yesenia! Maria received an economic education, and this year she entered the Faculty of History and Philology. Mother-heroine is engaged in winter swimming, writes poetry, photographs and edits videos. Mary’s motto: “Water does not flow under a lying stone” is fully justified! The girl does not sit still for a second!

Tatiana Eremina from Ryazan – mother of 3-year-old Daria. A lawyer by training, but works in advertising. Dancing and horse riding are Tatyana’s two strong passions, and she also makes fitness pancakes with honey so delicious!

Valentina Schmidt from the Northern capital gave birth to three children! It’s hard to believe in looking at a photo of a fragile blonde. However, their daughters, 9-year-old Christina, 6-year-old Alexandra and 3-year-old Nicole, are the main pride of Valentina. The contestant is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, speaks fluent English, prepares fish carpaccio and dreams that her daughters will be the happiest.

Natalia Nikolaenko – also a representative of Rostov-on-Don. The 7-year-old daughter Alisa and the 10-year-old son Maxim will cheer for the beautiful mother at the competition. The beauty is the head of her own trade company. And in her free time, Natalia creates with her hands: bouquets of soft toys, diaper cakes.

Anna Telepneva from Petrozavodsk, a teacher-choreographer by education, and works as a director of beauty contests in his native land, as well as an organizer of sports competitions in boxing.

Tatiana Shimchuk – a participant from Vladivostok, mother of 2,5-year-old Danil. Unfortunately, the beauty does not hear and cannot speak, but this does not prevent her from developing and living a full life. Having studied as a pastry chef, Tatyana is happy to indulge her relatives with culinary masterpieces, at the same time she works as a model and develops a small business. Tatyana dreams of winning the competition and helping sick people.

Lyubov Permyakova from Naryan-Mar, too, a mother of many children – 6-year-old Bogdan, 4-year-old Mark and 2-year-old Anastasia. According to Lyubov, a modern woman very often takes on the role of a man – provides for the family, solves everyday issues. This has a negative effect on the psychological state: a woman must be a woman.

Lilia Yakimchik from Surgut – mother of 8-year-old Gleb and 3-year-old Alina. In her hometown, Lilia runs a fitness center, and she herself enjoys dumplings. She dreams that no woman in the world will face domestic violence.

Oksana Savelyeva originally from Novosibirsk, and came to Rostov to win. The mother of five-year-old Vanya receives a second higher education in law, teaches modern dances, has a make-up artist’s diploma, and is fond of pop vocals. Oksana dreams of her daughter – to be a worthy example of goodness and beauty for her.

Natalia Bazilevskaya from Krasnodar participates in the competition “Mrs. Russia” for the second year in a row. 8-year-old Artem and one-year-old Bogdan are rooting for a beautiful mommy. Natalya, together with her husband, successfully runs an advertising business, and can easily replace any employee – from an accountant to a designer. At the same time, she opened her own sports and dance school. Despite the fact that Natalia’s favorite food is cakes, the beauty is not threatened with excess weight!

Elena Rezunova – a native of Vladimir, this year she celebrated a silver wedding with her husband. Elena has two daughters: 24-year-old Christina and 11-year-old Ksenia. Their mother believes that the main problem today is discrimination against women in the sphere of labor and employment. In the future, Elena dreams of winning the title of the most beautiful grandmother in Russia.

Beauties are all good! Who are you rooting for?

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