Beauty Challenge: how I got my boyfriend to shave his legs

And what came of it.

Of course, this sounds very strange and many will think that I have lost my mind. But yes, I really like it when a man has clean shaven legs. Am I the only one?

My boyfriend is very proud of his body and the presence of hair on it. This is one of the signs of a real man! So, at least, he thinks. Now imagine how you can get this alpha male to shave his legs ?! Difficult, but possible!

Frankly, I was afraid to admit to him that I don’t really like the hair on his legs, they just disgust me! When he walks in front of me in some shorts, I want to throw jeans at him and run to another room with my eyes closed. It was simply not possible to see it. May my beloved forgive me.

At first, I slipped him articles from magazines where men shave their legs, threw him various posts on social networks on this topic, videos on Instagram, even quotes from forums on this topic. So what? Of course, he did not guess what I was about, men do not understand hints. In the end, I bought him a super-fashionable razor, wrapped it in a gift box and left it along with the letter on the shelf in the bathroom. You should have seen the face of my man when he came out – he laughed like a madman. The first thing he could ask through laughter and tears: “Are you serious?” Apparently, my poem on the theme “How important it is for me that you shave your legs” won him over.

As it turned out, there was nothing supernatural in my request, and modern men have long been shaving not only their legs. True, not everyone shaves them bald, but only prunes and thin out the vegetation on their legs so that they do not look overgrown. That is, they are, in fact, looking after the hair. This is done primarily by athletes – bodybuilders and swimmers. But regular guys who want to show off their muscle definition or just look aesthetically pleasing also shave both their legs and other body parts.

Returning to the story with my boyfriend, without knowing it, I turned him into Mister Perfection! He not only began to care for the hair on his legs, but also for his entire body. After watching a lot of videos from beauty bloggers and health and beauty experts, he began to understand cosmetics and give me advice on personal care. We even had to hang up a couple of new shelves in the bathroom for a new batch of jars – I don’t know now which of us has more. But the most amazing thing is that my man got a personal epilation and beautician! Can you imagine?

I did not expect such an effect, because I thought that this brutal alpha male is only capable of banal washing in the shower. Soap, shampoo and a toothbrush – that’s his whole arsenal in the past. Now everything is different: my man looks simply divine, and I do not want to throw jeans at him at all.

And if you do not like something in your man, in his beauty habits or their absence, tell him about it. Still, we girls underestimate our men in our striving to be beautiful and neat, they just need to be taught this!

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