At all times, women have been looking for the secrets of preserving youth. This is just as relevant today. But some do not have enough time for themselves, while others do not have the means. To preserve youth and health after forty, you need to go to this from childhood. From an early age I was taught to wash my face only with boiled water and take care of my face every day. Even if I come at three o’clock in the morning, I definitely do all the procedures – I wash off the makeup and apply the entire line of care. If the skin is not looked after, it will get revenge. In my student years, when I could not buy a cream, I used sunflower oil, and they rubbed my hair with castor oil, which made it thick and shiny. Once I had to give up my leather jacket, which I saved for a year to pay for the makeup artist’s courses. But now I do the makeup myself.
Here are some tips to help you stay young and beautiful.
Healthy sleep. A woman should sleep one hour longer than a man, ideally 9-10 hours. To restore the body, sleep must be deep. Preferably in a cool room with an open window.
Plenty of water. Wash your face with thermal or boiled water. Drink plenty of fluids: 1,5–2 liters per day. Even the foundation is applied evenly if you drink 2 liters of water the day before.
Time and patience.
Time and patience. Not all expensive cosmetics are suitable for your skin. Choose your line carefully. To do this, come to the store with jars and set aside the funds from the testers 1-2 times. Test them at home, make sure they fit you, and then buy.
Skin care. A visit to a beautician can be replaced by properly selected masks and scrub. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly.
Refusal of heels. Wear them only when necessary: to a restaurant, theater or to a meeting. Always carry a pair of comfortable shoes with you.
Proper nutrition. For deeper sleep, I do not drink tea after 17 pm. I don’t eat sweets and starchy foods in the evening. I always have homemade food with me, which I carry in jars. I eat often and little by little. In addition, I completely gave up semi-finished products.
Positive emotions. According to psychologists, a woman should have fun at least 15 times a day: it’s delicious to eat, enjoy the sun and kiss and hug the child at least 6 times. Do not be afraid to go to a psychologist just like that, attend seminars on psychology, this will help you find a common language with others.
Physical training. Fitness will not only get you in shape, but after 2-3 months, with regular exercise, it will restore hormones. Visit a massage therapist and osteopath at least three times a month.