Beautiful legs without “star” disease

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the beauty of women’s legs: it is to them that men pay attention in the first place. This means that the legs should attract attention with their ideal shape, and not with vascular “stars” and varicose veins.

If you are fortunate enough to have healthy, beautiful legs, do not relax. The absence of problems today does not mean that they will never be. If the legs are not given proper attention, over time they can “take revenge” on you with varicose veins. And do not indulge yourself with the thought that this is an age-related disease. As acknowledged by the Nizhny Novgorod vascular surgeons, varicose veins have become very young and can appear even in adolescence.

“Star Placers”

Varicose veins can ruin our lives, since the appearance of “stars”, bruises, protruding nodules and veins on the legs is an unattractive sight. And if you do not consult a doctor in time, then in addition to the aesthetic discomfort, varicose veins will eventually manifest itself as heaviness, swelling and pain in the legs.

In order for the legs to serve faithfully, it is enough to regularly follow a few simple rules.

1. Wear comfortable, comfortable shoes. No matter how much you console yourself that there will be no harm from high heels, as well as tight and narrow shoes, retribution in the form of varicose veins will knock on your door one day. Wearing heels should be dosed! It is a disservice to normal blood flow and tight fitting, squeezing clothing in the groin area (especially jeans).

2. Lead an active lifestyle. The realities of our everyday life are such that we sit at computers all day long, practically not moving. The most popular run is to the nearest cooler to make a cup of tea or coffee. If, while sitting at the computer, you do not cross your legs, but just swing your legs from time to time, as in childhood, this is already a coin in your health piggy bank. In addition, every hour you have to get up from the table and walk for several minutes. A very useful exercise that contributes to the contraction of the calf muscles is rolling from toe to heel. You can also put a leg trainer under the table and, without being distracted from work, exercise on it. Don’t let the thought that swimming or fitness once a week will save the day. You need to do at least a little, but every day.

3. Normalize weight. Excess body weight is a direct path to varicose veins, since it is difficult for the vessels to cope with the increased load.

4. Organize proper nutrition. Oddly enough, but it also affects the health of the vessels of the legs. It is necessary to include in your daily diet as many foods as possible containing flavonoids (substances that strengthen the venous wall). The maximum concentration of flavonoids is found, for example, in buckwheat. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Red grapes are especially useful, their leaves and seeds, from which a good medicine is made. Therefore, a glass of good dry red wine is only beneficial to the vessels.


  • At the slightest discomfort in the legs (heaviness, fatigue, swelling, stars, nodules, etc.), be sure to go to the doctor!
  • Oral contraceptives have a negative effect on the condition of the veins, so using them thoughtlessly and endlessly is not as harmless as many might think.
  • According to vascular surgeons, not a single advertised ointment will cure varicose veins.
  • On average, 25% of the total population suffer from varicose veins. More than 300 thousand Nizhny Novgorod residents need treatment for varicose veins.

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