Beautiful girls on the beach in swimsuits: photos, details

The swimming season is in full swing! Woman’s Day found out in which swimsuits Yekaterinburg women conquer the beaches of the Urals, Russia and abroad. And our expert commented on the choice of city dwellers.

Our expert is a stylist-shopper Elena Timokhova.

Ksenia Fedosova, 21 years old, student

About choosing a swimsuit

I love simple one-color swimsuits, I always have two of them in my wardrobe – separate and one-piece. This season I made a choice in favor of black, I hope the weather will allow them to “walk”. I remember how one day my sister and I were vacationing in Turkey, and all week on the beach, the local ice cream seller was spinning around us. On the last day of rest, he decided to confess his feelings to me and wrote a love letter, where only my name had 3 mistakes! It was very funny and cute.

About chocolate tan

Before going out into the sun, be sure to use a special tanning oil. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, which not only contributes to a quick chocolate tan, but also protects the skin from premature aging. Of course, do not forget about the after-sun care, for this I use ordinary baby oil, it soothes and relieves the skin from flaking.

Tatiana Grzhebinskaya, 27, costume designer

About choosing a swimsuit

I choose a swimsuit that emphasizes my merits, but looks modest at the same time. Once I was sunbathing on the beach in such a swimsuit, smiled at a very handsome man and left, we did not even meet. And on the same day he found me on the social network (I don’t know how he did it!), And we just keep in touch to this day.

About chocolate tan

I am madly in love with coconut oil from Thailand, I always use it before I go to sunbathe. I also drink carrot juice to produce melanin.

Yulia Mironova, 27 years old, fitness instructor

About choosing a swimsuit

Choosing a swimsuit is a whole event for me. First, I decide on the color – I find out which one is fashionable this season, then I select the bottom and up the figure separately so that it fits perfectly and hides all the flaws. Once I put on a bathing thong on the beach, and as soon as my boyfriend went to fetch water, other men settled down to sunbathe around me. They tried to get to know each other, arranged a real hunt – it was curious to watch them when my boyfriend returned!

About chocolate tan

The skin has to be monitored regularly, we have changeable weather in the Urals. The skin often peels off when you return from the south. I use moisturizers after the bath, and while sunbathing, I first apply sunscreen, then coconut oil. Thanks to this procedure, an even and beautiful tan without burns is ensured!

Alina Sabirova, 18 years old, student

About choosing a swimsuit

It is important for me that the swimsuit sat down beautifully, favorably emphasized the dignity of the figure. I do not adhere to any particular model.

About chocolate tan

I definitely use sunscreen and try to sunbathe only before 12.00 and after 15.00. Before the sea, I always prepare my skin for tanning with scrubs and moisturizers.

Karina Terkulova, 24, gym instructor

About choosing a swimsuit

I choose a swimsuit based on the parameters of my figure, for example, swimming trunks do not suit me. If I go to the pool, then I put on an indoor swimsuit, if I relax on local waters, I would not recommend white swimwear. If this is an overseas vacation, then I love the variety.

About chocolate tan

Before vacation or the summer period, I peel the skin with a beautician, and also visit a solarium a couple of times.

Anastasia Katyueva, 22 years old, engineer

About choosing a swimsuit

I think that a girl should have a lot of swimsuits and certainly different colors and styles, because the beach is a great place to show off your figure, to be fashionable and make new acquaintances! As for the latter: men on the beach are very creative, the main thing is to show themselves …

About chocolate tan

Strange as it may seem, I don’t take much care of my skin, but if I want to enhance the effect on sunburn, I use activator oils with SPF 20 protection, and after sunbathing, so that the skin calms down, I use a cream soufflé with a cooling effect. The brand of cosmetics is absolutely irrelevant. And, of course, I only sunbathe at a safe time – from 07.00 to 10.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00.

Natalia Litovskikh, 31 years old, choreographer

About choosing a swimsuit

Now I choose swimwear for myself according to the principle – I tried it on, came up and okay! Brands, design and shape do not matter much, because from experience I was convinced that after one vacation at the sea a swimsuit for 2000 rubles and 35 rubles. equally lose their shape and color. Enough for a maximum of 000 trips. Once I decided to go broke and buy a swimsuit of a famous world brand for a lot of money of incredible beauty and design. It was sky-blue in color, with a mother-of-pearl overflow. In the sun, the swimsuit shone like stars in the blue sky. And what was my chagrin and surprise when, after 2 days of swimming in the Red Sea, all the play and mother-of-pearl disappeared, the swimming trunks became one size larger, and the blue sky on the bra turned into dark clouds …

I remember a funny incident – to the question about choosing a swimsuit … On my last trip abroad, a young, pumped-up Serb was all around me – he showed his abs and biceps. Once he decided to change his swimming trunks on the beach, wrapping himself in a towel. At first he slowly and erotically took off his swimming trunks, but began to fumble and look for shorts, and the towel, ironically, of course, fell asleep, and there … In a word, the muscle was not pumped up! The whole beach was laughing. We never saw him on the beach again.

About chocolate tan

To have a beautiful tan, you need melanin, not everyone develops it well, like me. I take vitamins A and E 2 weeks before traveling to the sea and during holidays, this affects the color of my tan. Of course, I use sunburn oil, and after sunbathing, moisturizing lotions. And be sure to sunbathe either in the morning until 12.00, or when the sun is at its zenith, so as not to burn out. I began to sunbathe wisely after my friend, out of greed and lack of the Ural sun, decided to tan on the very first day of vacation. She roasted all day in the sun, then slept standing up and did not leave the room for the rest of the vacation.

Oksana Kulikova, 24 years old, teacher

About choosing a swimsuit

I usually choose swimsuits as separate ones. I choose those that I like and fit me well.

About chocolate tan

To make your tan beautiful, you do not need to shower in hot water after the beach, as it destroys the protective layer of the skin, and this can cause peeling and irritation. The best solution is a warm or cold shower within 5-10 minutes after sunbathing. You can alternate warm water with cold water – contrast procedures are very beneficial for the skin and health. Also, after the beach, I do not use cosmetics for the shower, but thoroughly moisturize my skin with oil-based detergents.

Lyudmila Andreeva, 25 years old, administrator in a beauty salon

About choosing a swimsuit

First of all, I choose a swimsuit by size and shape, it can be completely different styles, it is important that it fits perfectly. In early August, I’m going to the sea, so I’m going to hike for a new fashionable swimsuit!

About chocolate tan

I go to the solarium twice a week. But in the summer I don’t visit it, I sunbathe on local beaches or go to rest. After each bath or shower, I moisturize my body with creams and oils. Maybe that’s why my tan always fits well.

Daria Yakubova, 26 years old, model

About choosing a swimsuit

This year it turned out that all my swimsuits are black. I didn’t even notice how it happened.

About chocolate tan

I use body conditioner and a variety of tanning oils.

Kristina Kalyamova, 22 years old, accountant

About choosing a swimsuit

When choosing a swimsuit, I look first of all at the color, and then at how it sits on me. This season, most likely, I will choose for myself a dull, pastel shade of the top (I am light and such shades will emphasize my appearance), and the bottom may be brighter. I usually take several swimwear with me on vacation. In the morning I go out in one, and in the afternoon – in another. And once in Egypt, the same Arab met me twice, because he did not recognize me the second time I changed!

About chocolate tan

I am not a fan of sunbathing, I like to actively spend time on the beach, so I mostly swim in the sea. But since nature has rewarded me with a large number of moles, when I leave the hotel I put on sunscreen lotions SPF 25+, and in Yekaterinburg the summer is such … Ural residents will understand that after sun lotion is not needed!

And which uralochka in a bikini seems the most stylish to you?

  • Ksenia Fedosova

  • Tatiana Grzhebinskaya

  • Yulia Mironova

  • Alina Sabirova

  • Karina Terkulova

  • Anastasia Katueva

  • Natalia Litovskikh

  • Oksana Kulikova

  • Lyudmila Andreeva

  • Daria Yakubova

  • Christina Kalyamova

Three beauties became the winners of the Woman’s Day vote:

1st place – Alina Sabirova. She gets 2 movie tickets * and a branded umbrella.

2nd place – Yulia Mironova. Her prize is 2 cinema tickets *.

3rd place – Ksenia Fedosova. We are giving her 1 ticket to the cinema *.

* Our partnercinema “Dom Kino” Yekaterinburg(Lunacharskogo st., 137, tel. 350-06-93. (best film premieres, special screenings, promotions)

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