Beautiful girls of Krasnoyarsk run and play sports

Running today has become so fashionable in Krasnoyarsk that none of the townspeople will be surprised by slender beauties jogging around the Central Stadium or the paths of the Biathlon Academy. It is not for nothing that running is considered the most affordable and effective way to train. Woman’s Day asked the red-haired women, who have been in love with running for more than one year, how this useful habit appeared in their lives, mileage records and, of course, girls, whether running helped to get rid of extra pounds.

Where in Krasnoyarsk do you like to run? Take the survey on page 9.

Head of a legal company

Why did I start running: “I started to run by accident. Two years ago, friends invited me to participate in the Sberbank Green Marathon – only 4200 meters, which I ran with great difficulty. In fact, I passed, I got to the finish line only because I parked my car on the side of the finish line. In the same place, embarrassed by my physical condition, I decided that I would train all year and next year I would definitely run the entire distance without stopping. This goal required serious preparation, and I began to search the Internet for how to run properly. I got confused in a huge amount of different information and videos. Absolutely by chance, I found an announcement about the opening of a branch of the correct running school I Love running in Krasnoyarsk. Two days later I was already at the first training session. After 7 weeks I ran my first half marathon without stopping, and after another 8 months – the first real marathon ”.

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Most of all I like to run on Tatyshev Island and at the Central Stadium.”

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “I run in the evenings, in the morning I prefer to sleep or swim in the pool. In general, it makes no difference when you run, I’m more comfortable in the evening. “

Mileage record: “More than a marathon, 42 km, I didn’t run. But in terms of time, the longest I ran was 7 hours without a break “Baikal Ice Marathon”. It took so long because of difficult weather conditions, wind and deep snow. “

Your main victory: “I don’t run after victories not in life, not in sports. I prefer to enjoy the process. “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “I don’t listen to music while jogging. Firstly, it is unsafe – you need to hear what is happening around, who is running or driving behind. Secondly, music distracts from control over the state of health, sets the pace, which at the moment may not suit the body – too fast or slow. “

Has your weight changed from running: “I have quite intense training and my body has changed a lot over these two years. And it continues to change! Volumes are gone, muscles are drawn, food habits have changed, health has improved significantly. The most important thing is that it happens somehow by itself, almost imperceptibly. You just need to run! “

Sportswoman of the Regional Academy of Winter Sports, sport – skyrunning (running in highlands)

Why did I start running: “It was interesting to prove to myself and others what I am capable of. Gradually, the passion for jogging in the morning grew into something more, I wanted to test myself at competitions, and that’s how it started! Although there is one case that became fundamental for me. My very good friend was preparing for a serious race, he needed a partner, he searched for a long time, chose, but for some reason I was not among these applicants. It touched me like a woman … So I decided to start running to prove to him that I am not weaker! “

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “I love Akademgorodok, the Biathlon Academy, the shooting range and the Vetluzhanka ski stadium very much. These are special places for me – nature, silence and many forest paths. “

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning for a run: “The most important thing is motivation. It became a habit for me to run in the morning: I didn’t run – it seemed like a day wasted. In general, a company of girlfriends or a beloved friend can motivate to go jogging. Yes, even the desire to take a morning selfie with the Yenisei in the background or in an unusual place. What is not a reason ?! Favorite music in your ears – and ran! It’s so wonderful to start the day actively! “

Mileage record: “In training, I ran a maximum of 48 km. Then I was preparing for a very important start. And at competitions, it happened, and I ran 83 km – it’s beautiful in the mountains, the numbers are scary, but my legs run! “

Your main victory: “Now it is difficult to say, places in competitions are not so important to me as the desire to win myself. There are a lot of obstacles in sports, work on oneself. And, probably, the main victory is that while I’m in the ranks! “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “It’s trite, but it depends on the mood. I can run to rock, I can also to the strings of a violin and a guitar. Recently, I began to run without music, the sounds of nature are better tuned to the desired rhythm. “

Has your weight changed from running: “Oh yeah! I’m afraid not to run at all. I eat a lot and often, when I didn’t run, 10 kg was heavier. It’s even scary from this! “

Head of corporate communications of one of the federal companies. By vocation – a fashion and interior designer. In his free time, he develops the Simple Attribute brand of youth casual clothing made from natural fabrics with Siberian symbols.

Why did I start running: “I started running after my sister, who became interested in running and showed incredible success. At a certain moment I wanted to prove myself no worse. “

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Near the house along the Yenisei embankment. In rainy weather, I often choose the path in the hall ”.

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “I run in the morning if there is a desire and time. Therefore, in this case it is not necessary to “expel” oneself. You either run with pleasure, or you do not run at all. “

Mileage record: “The first record was a half marathon on Lake Garda in Italy last fall, then I ran 30 km. But the marathon distance has yet to be overcome. “

Your main victory: “This is a victory over oneself. Each stage in life, where a certain result I needed was achieved, was special, and most often through overcoming, work, patience and getting out of the comfort zone. “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “I’m not a music lover, I run to what I downloaded in iTunes, something popular. Or Grigory Leps. “

Has your weight changed from running: “The weight has changed, but the shape and proportions of the figure have changed more. I’m happy with the result! “

Correspondent of the TV channel “Enisey”

Why did I start running: “I have known for a long time that Krasnoyarsk has a correct running school, I love running. Many acquaintances were trained in it and were in a state of some kind of euphoria. They were running, they were talking about running, half marathons and sneakers. But my story of acquaintance with this school began with the announcement that they needed a PR specialist. I passed the interview, and they hired me. But I didn’t know anything about running, and in order to understand, and most importantly, to feel this euphoria, I started running. The very first training session completely turned my world upside down. It turns out that I knew nothing about running, and most importantly, I had the wrong technique. As a result, I got involved very quickly. This is now a part of my life. I ran a 21,1 km half marathon. Now it seems to me that this “love affair with sneakers” is forever! “

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “I love to run on Tatyshev Island. I like that when you run, the landscape changes, people pass around. I enjoy it. When I want to think and be alone, I go to the school field near the house. I always remember how hard it was for me to be given crosses, and how easy I am to run now. “

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “You don’t need to expel yourself anywhere. I don’t run in the morning. It is very difficult for me to get up, so I run in the evening. You need to find a suitable time for yourself, so that it is not hard labor, but a pleasant and useful leisure. “

Mileage record: “This is a half marathon distance of 21,1 km, I ran it in 02.47.15. Now I want to improve this result. Maybe someday I will decide to take part in the marathon. “

Your main victory: “Daily training. Just running is not enough. You also need to do exercises and rest properly. “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “Before, I always ran with music and had no idea how to go long distances without headphones. Now I understand that the music throws off the tempo. “

Has your weight changed from running: “In two months I have lost 5 kg. For all the time I was in the gym, I have never had such a result. Everyone can run! But it is important that the equipment is correctly delivered, otherwise it may end up with health problems. “

Director of Admiral LLC

Why did I start running: “Running is the easiest, most budget-friendly way to keep fit wherever you are, plus a chic cardio load in addition to regular strength training. I started running 5-6 years ago, when there were practically no people on Tatyshev Island ”.

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Tatyshev Island and Stolby”.

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “I can wake up early in the morning only in summer and from the rays of the sun. I run 4 km twice a week, and then I fly to the pool. The mood and energy are extraordinary. “

Mileage record: “About 10-12 km at a time. Unfortunately, the joints do not allow anymore. “

Your main victory: “I got my nephews hooked on running and regular sports.”

What kind of music do you choose for running: “Hits of the group” Leningrad “.

Has your weight changed from running: “The weight has not changed dramatically, but the legs and butt have become“ nuts ”.

Event organizer, public figure

Why did I start running: “My love of running happened quite suddenly and inexplicably. One morning I woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning and did not know what to do. And then I looked out the window and realized that I wanted to run. I called my mom and she kept me company. Since then, we have been running together, and my mother, by the way, trains me. Because she’s an experienced runner. So maybe my running passion is something genetic! “

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Krasnoyarsk should be proud of the fact that over the past few years it has become a running city! I try to change jogging locations as often as possible for a variety of experiences. I love Tatyshev Island and the biathlon track with adjoining mountain and forest trails. “

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “If I don’t want to get up at all, I remember my best feelings from the track, from away competitions, the brightest finishes. And motivation comes naturally! “

Mileage record: “42 kilometers is my first and so far the only full marathon in Moscow last year. In this I will add one more ”.

Your main victory: “Every day and every run is already a small victory over oneself and one’s laziness, and big victories in competitions only add motivation for daily small feats. At home I have a board with medals from races from different countries, and each one is dear to me in its own way and I remember something special. So, probably, the main victory that I can single out among all is yet to come! “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “I don’t listen to music while jogging. Firstly for safety reasons, and secondly, music with different tempo knocks your personal rhythm, and instead of listening to your body, you suddenly become driven / controlled. And this is not a story about running at all. ”

Has your weight changed from running: “I have always kept myself in shape, but I can say for sure that it is running that affects the figure in a complex manner, brings a person of any size and genetics to almost perfection. My weight has not changed much, but my appearance – very much! So draw your own conclusions. All light legs and motives! ”

Fitness instructor and gym instructor

Why did I start running: “I started running at 19 because I really wanted to lose weight.”

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Most of all I love to run on Tatyshev Island and the Yenisei embankment.”

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “Not if there is no desire to study and work on yourself. And sometimes you just need to overcome your laziness a couple of times and that very desire will appear! “

Mileage record: “This year on May 1, I ran 21,1 km!”

Your main victory: “Above yourself and your laziness. The dream was to run a half marathon without taking a step. As a result, I ran at a good pace, which was not even in training ”.

What kind of music do you choose for running: “I choose different music, depending on the mood. If you run for fun, then energetic is better. And if you run to prepare for a competition, it’s better without music. Because you need to learn to listen to your body and yourself, to be alone with your thoughts and goals. “

Has your weight changed from running: “The weight has changed and only for the better – from 105 kg to 65 kg!”

Cadet of the Military Engineering Institute

Why did I start running: “I started running to improve my figure. Then regular jogging became like a hobby, a favorite thing. “

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: “Probably in the forest of Akademgorodok. I also really like to run on Tatyshev Island and the Yenisei embankment ”.

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “The most difficult thing is to get up. You always wake up with thoughts: “Maybe not today?” You need to find motivation for yourself, always remember about your goal and go towards it. “

Mileage record: “I can’t say by kilometers, but the maximum jogging time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.”

Your main victory: “In principle, there was no particular major victory. All are important, all are equal. “

What kind of music do you choose for running: “Different, usually it’s the kind of music that inspires and cheers.”

Has your weight changed from running: “I can’t say for sure about the weight, because I started running at school, and now my body has grown. Of course, the weight has increased, and the appearance has changed for sure and for the better. “

Secretary of the Executive Director of JSC “Gambit”

Why did I start running: “I was inspired by the desire to lose weight and improve my health.”

Favorite jogging spot in Krasnoyarsk: Tatyshev Island and Stolby Reserve.

How to kick yourself out of the house in the morning: “I am an owl, so running in the morning is unrealistic for me! So I prefer evening jogging. “

Mileage record: “My record is 21 km, half marathon.”

Your main victory: “I think my main victory is yet to come!”

What kind of music do you choose for running: “I choose dynamic music that motivates me to run.”

Has your weight changed from running: “The weight has become less. If I ate less, then in general the figure would be super! “


Where in Krasnoyarsk do you like to run?

  • Akademgorodok

  • Biathlon Academy

  • Vetluzhanka ski stadium area

  • Tatyshev Park

  • central Stadium

  • Yenisei embankment

  • Pillars

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