Beautiful eye makeup: how to do it? Video
The eyes can convey the general mood, tell, and sometimes hide something very important. It is impossible to overestimate the role of correct and beautiful eye makeup for a successful woman, because it is the main tool and assistant in personal and business communications.
Beautiful eye makeup: how to do it?
10 steps to proper eye makeup step by step
1. The most important thing is to determine your type, color, shape of the eyes, the depth of their planting and, taking into account all these factors, to select the appropriate makeup options and color combinations, palettes for eye makeup.
2. Preparatory stage – removal of oily sheen from the eyelids.
If the skin is prone to oily, you can use a special base under the shadow.
3. Using at least three quality eye makeup brushes. For everyday simple makeup, three basic eyeshadow brushes are enough: a brush with a short beveled bristle (suitable for eyebrow shaping and for a neat eyeliner), a medium brush for applying eyeshadow and a brush for blending.
4. Immediately before applying cosmetics, it is necessary to mask bruises, redness and unevenness of the skin around the eyes using tonal means, otherwise the color of the selected shadows will be distorted, and the overall appearance will be tired.
5. The lightest shade of eyeshadow should be applied to the area under the eyebrow (this will accentuate the brow line) and in the inner corner of the upper and lower eyelids for a fresher look.
6. For a movable upper eyelid, it is best to choose a dark shade of eyeshadow to add depth and expression.
7. You should not do eyeliner on the entire lower eyelid, it is best to leave one third intact (only if it is not oriental makeup), so the look will be more open.
8. To achieve the visual effect of enlarging the eyes, mascara should be applied to the eyelashes in such a way that they are directed in different directions: the inner eyelashes to the bridge of the nose, the middle ones – downward, the outer ones – to the side.
9. Do not neglect shading. Carefully blending the boundaries between the different shades of shadows will give a more accurate and natural look to the entire makeup.
10. The key to success is the correct placement of accents. If there is a goal – to draw the main attention to the eyes, you should not choose too bright makeup for lips, it can look vulgar and tasteless.
If cold shades of eyeshadow are chosen for eye makeup, it is best to give preference to pink blush and lip gloss with a cold pink undertone.
Eye makeup tips: easy and simple
Most people on earth have brown eyes. This is the deepest and most mysterious color. You can emphasize it with the help of shadows of lighter shades, an arrow made using a pencil or liquid eyeliner will look harmonious. For blue-eyed eyes, shadows in darker tones are perfect, they will emphasize the depth of the blue tint of the eyes.
Owners of gray eyes are doubly lucky – they will suit a variety of shades of eye makeup.
Emerald eyeshadow will give a green tint to the eyes, using blue eyeshadow will visually make the eyes blue. To emphasize the rarest eye color in nature – green, you can use contrasting colors – pink, coral, brown with a red undertone, and so on.