Beautiful cheerleaders are waiting for the Olympics

The Olympic Games are a celebration and test not only for athletes, but also for their fans. Yaroslavl is a sports city, and here they root for their people with all their hearts.

Woman’s Day found girls for whom the support of their favorite athlete or team is their main hobby in life. Which of them do you think deserves a medal for support? Vote! Voting will last until August 19 to 16:00… You can vote on the 6th page.

Alena Kalugina, 21 years old, student

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personal archive of Alena Kalugina

“My favorite sport is hockey, because it is a courageous and strong-willed sport. When I am in the Arena itself, I experience incredible emotions. I like this atmosphere and the feeling of pride in my team. A real cheerleader must be active, she must live hockey, constantly be aware of all events. She must believe, support and motivate her favorite team in difficult times. At the age of 13, I was engaged in boxing, volleyball, basketball at the same time. I even managed to play football at home with the guys between these trainings. “

Favorite athlete – players of HC Lokomotiv.

Favorite chant: “Only Loko, only victory!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For the Russian jumper Daria Klishina”.

Daria Koshkina, 31 years old, artist, journalist

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personal archive of Daria Koshkina

“My sport is hockey, because it is dynamic, interesting, and in our city it is simply impossible to be indifferent to it. I also like to watch biathlon. A real cheerleader must be loyal and unflappable. In hockey, I met my soul mate. I myself play the intellectual game of go (in Russia it is recognized as a sport). At one time, I got carried away with my friends, and I have been playing for about 10 years. In 2013 she won the bronze medal at the Russian Women’s Championship ”.

Favorite athlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen, Norwegian biathlete.

Favorite chant: “Hey-hey, Yaroslavl armored train!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For all the Olympians of our country.”

Elena Ionova, 19 years old, student

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personal archive of Elena Ionova

“My sport is football, because it was to it that my grandfathers taught me. A real cheerleader must be loyal and loyal to her team, support her in all the joys and sorrows. And I myself have been playing handball for 7 years. I chose it because it is a team sport in which everyone can prove themselves. “

Favorite athlete – Marco Royce, footballer.

Favorite chant: “God save Spartak! Give him the strength to win all the clubs in the country! God save Spartak! Give him strength to win in the name of Moscow! “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “Unfortunately, our athletes have been suspended, but that would have been Elena Isinbaeva.”

You can vote for cheerleaders here

Zhanna Poroshilova, 37 years old, teller

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personal archive of Zhanna Poroshilova

“I am a football fan because the stadium has its own atmosphere, which only an amateur can understand. A cheerleader can be absolutely anyone, regardless of age, occupation, marital status, whether she is sick at home watching TV or attends all the games of her favorite team. I think there are no common patterns and should not be. “

Favorite athlete – players from Yaroslavl FC Shinnik and Bavaria.

Favorite chant: “Our banner is higher. So that everyone knows – Yaroslavl “Shinnik” is going into battle. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “I wish good luck to our team.”

Tatyana Stepankova, 26 years old, economist

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personal archive of Tatiana Stepankova

“I am a member of the Lucky Star support group, and I support the Yaroslavich volleyball club and the Shinnik football club. A cheerleader is a bright, emotional girl who can energize others with her energy. I “got sick” with football for a very long time, at the age of 12, when I even watched matches of the European and world championships at night. I also watch major competitions with pleasure, I look forward to the 2016 Olympics. I myself am happy to chase the ball across the field, I love beach volleyball and generally cannot sit in one place for a long time. For this, thanks to the school, when I played for the school team in volleyball, skiing, table tennis, athletics. “

Favorite athlete – Ole Einar Bjørndalen, Michael Schumacher, Usain Bolt, Fedor Emelianenko. Of the Russian athletes who completed their careers – Alexander Karelin, Alexander Popov.

Favorite chant: “Comrade, remember these words:” You cannot win against our team! “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “As a connoisseur of beauty and aesthetics, I will cheer with all my heart for our wonderful gymnasts and synchronized swimmers. Another struggle, it seems to me that all the power of the country is in these serious guys! Well, I will cover other sports: diving, swimming, volleyball. “

Yulia Isakova, 24 years old, bank worker

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personal archive of Yulia Isakova

“I love hockey very much because there are no fake emotions in it. This is a sport for real men, a game in which the result can easily change at any second. Success depends on a combination of individual skill and team tactics. A real cheerleader should be, first of all, sincere. It is not necessary to know all the players by name and by sight, the main thing is to believe in victory, to “drive” your team forward, regardless of the score and the opponent. “

Favorite athlete – I will not stop admiring the person who, unfortunately, is not with us. Ivan Tkachenko, No. 17. No comment. Everlasting memory…

Favorite chant: “Forward, Loko, we are with you!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “At the Olympics, I will root for all Russian athletes, regardless of the sport. I wish you success and beautiful victories! “

You can vote for cheerleaders here

Tatiana Solovieva, 33 years old, designer

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personal archive of Tatiana Solovieva

“I cannot say that I am a fan of any one sport, I am, rather, a“ professional fan ”. I like a lot of sports, and I root for everyone equally, but my special priority is artistic gymnastics, biathlon, and figure skating. In my opinion, only a girl who really loves sports and her team can be called a real cheerleader, it doesn’t matter if the athletes win or lose. I myself used to do gymnastics. Unfortunately, due to an injury I had to stop training. “

Favorite athlete – Alexander Legkov, Victor An and Ekaterina Yurlova.

Favorite chant: “I don’t know a single chant. I am a very quiet fan. “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “Of course, for our entire gymnastics team. Artistic gymnastics is a very subjective sport, and the result depends on the judge’s assessments, therefore, in the current political situation, our athletes really need support. ”

Natalia Morgun, 25 years old, engineer

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personal archive of Natalia Morgun

“I’m a football fan. My dad instilled in me a love of football as a child. When I grew up, I began to understand that football is not just 22 guys kicking the ball, but tactics, combinations, these are names. It still made me fall in love with football even more. A real cheerleader, like a real cheerleader, must love and support the club they support, both in crisis and at the height of success. I enjoy playing soccer and volleyball with friends and on vacation at the resorts.

Favorite athlete – Frank Lampard, English footballer.

Favorite chant: “You and I, Loko, will be to the end. You are the only one in your heart, “Lokomotiv-Moscow!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “I wish victory to all our athletes.”

Elena Tochenova, 31 years old, engineer

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personal archive of Elena Tochenova

“I root for hockey, of course. Since childhood, I love this sport, go to matches, watch the broadcasts of away games. Hockey is excitement, adrenaline, passion, the joy of victories. By the way, my daughter, who is 6 years old, also goes with me to matches with pleasure and is a fan of Lokomotiv. Many “pseudo-fans”, when they understand that the match is not victorious, often leave the stands without waiting for the end. I think it’s wrong. A real fan shouldn’t do that! I myself play football with great pleasure, skate, go to the gym, play volleyball well. “

Favorite athlete – my husband, who runs in the morning, goes to the gym, and in general a hero!

Favorite chant: “We will prove to the whole of Russia who is the strongest in hockey! The best team in the world is our Lokomotiv!

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For our rhythmic gymnasts, because the most beautiful girls are Russian.”

You can vote for cheerleaders here

Nina Savina, 27 years old, works in the field of tourism

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personal archive of Nina Savina

“I am a hockey fan. This is the only sport for which I root for and worry with all my heart. The cheerleader must be bright and lively. I myself regularly go to the gym, do fitness and roller-skate. “

Favorite athlete – Alexander Radulov.

Favorite chant: “Yaroslavl armored train, HEY-HEY!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For our entire team.”

Daria Naumova, 19 years old, student

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personal archive of Daria Naumova

“I am a fan of football as it is an interesting and exciting game that will take your breath away. A real cheerleader is a girl who is loyal to her club, regardless of whether the team won or not. Also, a real cheerleader must understand the game. “

Favorite athlete – Lionel Messi, footballer.

Favorite chant: Long live the Barca.

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For our entire team.”

Evgeniya Borisova, 21, primary school teacher

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personal archive of Evgenia Borisova

“My favorite sport is hockey. It has speed, passion, struggle. This is the most beautiful, exciting and unpredictable sport. A real cheerleader goes to every match of your favorite team, regardless of what place it occupies in the standings. If it is not possible to come to the match, then he runs home or includes an online broadcast, where possible. I do archery myself. This weapon is interesting because it is really difficult to shoot with it, and I like to sometimes feel like Robin Hood. “

Favorite athlete – Jeff Platt, ice hockey player.

Favorite chant: “Yaroslavl armored train!”

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “For the Russian national archery team”.

You can vote for cheerleaders here

Ekaterina Malysheva, 21 years old, student

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personal archive of Ekaterina Malysheva

“I support the football club“ Shinnik ”. Despite the not very good results of the team, I am always with the club in any situation: I go to all home games to support the team, and also do reportage, and when I have the opportunity, I go away. A real cheerleader should always support, despite the ups and downs of their team. “

Favorite athlete – Alexander Malyshev, Shinnik’s goalkeeper, a good footballer and a kind-hearted person.

Favorite chant: “Yaroslavl is the Volga capital. We can handle any height. We are devoted to only one team, only Shinnik in our hearts forever. “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “I wish medals to all our athletes.”

Arina Bermus, 19 years old, student

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personal archive of Arina Bermus

“I cheer for hockey, because since childhood I went to games with my dad. Currently I go with my boyfriend. First of all, a real cheerleader should support her team and sincerely love sports in general. As a child, I did rhythmic gymnastics. Later, gymnastics was replaced by sports dancing. “

Favorite athlete – Dmitry Malkin.

Favorite chant: “Forward, our club, forward, dear, we stand for you like a mountain! Forward, our club, forward, our club, everyone expects victory from you! “

Who will you root for at the Olympics? “At the Summer Olympics, I will be rooting for gymnast Evgenia Kanaeva.”

You can vote for cheerleaders here

Which of the girls did you like best? Vote! The winner of the reader’s vote will receive a prize from Woman`s Day.

Voting will last until August 19 at 16:00.

To vote for the participant you like, click on her photo.

If automatic markups are detected, the choice of the winner is at the discretion of the editorial board.

Which cheerleader looks the most active?

  • Alena Kalugina

  • Daria Koshkina

  • Elena Ionova

  • Zhanna Poroshilova

  • Tatiana Stepankova

  • Yulia Isakova

  • Tatiana Solovieva

  • Natalia Morgun

  • Elena Tochenova

  • Nina Savina

  • Daria Naumova

  • Evgenia Borisova

  • Ekaterina Malysheva

  • Arina Bermus

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