A beautiful body without sacrifices? Losing a few inches from your waistline is possible without a restrictive diet and strenuous exercise. Treatments bring results instantly, but some of them are quite invasive, expensive, and may turn out to be painful.
Before a painless procedure in a beauty salon, it is generally recommended to use the sauna and massage. We present 3 invasive and 3 mild treatments that will undoubtedly improve your figure.
Effective treatments
- Liposuction – suction allows you to remove adipose tissue along with some adipocytes, i.e. fat cells. This treatment is used on the chin, breasts, waist and abdomen, as well as thighs and buttocks. Due to the fact that it is a type of plastic surgery, complications and failures that may occur should be considered before making a decision. Liposuction is performed on adults who have elastic skin and are in good health, do not have coagulation disorders, circulatory system, respiratory system, and do not suffer from diabetes. Up to 4 liters of fat can be removed at a time, and recovery lasts up to a month. The procedure itself does not increase skin tension. You should take into account pain and swelling, as well as introduce a diet and eliminate cigarettes and alcohol.
- Lasers – through small incisions on the skin, an oily liquid comes out beyond the fat cells affected by the laser. The operation takes about an hour and is usually performed under local anesthesia. The swelling lasts up to a week, while the effects are visible after 2 months. Feeling better returns within 2 days, although returning to previous physical activity takes up to 6 weeks. Lipolaser is not suitable for people struggling with heart and circulatory system ailments, or suffering from diabetes, liver or kidneys.
- Surgery to reduce the stomach or to partially bypass the intestine – is sometimes recommended to people whose obesity goes hand in hand with diabetes, hypertension or increased cholesterol. Undoubtedly, they allow you to quickly lose unnecessary ballast, improve your well-being, health and eliminate diseases associated with excessive weight. These procedures are associated with the risk of complications in the form of cancer of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, esophagus or kidney and liver failure.
- Biodermogenesis – allows you to get lasting results. It fights stretch marks, promotes skin renewal and improves its color.
- Water whips – shape the body, improve flexibility. Through this type of massage, fat cells are broken down, and the skin is better oxygenated and supplied with blood.
- Endermology – is performed using a head equipped with two rollers that massage the sucked fold of the body. The treatment fights cellulite, reduces excess water and toxins, improves blood supply to the skin, and ultimately its appearance.