Beaten and abused children: what solutions?

There are different types of child abuse, all of which are severely wrong. What are they and how do I report them? Point.
Child abuse: definition
The definition of child abuse is, according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989: “any form of violence, physical and mental harm or brutality, neglect and neglect, abuse or exploitation, including sexual violence ”.
In the vast majority of cases, child abuse takes place within the family framework. Its statistics are therefore by definition below reality, as many abused children have not been reported.
Typology of child abuse
Physical violence is one form of abuse, it includes beating, biting, poisoning, burns, babies shaken too hard, etc. More difficult to detect, psychological abuse repeatedly refers to humiliation, insults, excessive demands, degradation of children’s affairs, etc.
Sexual violence is recognized when an adult engages in sexual relations with a child under the age of 15, regardless of his behavior or his affect, with or without his consent. It could also be a minor who uses threats, force and authority to coerce another child into sexual activity. Finally, gross negligence represents the failings of the adult in charge with regard to the basic needs of the child, namely hygiene, food, clothing and medical care.
The legal framework in child abuse
French law provides that all social workers, health professionals, police officers, gendarmes, as well as teachers are trained to deal with situations of child abuse. Several institutions, such as Social Assistance to Children (ASE) and Maternal and Child Protection (PMI) are specifically dedicated to child protection. Medical visits are compulsory from birth and throughout schooling, in order to detect possible cases of mistreatment.
Procedure for reporting child abuse
Several people can initiate legal child protection proceedings in the event of a suspicion of mistreatment. The guardian, the person who has custody of the child, the minor himself, but also professionals from the social sector and education can be at the origin of such an action.
The children’s judge, upon receipt of a report concerning a child in suspected or real danger, can then open an investigation. During this, the living conditions of the child will be duly examined, in order to verify the veracity of the facts. The juvenile judge has the power to launch medical or psychological investigations at the same time.
Noticing and reporting child abuse helps protect them as quickly as possible and sometimes even saves them.
Legal responses to child abuse
Once the investigation has shown that the facts are true, the juvenile judge has several options. The child can be kept at home, with his guardians, but the latter and the minor must meet regularly with social workers, educators and, if necessary, a psychologist or apsychiatrist. This solution, called Open environment educational aid (AEMO), is privileged by law. On the other hand, when the family situation is extremely degraded, the juvenile judge can choose the placement.
. The child then lives with other members of his family, with a foster family and, in some cases, with childminders.
Child abuse: what you need to know
If you have any suspicions about possible child abuse, you should quickly call 119 or speak to a social worker in your constituency.
If you are certain that a child is being abused, you should contact the Public Prosecutor, the police station or the social service in your district directly and immediately. Among the signs that can detect abuse in a child, pay attention to signs of blow, scratches, regular bruises. Certain behaviors should alert you on the part of the child, such as pronounced aggressiveness, recurring night fears, eating disorders, refusal to undress or a general attitude of withdrawal.
The anxieties of abandonment, or the loss of contact with reality (empty and floating gazes), can also alert you. In general, the child’s difficulty falling asleep due to fears and anxieties can reveal a psychological problem; do not delay in consulting.
Child abuse is a real scourge and remains particularly punishable by law. If you have the slightest doubt about a child in your life, immediately report it to the competent authorities.
Rédaction : Health Passport Creation : April 2017 |