- Vitaly Eigeris, 30 years old, photographer
- Nikita Kovrov, 22 years old, designer
- Sergey Budaev, 25 years old, regional manager
- Pavel Gaar, 26, mining technician
- Mikhail Belenky, 23, athlete
- Anton Chase, 26, Producer at Digital Agency
- Artemy Kablashov, 33, does business
- Nikita Sokolov, 27 years old, retoucher
- Roman Levin, 29, business owner
- Vladimir Agafonov, 39 years old, Deputy Head of Legal Services persons
Beard is again in trend with men today! So they emphasize their masculinity and create their own individual image. Woman’s Day learned from Novosibirsk about unusual cases associated with a beard and attention from the female half.
Vitaly Eigeris, 30 years old, photographer
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
Sure! Not only externally, but also internally, the core grows stronger every day!
Gives you masculinity?
Yes, especially when dealing with people. Without a beard and mustache, he behaved somehow “softer”.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
Here, as with markers, the taste and color.
A funny beard incident
People who have not seen me with a beard for a long time are surprised and / or joking. But new acquaintances behave like an old man, then they ask for advice, then I try to give up a place in the transport (just kidding). Children on the set, how they treat Santa Claus – they pull the beard, it’s good at least they don’t ask for gifts. And there was also filming in a dance studio with “small” dancers: at first the beard and mustache were perfectly styled, and after filming the mustache in different directions and the beard, as after sleep. All the children called me “Uncle Bearded” or “Uncle Mustache”.
Nikita Kovrov, 22 years old, designer
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
I think yes. The beard requires maintenance, it must be cut and trimmed in a timely manner so as not to look like a caveman. And this teaches you to a kind of discipline, or something. Also, many, letting go of the beard, put on a kind of mask, and it allows them to “play a new role.”
Gives you masculinity?
No. In my opinion, here in Siberia this is a kind of necessity, and not so much a way to correspond to fashion or seem more brutal.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
I think the taste and color … I have never met an ardent fan of facial hair.
A funny beard incident
A beard rarely becomes the subject of funny situations, but my curled mustache causes a violent reaction from others. He has already collected many “nicknames”: from the hussar to Poirot. And once I was offered to act as a model at one of the conferences in the beauty industry. The main condition was to dye the beard blue or green! As far as I know, they never found a model for this place.
Sergey Budaev, 25 years old, regional manager
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
It is hard to say. When you have been with a beard for a long time, you no longer think about it, it’s like a part of your body, like arms or legs, or something.
Gives you masculinity?
Perhaps there is something in this. I can’t say that I feel much masculine with a beard, this is influenced by many other factors, but perhaps a beard gives some confidence in certain situations.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
It all depends on the personal preferences of the girls. My wife likes it better when I have a beard, and this is the main thing.
A funny beard incident
When it grows longer than usual, I twist it and become like Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. When this happens, my spouse calls me “My sun and stars.”
Pavel Gaar, 26, mining technician
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
Any person, including a man, feels better, more comfortable and more confident if he knows that he looks good. And the beard allows you to look much more masculine.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
Girls have completely different attitudes towards guys with beards, but no one likes an unkempt shovel.
Mikhail Belenky, 23, athlete
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
Sure! First, self-esteem rises a little. You feel much more confident, more mature, more attractive.
Gives you masculinity?
I feel quite courageous even without a beard.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
I think so, with a beard!
A funny beard incident
I have an annual tradition – to shave off my beard for the New Year! The fact is that my mother does not really like my beard, she is used to seeing me as a little son, and not as an adult man … Every New Year I give her such an unusual gift. And now the fun part: before shaving off my beard, I dye it red! I put on the costume of Santa Claus, play with the children … In general, I have fun as much as I can. And then I shave it off. Moreover, it is no longer possible to wash off the paint. I tried once – so the beard turned pink.
Anton Chase, 26, Producer at Digital Agency
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
I would not say that she changed me somehow internally. Outwardly, yes. I’ve been going with her for 6 years now. A person is internally changed by his actions and the events that occur in his life. They can both break him and, conversely, make him stronger.
Gives you masculinity?
Yes, there is. When you look in the mirror and see yourself bearded, of course, self-esteem rises and it seems that you look more brutal. But this is just outside. For example, I am still kind-hearted, although sometimes it seems to others that bearded ones should not be dealt with.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
It depends solely on the girls. But if you believe the statistics, they still love smooth-shaven people more. You can search the Internet yourself.
A funny beard incident
Never sneeze when shaving with the trimmer.
Artemy Kablashov, 33, does business
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
Maybe. But it seems to me that I have not changed much internally. The attitude of close people has changed, now I am a “bearded hipster” for them.
Gives you masculinity?
Yes, sure. The shape of the beard plays a huge role.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
It is difficult to answer this question. My wife doesn’t mind, although sometimes the beard gets in the way. But this is just a matter of regularity and frequency of beard grooming (in short, you need to trim).
A funny beard incident
Besides the fact that at parties, non-bearded friends constantly want to twitch and touch my beard, I don’t remember anything funny.
Nikita Sokolov, 27 years old, retoucher
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
This is partly the case.
Gives you masculinity?
If a coward is put on knightly armor, then he will not automatically become bold. But this can induce him to conform to the external image. He can start, as it were, playing a knight, doing the same things that knights do, although inwardly have fear. Actions become habits, and habits shape character. And over time, the coward will turn into a real daredevil. A beard is a man’s external identification. The beard awakens the desire to be courageous, to match the image of a man. If I am not sure or afraid of something, then I imagine that I am a person who is confident in this situation and is not afraid of anything. I don’t seem to play my role. But the image that I play becomes my essence over time. Here is such an interesting path from a beard to masculinity.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
First of all, girls love men with a masculine character. If a man feels more masculine with a beard, then girls will like him more with a beard than a smooth shaven one.
A funny beard incident
Before growing a beard, I looked very young. Now, not only have they stopped asking: “Nikita, what class are you in?” But most teenagers also turn to me for you.
Roman Levin, 29, business owner
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
I totally agree with this expression. A beard gives confidence, so in order to grow a good beard, you need to have determination and willpower!
Gives you masculinity?
According to the research of scientists, the beard visually increases the line of the cheekbones, while the man reads to feel more formidable, courageous and strong!
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
Bearded people are loved more. Biologically, a woman wants offspring from a man with rare genes, while the beard is a “marker” that tells her about it.
A funny beard incident
It is funny when I turn to a bearded man with the words: “Hey, you, beard!” At the same time, a formidable intonation sounds in the voice. It is very interesting to observe: when a person looks up and sees a bearded man in front of him, he breaks into a smile!
Vladimir Agafonov, 39 years old, Deputy Head of Legal Services persons
Is it true that a beard changes not only externally, but also internally?
Outwardly it definitely changes, but internally it is individual and still depends on the person.
Gives you masculinity?
Yes, sure! And strangers have a greater liking for me.
Do you think girls like bearded men more?
Hard to say. In my circle of acquaintances, girls are reconsidering their attitude towards bearded men. And who knows me, they say that with a beard is much better.
A funny beard incident
One day a little girl called me grandfather.