You could hear its other names: tolokonnitsa, tolokonka, martyr, bear grapes or bear’s ear. Its properties were mentioned in their writings by ancient Greek scientists-healers. Their interest in this herb was due to the fact that the barbarian tribes successfully used it in their medicine. It is impossible not to notice that this plant was also very popular in Europe and the Caucasus in the Middle Ages.
Bearberry is a small perennial shrub. It has rather thin stems and dense small leaves. It lives in Siberia, the Far East and other cold regions similar in climate.
The shrub blooms from April to June, at which time small pink buds appear on it, which by autumn ripen into rich red berries with a slightly sour taste. But the value of bearberry is not at all in them. It is almost impossible to prepare bearberry flowers and berries in such a way that they retain their healing properties, so herbalists most often use its leaves and shoots.
Medicinal properties of bearberry
Bearberry leaves contain many useful elements that have medicinal properties. For example, bearberry is strong in the treatment of diseases of the urological spectrum, both in men and women. The arbutin contained in the leaves has cleansing properties, as it is an excellent natural diuretic and antiseptic.
Organic acids are also an important component of bearberry leaves. Ursulic acid prevents inflammation and kills microbes, and gallic acid is prescribed anti-carcinogenic properties and protection against premature aging.
Everyone knows that flavonoids do not allow viruses and pathogenic bacteria to enter our body. So flavonoids are also contained in abundance in “bear ears”. Beauties use bearberry externally to improve the quality of the skin, and inside this plant is also used in the treatment of diarrhea and to improve metabolism.
But that’s not all: the leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, essential oils and other equally useful trace elements.
Contraindications toloknianka
Of course, all methods of treatment have their own contraindications, therefore, before proceeding with herbal treatment, a specialist consultation is necessary. As a rule, bearberry is not used to treat pregnant women, as the plant can cause uterine hypertonicity, which often causes premature birth or miscarriage.
There are contraindications for children under the age of 12, for people with renal insufficiency and a tendency to constipation, since the tannins contained in bearberry have fixing properties.
You should not use the “bear’s ear” and people with allergic reactions to the natural components of this medicinal plant.
Negative consequences are caused by excess dosage and improper preparation of the drug. Incorrect use of infusions and decoctions can lead to nausea, vomiting, sometimes even tinnitus and backache. If you are planning to start herbal medicine, then the best solution would be to first consult with your doctor, who will help you choose an individual treatment regimen. In complex treatment with traditional medicine, bearberry treatment will help to quickly cope with the disease.
The use of bearberry
As mentioned above, bearberry is successfully used both for treatment in urology and gastroenterology, and for cosmetic purposes. To avoid side effects, be sure to consult your doctor about in what form and in what proportions you should use bearberry for you.
An infusion of bearberry leaves helps to cope with an extremely unpleasant disease – cystitis. It should be borne in mind that alcohol infusion is not used in the acute form of the disease.
Healing infusions of bear grapes will help to cope with purely male diseases, for example, with prostatitis. Due to the antimicrobial effect of the drug, the improvement of the condition occurs much faster.
The use of tea from the leaves of bearberry well helps to alleviate the condition with pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. The main thing is not to violate the method of preparation and dosage of the healing drink.
Treatment of hemorrhoids
The use of “bear ears” in the form of trays is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Such procedures will relieve pain, accelerate healing and stop bleeding. The water temperature for this procedure will be recommended by the doctor based on your characteristics.
Diseases of the digestive tract
The use of a decoction of bearberry will help rid the body of Giardia. The dosage must also be agreed with the doctor, since it is important to consume a certain amount of decoction not at a time, but during the day.
Bearberry will also have a general strengthening effect on the gastrointestinal tract, help to establish metabolism and prevent inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.
Skin care
Due to its various healing properties, bearberry is actively used in cosmetology. It is effective for unwanted pigmentation, if you use the cooled decoction as a lotion 5 to 7 times a day. In the same way, you can improve the condition of the skin with acne. Acting as a natural antiseptic, bearberry effectively copes with inflammation, protecting against infection and accelerating the recovery of the skin. To cope with imperfections, you can wipe your face with a decoction of bear ears or take a tincture.
Antioxidants, found in abundance in natural cosmetics, help eliminate flaking and dryness, as well as smooth wrinkles.
Hair lightening
With the help of bearberry leaves, you can lighten not only the skin, but also the hair. A strong decoction of bear ears will help make your hair one or two shades lighter if you rinse your hair with it every time after washing.
Reviews of doctors about bearberry
Alena Paretskaya, pathophysiologist, immunologist:
– Bearberry leaf can be used in the form of a decoction or infusion, as well as in tea for the treatment and prevention of kidney disease. The plant has a fairly powerful diuretic effect, and also exhibits disinfectant properties. It is indicated in the treatment of urolithiasis (without exacerbation), with urethritis or cystitis, as part of complex therapy. The plant is part of the herbal collections sold in the pharmacy – Brusniver, Diuretic collection No. 2 or No. 1, urological collection. Also, powder from crushed raw materials is used as the basis for Uriflorin tablets and some dietary supplements.