Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato variety Bear’s paw got its name due to the unusual shape of the fruit. Its origin is not exactly known. It is believed that the variety was bred by amateur breeders.

Below are reviews, photos, the yield of tomatoes Bear’s paw. The variety is recommended for regions with a temperate and warm climate. Cultivation in colder regions is allowed when planting in a greenhouse.

Characteristics of a variety

The appearance of the Bear’s Paw variety bush has a number of features:

  • height of tomatoes – 2 m;
  • bush of indeterminate type;
  • tops of dark green color;
  • 3-4 tomatoes ripen on a brush.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

The characteristics and description of the tomato variety Bear’s paw are as follows:

  • medium early maturation;
  • high yield;
  • flat-round tomatoes;
  • next to the peduncle there is a pronounced ribbing;
  • mass of tomatoes – 800 g;
  • when ripe, the color of tomatoes changes from green to dark red;
  • glossy skin;
  • juicy fleshy pulp;
  • good taste of tomatoes;
  • there is sourness;
  • a large number of seed chambers;
  • resistance to drought and major diseases.

Productivity of the variety

Up to 30 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush of tomatoes of this variety. Due to this, it is considered high-yielding. Tomatoes ripen gradually throughout the season.

The characteristics and description of the tomato variety Bear’s paw allow it to be used fresh, added to soups, salads, sauces and main dishes. In home canning, these tomatoes are used to make puree, juice, and paste.

Harvested fruits can be stored for a long time or transported over long distances. If you pick them green, they will quickly ripen in room conditions.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Landing order

Tomato Bear’s paw is suitable for growing in greenhouses and in open areas. In cold climates, as well as for a large harvest, it is recommended to plant tomatoes indoors. Soil for tomatoes is prepared by digging and making compost.

Getting the seedlings

Tomatoes are grown by seedling method. Seeds are sown in early March. It is recommended to prepare the soil for planting in advance by mixing soil and humus in equal proportions. River sand and peat are added to heavy soil.

Advice! Before planting, the ground is placed in a heated oven or microwave.

Within 10-15 minutes, the soil is subjected to heat treatment. Then it is left for 2 weeks, so that bacteria useful for tomatoes can multiply.

The day before planting, tomato seeds are soaked in warm water. In this way, seed germination is increased.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

The prepared soil is placed in shallow containers 15 cm high. Furrows 1 cm deep must be made on its surface. Tomato seeds are placed in the soil in 2 cm increments. The seed material is sprinkled with earth on top and watered.

The first few days the containers are kept in the dark. It is recommended to cover them with film or glass. The higher the ambient temperature, the faster the first sprouts of tomatoes will appear. The best germination is observed at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

When tomato shoots begin to appear, the containers are transferred to the windowsill. Landings are illuminated for 12 hours. For watering tomatoes, warm, settled water is used.

Transfer to a greenhouse

According to reviews and photos, the Bear’s Paw tomato gives the maximum yield when grown in greenhouses. This planting method is also used in cold regions.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

It is necessary to transplant seedlings at the age of one and a half to two months. By this time, its height will reach 25 cm and 5-6 full-fledged leaves will form.

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in the autumn, when it is dug up and the remnants of the previous crop are removed. Two years in a row it is not recommended to grow tomatoes in one place. The top layer of soil in the heifer with tomatoes also needs to be replaced in order to avoid the spread of diseases and insects in the spring.

Advice! Before planting tomatoes, humus, peat, compost and sand are added to the soil.

The soil must remain loose and have good permeability. Tall tomatoes are planted in holes, between which 60 cm are left.

Tomatoes are staggered. This simplifies the care process, promotes the development of the root system and ventilation.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Outdoor cultivation

In open areas, Bear’s Paw tomatoes are grown in the southern regions. For them, beds are prepared, which are dug up in the fall and fertilized with compost.

Tomatoes are not planted in places where peppers or eggplants previously grew. However, they can be planted after onions, garlic, cabbage, cucumbers, representatives of the legume family.

Important! You can plant tomatoes in an open area when the weather is warm, when the soil and air are well warmed up, and the danger of frost has passed.

Plants are placed in wells spaced in 60 cm increments. If several rows are organized, then 70 cm are left between them.

An earthen ball with the root system of tomatoes is placed in a hole, covered with soil and trampled a little. Be sure to water the plants with warm water.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Features of care

Proper care will allow you to get a high yield of tomatoes and avoid problems with the spread of diseases and pests. The care process includes the introduction of moisture and fertilizers, pinching and tying a bush.

Watering tomatoes

Tomato variety Bear’s paw needs moderate watering. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out and the formation of a hard crust on its surface.

As the reviews and photos of the Bear’s Paw tomato show, excess moisture also negatively affects plants. As a result, it slows down their development, and fungal diseases are provoked.

Advice! Tomatoes are watered once or twice a week, taking into account climatic factors.

After landing in a permanent place and abundant watering, the next application of moisture is postponed for a week. The water used must be settled and warmed up.

One bush of tomatoes requires 3 liters of water. During the flowering period, up to 5 liters of water are added, but the procedure is carried out no more than once a week. When fruiting, the intensity of watering is reduced to avoid cracking the tomatoes.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Planting top dressing

The first top dressing of tomatoes is carried out a week after plant transplantation. You can use both mineral substances and folk remedies. There is a gap of 2 weeks between procedures.

Preference is given to fertilizing based on potassium or phosphorus. When watering in 10 liters of water, dissolve 30 g of superphosphate or potassium sulfate. Phosphorus contributes to the development of tomatoes and the formation of a healthy root system. Potassium helps improve the taste of fruits.

Advice! From folk remedies, ash is a universal fertilizer for tomatoes, which is buried in the ground or applied during irrigation.

During the flowering period, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid (1 g of the substance is diluted in 1 liter of water). Such top dressing stimulates the formation of ovaries.

Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Shrub formation

Tomato Bear’s paw is formed into one or two stems. Lower leaves and side shoots must be removed. Pasynkovanie avoids excessive growth of green mass. You need to eliminate the shoots growing from the sinus of the leaf.

The variety in question is tall, therefore, it must be tied up. A wooden or metal plank is used as a support. Tomatoes are tied at the top.

Tomatoes can be tied to a support structure consisting of several supports. A wire is stretched between them, to which the plants are fixed.

Reviews of gardeners

Elena, 49 years old, Perm
For a long time I chose which varieties of tomatoes to plant on the site. As a result, I chose Bear’s Paw tomatoes based on reviews, photos, and yields. Among all the varieties, he definitely met all expectations. The bush and the fruits themselves grew just huge. Tomatoes have a pleasant taste and high yield. They can be stored for a long time before being used for cooking.
Elizabeth, 35 years old, Irkutsk
Variety Bear’s paw has been grown for the fourth year. I always buy a couple of bags for planting, because the tomatoes turn out just wonderful. In the central strip, the variety ripens by mid-August. The taste of the Bear’s paw is bright and rich, the flesh is juicy and crumbly. Be sure to tie up the tomatoes, if this is not done, then they fall to the ground. Tomatoes are more suitable for salads; they must be cut into pieces before being added to the blanks.
Vasily, 57 years old, Samara
Bear’s paw tomatoes were liked for their excellent taste and reliability of the variety. The germination of the variety is very good. The fruits are medium in weight and dark in color. The variety has never failed, always gives a big harvest. Tomatoes grow 1 m high, so I tie it to a support. Landing is carried out in open ground. Once I saw that in the heat the fruits cracked. Since then, I cover the tomatoes from the sun with a non-woven fabric.


Bear paw tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Variety Bear’s paw is considered unpretentious and versatile. It is grown for sale and for personal use. Plant care includes watering, fertilizing and shaping the bush. The variety is resistant to disease and adverse conditions.

Harvest varieties of TOMATOES: in seeds and in reality

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