Beans Yin-Yang

What kind of color variety you will not see in the plant world. But you probably won’t find such a stylish grain bean anymore. The black and white drawing is very similar to the famous symbol of the connection of male and female yin-yang energy. Such an unusual and healthy dish can decorate any table.

Beans Yin-Yang

Description of the variety Yin-yang

Yin-yang bean belongs to the bush type of the plant. This is a grain variety, that is, beans without a pod are eaten. The height of an adult plant reaches 45 cm.

Attention! For its small size, the plant is considered high-yielding, since during the fruiting period it is simply strewn with pods.

Of course, the main feature of this variety is its unusual two-tone color.

Growing Beans Yin-Yang


Like all legumes, the seeds of this grain bean are soaked before planting until the sprouts sprout. Then they are planted in a hole to a depth of 7 cm. The distance between plants is kept within 15 cm. The soil for planting the Yin-yang variety should be light and fertile. The bed is best placed in a well-lit and wind-protected area. The best predecessors of grain beans are cabbage, tomato and potatoes.

Important! Do not land too early. Frosts can kill this heat-loving plant.

The best time for planting will be the end of May or the beginning of June, depending on climatic conditions.

Beans Yin-Yang  


  • you need to water the plant as needed, the soil should not be either overdried or flooded;
  • be sure to weed the plantings, as weeds can deprive this small plant of nutrition;
  • when a crust forms on the soil surface, it must be loosened;
  • during the beginning of flowering, it is necessary to feed grain beans with mineral fertilizers, if the soil is not fertile enough, then 10 days after germination, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, mullein solution, will be desirable.

In general, beans are quite unpretentious in their care, only these elementary actions are required to obtain a crop.

Beans Yin-Yang

Benefits of yin-yang beans

Yin-yang grain beans have a lot of advantages:

  • a beneficial effect on the nervous system is provided by the amino acids and B vitamins that make up the composition;
  • a large amount of fiber helps to lose weight;
  • a decent iron content will help with anemia;
  • for vegetarians, this product will be a good substitute for meat as a source of protein;
  • the content of other vitamins and microelements will help replenish the body’s reserves;
  • grain beans are perfect for dietary nutrition for certain diseases;
  • the mask from this product is an excellent source of nutrition for any type of skin, besides, it will also increase elasticity and even out complexion.

Beans Yin-Yang

This really beautiful and unusual plant is easy to grow. As a result, having received a lot of benefits and pleasure from its use.


Yin-yang bean reviews

Natalia, 37 years old, Cheboksary
When I saw these beautiful two-colored beans on a package of seeds, I bought it without hesitation. Planting, I was already looking forward to how I would treat my family with such an unusual product. All the planted seeds sprouted together. Small bushes have grown. I didn’t take much care of them, mostly just watered them. The harvest was modest, but with an unusual color did not disappoint. So, I still managed to surprise my loved ones.
Eugene, 46 years old, Yekaterinburg
For a very long time I have been fond of growing various leguminous plants. The choice fell on the Yin-yang variety because of the unusual color of the beans. Undemanding bush beans. Well grew. The yield is quite satisfactory considering the size of the plant, and looks simply gorgeous on the plate.
Olga, 30 years old, Rostov region
Since I began to follow the figure, I began to grow beans and other useful plants for my diet. The yin-yang variety was chosen to encourage children to eat healthy. I grew it without problems, however, the harvest was very modest in comparison with tall bean varieties. But I want to note that the beans cook well and quickly, they taste good. My children liked the interesting appearance, now they are happy to eat beans.

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