Beans Butter King

Beans are the oldest vegetable crop on our planet; people have been eating it for more than 7 thousand years. A native culture from Central and South America. A large number of varieties of beans are now known, the most useful being asparagus beans.


A useful dietary product with a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. In terms of nutritional value, asparagus beans are close to meat, so it can be a budget replacement. Manufacturers most often offer customers canned or frozen beans. Fresh beans, and even plucked from their beds, are much healthier. Moreover, growing beans is a simple process and does not require much effort from you.


Among the varieties that are successfully mastered by gardeners, the asparagus bean Butter King is especially popular. The variety belongs to early ripening, it takes about 50 days from the emergence of seedlings to the start of fruiting. The oil king is a bush variety of asparagus beans, a compact plant, no more than 40 cm high. The plant is resistant to diseases, endures the lack of regular watering.

Beans Butter King

But with the observance of simple agricultural practices, it gives a consistently high yield in the form of beans of a light yellow color, which grow up to 25 cm long. They do not contain a parchment layer and fibers. Even if you do not harvest at the stage of milky ripeness, the quality will not suffer at all. The pods remain as tender, stiffness and fibrousness do not appear. The taste of the Butter King variety is very pleasant, similar to the taste of young asparagus shoots. Fruits do not require long-term heat treatment, they can be preserved and frozen.

Beans Butter King


Variety Oil King is grown in open ground. Sowing of seeds is carried out in prepared soil in late May – early June, as the plant is thermophilic. The soil temperature should be at least +15 degrees, and the threat of cold snaps and frosts should also pass.

For the northern regions, a seedling method of growing the Oil King variety is suitable. In mid-May, plant seeds for seedlings in separate containers, peat pots are best. After a week, shoots will appear, and after 10 days, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Focus on the weather conditions of your climate zone. If the weather is cold, then it is better to wait a little with planting young plants in the ground.

Beans Butter King

Bush asparagus grows best on light soils, with a large number of pores through which air and water necessary for the plant pass to the roots. The oil king does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. Therefore, clay soils are not suitable for growing green beans.

Advice! Experienced gardeners recommend preparing the soil in the fall.

The soil needs to be dug up and potash-phosphorus fertilizers and fresh manure applied. By spring, organic matter and microelements will turn into an easily accessible form dissolved in the soil layer. Young plants cannot accept undecomposed organic matter, and a high concentration of trace elements is harmful to sprouts and seedlings.

Beans Butter King

Variety Oil King – unpretentious care. He will need watering, fertilizing and removing weeds. Don’t neglect feeds. The most simple and not requiring financial costs: top dressing with herbal infusion and slurry. For herbal infusion, use nettle, dandelion, wood lice, bluegrass. Do not use horse sorrel, wheatgrass, buttercup. They contain nutrients, but they contain substances that inhibit the growth of cultivated plants. Keep in mind that too frequent watering with herbal infusion leads to alkalization of the soil. Watering slurry can be done an unlimited number of times.

Beans Butter King

Important! Sandy and loamy soils, which are so fond of asparagus beans, have a light structure, but a poor mineral composition. In order to avoid nutritional deficiencies in plants, frequent top dressing is necessary.

Harvesting is the most enjoyable process for all gardeners. Pluck the fruits of the Butter King variety as they ripen. The more often you collect, the more pods will be tied. For growing beans, see the video:

Vegetable beans on 6 acres. Site “Garden World”


Beans Butter King

Asparagus beans are not a crop that will require your constant attention. Compliance with simple agricultural practices, and your family will be provided with the most delicious and healthy product not only in the summer, but also in the cold winter months. The oil king does not change its taste either in the process of freezing or in preservation.


Egor Bolotov, 37 years old, , Novgorod region
I really like bush asparagus beans, a very healthy product. For planting in my garden, I chose the variety Oil King. Pods taste good, tender, juicy, no fibers even in overripe pods.
Maria Sokolova, 60 years old, Tver region
Butter king is our favorite among the asparagus beans. No problems when growing, always a consistently rich harvest. Great pod flavor. We freeze in large quantities for the winter, we can’t afford to buy beans in the store.

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