Beans are one of the ten most consumed foods in the world. A large number of forms and varieties of beans are known. Today, this plant is grown in almost any climatic conditions and on soils that have a different structure. Biologists have identified 250 species of this culture. Green beans are classified into 2 main groups – Phaseolus L, that is, American, and Vigna Savi, that is, Asian. Today you will learn about the most popular varieties of plants beloved by summer residents of our country.
Division of varieties
For the first time, green beans are found in Chinese writings. And material evidence of its existence refers to the territory of South America. It was there that the plants were grown by the ancient Incas and Aztecs. Much later, scientists managed to find fossilized bean seeds in the area. As for European culinary traditions, this culture has firmly entered them somewhere in the 18th century. After the exquisite taste of green beans was appreciated by the Italians, the fashion for it came to France, after which it also appeared in the Old World.
The most popular are American beans, which have flat and long beans. In contrast, Asian ones have a characteristic cylinder shape. The shape of the plant can be bushy, semi-climbing and climbing. The length of the latter reaches 5 meters.
There are varieties with different numbers of seeds and beans of different sizes (from 5 to 15 cm). The color of the beans is also interesting, they distinguish brown, green, yellow. Seeds are often white, cream, brown, red, black, greenish. Small-seeded, medium-seeded and large-seeded are found in size. The classification according to the type of structure and taste is as follows. Semi-sugar, sugar and asparagus, as well as grain (they are shelling) varieties of green beans are known. According to the ripening time, early-ripening (up to 70 days), mid-ripening (within 70 – 95), late (harvest can be harvested no earlier than 90 days later).
What kind of beans are there? Even varieties have been bred that are designed for cultivation in areas with different climates. They endure dry weather, high humidity, the presence of too low or high temperatures. Next, we will look at the best varieties of beans in more detail.
Video “Varieties”
From the video you will learn what varieties of beans are.
Asparagus, it is also sugar beans, is rightfully considered valuable in terms of taste. Since her shoulder blades do not have fibers, as well as a layer of parchment. Beans of these varieties are excellent for eating fresh, cooked, canned, frozen. Let’s name some varieties.
Saxa 615 is a sugar crop with an early ripening period and a high degree of yield. Her bushes can grow up to 35 cm in height. The shoulder blades are up to 12 cm in diameter, have a delicate light green color. The peculiarities of the culture are resistant immunity to diseases, excellent taste and commodity characteristics.
The oil king is an asparagus species that delights owners with good yields. It grows up to 40 cm in height, suitable for open ground, has strong immunity. Beans have a length of up to 20 cm and a beautiful golden yellow color, are used both fresh and after cooking, can be canned or placed in the freezer for storage.
Bona – a variety that has early ripening, resists diseases well, reaches 40 cm in height. Grown in open ground. Beans are colored in various shades of green, their length is no more than 13 cm. They are tasty and versatile in terms of preparation.
It is customary to grow semi-sugar types of crops both for consumption and in order to obtain selected grains. Moreover, beans are best eaten at the stage of milky maturity.
Among the universal species, the Sekunda variety can be called. It belongs to early ripening, has a high yield, feels great in open ground conditions. Bushes usually grow up to 40 cm, and tasty shoulder blades are about 12 cm, have a characteristic green color. Endowed with good immunity.
Variety Rant is a bush plant from which it is possible to collect a large number of green beans, having a size of about 13 cm and delicate pink seeds. Ripens quite early. Beans are suitable for preparing various dishes, as well as for seaming for the winter.
Another early maturing species is Indiana. White grains grow on the bush with an original red pattern. It looks a bit like a headdress worn by the Indians. Hence the name. This variety gives high yields and has strong immunity.
Green beans are still shelled. Its pod is not used for food. It becomes stiff at a young age due to the early formation of the parchment layer. But it can accumulate a large number of elements useful for the human body. Such beans are perfectly stored all winter, and before cooking it is recommended to soak and then cook for at least 2 hours.
A striking representative of the shelling beans is the Swallow variety. This is a low-growing crop with beans, the length of which is no more than 15 cm. It ripens quite early, pleases with normally boiled grains that have a standard white color. On the surface you can see a drawing depicting the tail of a swallow. Features are strong immunity, the ability to easily endure the lack of water, unpretentiousness in terms of care.
There is also Chocolate. This is a grain bean, endowed with an average ripening period. Beans contain iron, magnesium, potassium, a lot of protein. The bush is quite high – up to 60 cm. The beans themselves are painted in an unusual chocolate brown color.
The mid-season variety Rubin is also popular among gardeners in our country. Its bushes reach up to 55 cm in height. It has grains of a dark purple hue, the protein content of which is up to 27%. Such a plant is resistant to possible lodging and bacteriosis, but requires a certain degree of illumination and planting on fertile soil.
Such varieties of your favorite vegetable are, among other things, decorative. Not only do they produce delicious beans, but they are a true eye-catcher in any garden. Their beans by nature received the original shape and non-standard color. In order to speed up the ripening time of climbing species, experienced summer residents often pinch the tops of crops. It is advised to do this at the end of the growing season.
King beans quickly entwine any proposed support. It has many beautiful and large white flowers. You can use it for landscaping your garden. This is a late-ripening species with large beans and a good degree of yield. Contains a lot of protein. When planting, a distance of about 30 cm between crops and up to 40 cm between rows should be observed. Then it is realistic to form bushy shoots and get the largest possible royal fruits – beautiful and tasty.
Bluehilda is an early ripe version of your favorite culture. On lashes up to 3 meters long, many pods (25 cm each) of an interesting purple color grow. It has such advantages as excellent taste, resistance to weather changes, versatility of purpose, ease of care.
Golden Nectar is an early maturing species with plants up to 4 meters tall. Bright pods of an unusual amber-yellow color appear on them. Such golden beans have long beans that grow up to 25 cm. Inside are beans with white grains. They are very juicy and tasty. The variety is distinguished by a high degree of productivity, stable immunity and versatility in terms of use.
Green giant bean is a plant with pods about 22 cm long. Liana can grow up to 3 meters in height. The variety acquires the ability to bear fruit already 55 days after planting and retains it until the onset of cold weather. During the flowering period, you can see small flowers of a purple hue. The beans are very tender, sugary, not covered with parchment and do not contain fibers.
Bush varieties
Among practical gardeners, determinant varieties of your favorite crop are especially popular. Since they do not need a lot of space and there is no need to tie up later. In height, such plants reach about 60 cm.
A prominent representative of the species is the Crane. Delicious round-shaped fruits are formed on it, having a size of up to 15 cm. Their taste qualities appear already at the stage of maturity. The seeds also taste good. The ripening period is early, the species is endowed with increased productivity and good immunity.
There is also Chardeyka. Her bushes do not need special care. The beans are yellow-waxy, grow no more than 15 cm. The grains are painted black. It has excellent immunity to diseases, original taste, beans are universal in terms of use.
The early ripe Flamingo culture allows you to grow neat bushes up to 60 cm high on the plot. It normally adapts to the proposed conditions, gives a good birth of selected variegated fruits. Which combine white and pink colors. The seeds are multi-colored. Beans have an exquisite taste, high nutritional value. They can be eaten in any form.
original varieties
For lovers of the exotic, unusual varieties of their favorite culture are intended. Such beans are not only colored, but also have their own “zest” depending on the variety.
For example, the bushes of the Fashionista species allow you to grow beans with a white color of the valves, which have purple-purple blotches on the surface. When measured, the length of each bean can reach 18 cm. It has an average ripening period. Acquires a small parchment layer and white seeds by the end of the growing season.
Yin-yang pleases owners with increased productivity. Bushes usually grow no more than 45 cm. The plant got its name due to its interesting color. On the beans, you can see a pattern that resembles a well-known dual symbol.
Another unusual specimen is called the Purple Dream. It has medium maturity. Beans have an elongated shape and a rich purple color. Such a tall plant is beautiful not only during the flowering period, but also before harvesting, which is always unusually rich.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to properly grow beans.