beagle dog
Beagles have been around since medieval England. The royal nobility used them to track deer and roe deer and hunt hares. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells the details about this pet
Name of the breedBeagle
Country of originUnited Kingdom
The time of the birth of the breed14th century
A typeHounds and related breeds
The weight12 – 18 kg
Height (height at the withers)33 – 40 cm
Lifespan13 – 15 years
IFF classificationGroup 6, section 1, number 161
Price of puppies250 – 950 $
Most popular nicknamesArchie, Chucky, Luke, Vegas, Hans, Cooper, Theo, Chip, Isa, Sandy, Cher, Blackie, Roxy, Laura.

History of origin

Beagles have been around since medieval England. The royal nobility used them to track deer and roe deer and hunt hares. The history of the origin of beagles has not yet been fully studied: according to historians, the progenitors of these cute dogs appeared in ancient Rome and from there were brought to England in 1066 during the Norman campaign, where they crossed with hound breeds for several centuries.

Beagles became especially popular during the reigns of Edward II and Henry VII, and Queen Elizabeth I even maintained a whole kennel of “pocket” beagles the size of a glove.

In the XNUMXth century, Irish farmers began breeding the breed, who hunted rabbits and hares with them. And in the XNUMXth century in Essex, they thoroughly set about breeding hunting dogs, which became the progenitors of modern beagles.

Breed description

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is a medium sized dog with a strong build, with muscular hind legs and a medium length tail with an obligatory white tip. The ears of the beagle, when stretched out, reach the tip of the nose, while they are rounded and hang down. This breed has an amazing sense of smell, so it is often used not only to track game, but also to search for contraband and drugs at airports. Big brown eyes and slightly pendulous lips give special charm to beagles.

The color of the breed corresponds to the standard colors of the hounds. Most often there is a combination of black, white and red color, less often black and white bicolor or completely white beagles.



Beagles have a cheerful and good-natured disposition, they love to play and frolic. They simply adore small children and can become their caring nanny and true friend. Beagles get along well with other pets, with the exception of small animals like hamsters or rabbits – after all, hunting instincts take their toll.

Representatives of this breed are very smart and quick-witted, but sometimes they can play pranks and turn the whole house over, chasing around the rooms. Beagles are very curious dogs, so not a single corner of the apartment will remain unexplored. Do not leave dogs alone for a long time: missing the owner, they can bark and whine loudly, annoying their neighbors, or gnaw on furniture.

Care and maintenance

When getting a beagle, remember that this is a hound dog, and therefore needs daily walks with the opportunity to run around and frolic.

It is worth noting that beagles shed all year round, especially in spring. It is necessary to carefully comb out the pet’s hair, otherwise it will accumulate throughout the house. Beagles are very clean dogs, so you should not bathe them too often, washing off the protective grease from the coat. Although, if after the next walk your pet gets very dirty, then arrange extraordinary water procedures for him. It is also worth regularly cleaning the ears of accumulated sulfur and dirt with a special solution and wiping the eyes with antimicrobials if the dog is concerned about discharge and lacrimation.

As for nutrition, remember the main rule – never overfeed the beagle, even if he sits at the table with the most hungry look. It is better to choose professional dry food, in which all proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be balanced. If you prefer to feed the dog “from the table”, then 70% of the diet should be boiled meat and offal, boneless fish, and only 30% – cereal. You can include cottage cheese, fermented baked milk in your diet, but if the dog has an indigestion, discard these products.

Education and training

Beagles are very smart and quick-witted dogs, but at the same time they can be distinguished by enviable stubbornness. Training should begin at an early age, rewarding success with petting and treats. Forget about punishment: any manifestation of aggression can cause resentment in the dog, and you will have to forget about training. It is unlikely that you will be able to teach your pet to sleep in a certain place: most often beagles fall asleep where they are overwhelmed by fatigue.

If you suddenly decide to take a beagle with you on a hunt, remember that this breed is intended for hunting only small animals, such as hares and rabbits. They will easily take the trail and will pursue the prey, raising their voice. It is worth accustoming beagles to racing not earlier than nine months of age, it is best in September – when the hares are most active.

Health and disease

Beagles are considered true long-livers among dogs, their average age is about 15 years. And although dogs rarely suffer from specific diseases, improper feeding can lead to obesity and digestive problems. Also, beagles (especially older ones) often have hip dysplasia, and this is fraught with arthritis or even lameness. Another insidious disease is achondroplasia, which can lead to degeneration of the front paws. Epilepsy is very rare, but still occurs, so do not forget to take your dog to the veterinarian at least once a year.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about beagle dogs with veterinarian, livestock specialist Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk a beagle?

 Beagles need to be walked 2-3 hours a day. Beagles, like all hunting dogs, are very active, they need to move a lot.

Will a beagle get along with a cat?

Gets along great with a cat. But dog activity can annoy nap-loving cats. But, if your cat loves to play, they will definitely find a common language.

How do beagles react to other dogs?

Beagles (like all hounds) usually get along well with other dogs.

Is it ok to let a beagle free-range in the countryside?

Free range in rural areas is prohibited by law, especially a hunting dog. The hounds are designed to work on the beast, so they can be taught to poultry. Otherwise, they can choke chickens and chickens.

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